>tfw live better than kings did hundreds of years ago
Feels good man
>tfw live better than kings did hundreds of years ago
Feels good man
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Heh what a pleb
That feel when no girlfriend tho
Materialism is sin.
t. Henry Chesterton IV
>TFW no harem though
In some regards. Others, not so much. You probably don't have a legion of servants or a harem full of women.
Why do you need a girlfriend when you have videogames?
>don't get to spend all day hunting, riding horses, dancing, feasting and whoring while everyone adores you and all your loyal servants and statesmen sort out all your problems for you
I think not
Videogames won't let you rim an asshole
>old hags
fuck off
No you don't lol.
Kings could clap their hands and get whatever amount of pussy they wanted.
They could also ride around in armor and swordfight, even kill people.
You eat better food and will live longer, that is basically it.
But your life will still likely be far more depressing and shittier than some kings life.
>you eat better food
Not really. The average meal of a king might be on-par with the kind of meal one has a handful of times in their lifetime, unless they are ultrarich.
>Uses modern technology to condemn modernity as evil.
One doesn't have to like something to be bound to it.
>omg jews why do you hate the romans so much if you live under them wtf i hate jews now take the red pill
We're bound to the technology you sperg.
Does anyone have the "Wagecuck vs. Serf" image saved?
Kinda a weird analogy to use.
You're free to reject modern technology. Go live in Clear Creek, Oklahoma.
That's not freedom. Jews were free to bugger off somewhere too. It's not like the Romans could control every part of the middle east.
I used the Jews as an example for a reason, user, they were bound to Jerusalem.
Sex is nice. I like children too
Our lives are much more comfortable.
Money and servants means nothing if you don't have your health. Most people find that out that hard way.
You're not tho, so bugger off.
Yes I am.
Our lives are horrible.
What's "yenta"?
>But your life will still likely be far more depressing and shittier than some kings life.
Nice projection, plebeian! Can't hear you here in my castle (bachelor pad)!
Well, it's important have an effective medium if you want to spread the Lord's word.
Never understood the fascination with the ass. Don't you know that poopoo comes out of there for girls as well? I guess it helps define the form of the girl's body, but simply paying attention to the ass itself is just nonsense.
>rim an asshole
Why would I do that? Literally the most disgusting subservient beta thing you can do, worse than kissing someone's boots.
>thinking I'm gonna work for the corps
nice joke chummer
>our lives
Take a pick and run with it you Anglo swine
I'll have you know that I have a 2D wife, and don't need a girlfriend.
I advise that you also marry a perfect 2D girl.
old hag
>Tfw no royal marriage
Hilarious and origional.
Stop asking retarded questions you can google in 2 seconds you fucking moron.
You can always become a priest.
>this is what dead inside wagecucks tell themselves
No you can't. I tried.
>being unable to just appreciate a nice butt
A king? Not really. Our environments are more comfortable due to shit like AC and superior heating. Not to mention medical care and entertainment.
Other than that a wealthy noble or merchant would still be far better off than your average pleb today. They had servants doing everything for them, professional chefs cooking them whatever they wanted, the finest clothing, and the ability to literally get away with murder should someone piss them off.
>Other than that a wealthy noble or merchant would still be far better off than your average pleb today. They had servants doing everything for them, professional chefs cooking them whatever they wanted, the finest clothing, and the ability to literally get away with murder should someone piss them off.
And live in constant fear of being usurped or invaded.
America's homicide clearance rate—the percentage of solved crimes that lead to arrest—has fallen considerably in the past 50 years, from around 90% in 1965 to around 64% in 2012, according to federal statistics. This means more than 211,000 homicides committed since 1980 remain unsolved.Jul 4, 2015
>source for something self-evident
>90% in the 60s
yeah, and 80% of them were innocent or negroes that got blamed for literally everything
peter hitchens is a whiny old knob who cares what he says
Is it though? today we have a wealth of spices and luxury foods that would be exotic and hard to obtain, not to mention may not even be available in that part of the world, not to mention cooking has gone from something that was a necessity to more of an artform in the last 100 years. Again, I ask source that kings ate more varied, quality food than what I could obtain and prepare for myself with $50 at the local grocer
>spices and luxury food make a meal
t. tastelet
>spices and luxury food don't make a meal
t. king from hundreds of years ago
Why are arguments good?
Firstly, kings had access to spices and such. He could pay to have one of the best chefs in Europe work for him.
He didn't have to deal with restrictions.
Arguments and counter-arguments are how we find answers.
It's easy to just SAY that, what I was asking for was a source to where you got your info from, or if you were just deducing that's the way things were
No they aren't.
And if so, why are answers good?
Answers solve problems. By their definition that's what they are.
B-but I have a magic box that produces pictures of traps which I can jerk my penis off to
Why is solving problems good?
Because problems are by their definition bad. Think of problem-solving as the removal of bad things.
Why do you think problems are bad?
If they weren't bad we wouldn't recognize them as problems.
>the I've personally slept with more races of women than any of my ancestors even knew existented, like a genetic conquistador
>tfw I eat meat and fruit every single day
>tfw physical exercise for fun, a practice facilitated by technology to allow anyone and everyone to have the physique of a Greek god
>when I'm done that I literally hop into a tube and have a personal waterfall of clean warm water cascade over me
>I can relax with almost every single piece of music ever created available in an instant, no matter the temporal/special distance between me and the artist
>Dito with art, books, plays, etc.
I literally get to live the life of a God in exchange for 8 hours a day of minimum wage labor.
Modernity is pretty cool desu.
Yes we would.
No one is impressed by you sleeping with old hags
Literally nobody is impressed with your creepy perverse obsession with little girls
adolescents are not little girls, frog poster.
So you get primae noctis?
You don't have to work?
You get to sleep with all the girls in the court even if you're ugly?
Yeah....that's probably because forensics fucking sucked and you could get convicted if you had a motive and someone saw you in the general vicinity of the victim before they died.
He's anti-capitalism? Or, wait, does he actually confuse capitalism with globalism?
Globalism is all about wealth like he says. Once you obliterate culture and tradition all that you have left are efficiency and hedonism. Financial interests are the driving force behind globalism. Not necessarily what I'd call capitalist though.
What we understand as capitalism came out of the enlightenment, right? Which was completely anti-religion, anti-tradition, and focused on people doing "useful" things. Capitalism is the source of the loss of all those things. It's sort of surprising they held on for so long.
Is he some kind of monarchist then?
Probably a kind of traditionalist would be the most accurate label. He wants England to be English forever. Trains and bicycles instead of cars and trucks, everyone is Christian, decosmopolitanize London, everyone gets along with their neighbors and social capital is unimaginably high, that sort of thing.
no harem.
So yuz be sayin dat we kangz n shiet now?
then throw out your computer
>no court of loyal vassals and scribes doting on your every word
>no royal banquets held in your honour
>no rival kingdom razed and put to the sword by your command
>no vast riches and land
>no children to pass your reign down to and ensure the glory of your family for centuries
you live like SHIT
Wait what else would make a meal, besides spices and ingredients? Sure cooking plays a part but if we're arguing modernity vs. medieval kings I have access to literally millions of recipes.
And they have the best chefs in Europe, or even out of colonies. They're better than you unless you're a professional chef yourself.
Don't have to worry about being razed, executed or usurped though. Everyone seems to be assuming that all kings had strong kingdoms
t. I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about
You could open up a fucking kindergarden book on culinary history and learn this is wrong.
but at least you would die a king and not some old fag in a hospital bed
>I like children too
I bet you do :`^>
>Can't eat no raw vegetable because human shit is used as fertilizers, everything has to be boiled for hours
>Alcohol all the time because the water is shit
>Pickled cucumber to everything
>If you're a king, noble or very rich you'll eat lung hash, pig's trotters, lamb head and other similar disgusting stuff
People ate a lot of chitterlings. Today you almost never eat chitterlings because it taste like shit.
>I ask source that kings ate more varied, quality food than what I could obtain and prepare for myself with $50 at the local grocer
Do you spend $50 on every meal?
Also good luck finding swans and whole boars at your grocer's.
>all that pleb taste
Why are Anglos even talking about cuisine?
>ancient kings would be LUCKY for the chance to pay shit tons of gold for a small bundle of pepercorns
>nowadays I can sprinkle as much pepper I want on my scrambled eggs every day and it costs me almost nothing
feels peppery man
This guy gets it.
>Never understood the fascination with the ass.
I shall explain it through Veeky Forums's preferred medium:
food is a big one. imagine having to eat nothing but potatoes and fish without seasoning or butter everyday for your entire life. I think at some point monarchs could at least have the luxury of lots of good food.
You think seriously think swans and whole boars would be a king's average meal 200 years ago?
but can you scour an empire for the perfect fuckboy and venerate him as a god
says the virgin
The problem is precisely that people DON'T feel better about their life even if the median person in the west has a life so luxurious that pretty much nobody could afford it in the past. Which means that all this obsession with achieving higher standards of comfort, wealth and so on are just a neurosis of the modern man.
You not only live worse than kings, you probably live worse than medieval peasants as well.
>Before 1600, the average peasant was living very well. He was more free than is generally thought. He was living exactly the life to which today’s stockbrokers aspire: a big house in the country with horses, animals and land. It’s just that the peasant didn’t have to slave in the city from 7 a.m. every weekday to get it: he just had to work for a day or two each week on the manorial land. Every tenant peasant had his own arrangement with the manor house. Here are two thirteenth-century examples from Rowland Parker:
>Thomas Vaccarius holds 9 acres of land with a house, and he must do each year 100 days work, plough one acre and do carting service when required. He shall receive one hen, and shall mow and stack. His services are valued at 10s a year, and he pays a rent of 3d.
>John Aubrey holds 18 acres of land with a house, and he must do 52 days work a year, must plough for 2 days, do 2 boon-works at harvest, mow the meadow for 2 days, cart the hay, repair the roof of the hall, harrow the oat-land along with his fellows, and he shall receive one hen and 16 eggs. His services are valued at 9s 8d and he pays a rent of 2s 6d.
>Thomas Vaccarius paid a tiny fraction of his wages in rent for his nine-acre holding. He worked just two days a week. John Aubrey had eighteen acres of land and a job which only required him to work one day a week and which, in today’s values, pays him thirty grand a year (putting his rent at £7,000, a modest amount for such a considerable property). The rest of the time, John and Thomas would be working on their smallholdings and practising a craft or several crafts by which they earned more money. — Tom Hodgkinson
The only thing that's definitely better is medicine and healthcare nowadays, which might not even hold true for you depending on where you live as well as the health problems caused by modern technologies and pollution.
>even if the median person in the west
This triggers the hoplite.
this one was really good, user
>Kindergarten book on culinairy history
That's the book between "Applied Astrophysics for toddlers" and "Nietschze's Bedtime Stories: God Is Dead" right?