SEC regulations

Can they really even do anything? They want to crackdown on crypto now with the new bill being passed in Congress, and they're gonna especially go after ICOs. But how the fuck can they really enforce it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>But how the fuck can they really enforce it?

Very easily.
Punish people who don't do what they say.
All it would take is one poster-child crypto-faggot getting sentenced to 30 years in prison. We'll see how many people keep using crypto then...

>How can the SEC enforce anything
>How do regulators enforce stuff

Take a fucking government class you illiterate neet.

take a look here to see their mentality on it.

But enforcing it, it probably be the same way they enforce anything that relates to the internet..wait till they can trick you/middleman you or bust you for something else. Confiscate your pcs and charge you with what ever is illegal on it.

Sec coin to pump and dump when

Crypto is a whole new ball game, if they could really regulate it that easily why do so many dark net markets still exist?

Maybe if you took a fucking geography class you would realize that the US isn't the entire world, and that all the non-US based exchanges will continue to operate exactly as they do now.

Exactly so now ICOs are saying no u.s participants just to cover their asses, but nothing prevents burgers from participating

>you will die within Feinsteins lifetime

Because bureaucracy is slow and ponderous. When you see what FinCEN does in a target rich environment with clear guidelines to operate by and a mandate for seizures and prosecutions you'll feel differently.

This is about US enforcement. GTFO Euroscum.

I am an american, faggot. It sounds like you have no understanding of how crypto works or what it even is if you think a government agency can somehow prevent you from doing whatever the fuck you want with your coins.

>being passed in Congress

That didn't actually happen though. "Referred to a Senate committee" and "passed congress" are very different things. Many bills die in committee, many cone out unrecognizable. It then bounces between both chambers with several opportunities for revision (and veto by either chamber) before it lands on the president's desk (he also gets an opportunity to amend or veto it, depending on how many votes it gets in the Senate).

Meanwhile they actually did pass the Financial CHOICE act and pretty much the entire admin is pro-cryptocurrency. Once the IRS is under control we can expect a more favorable guidance than Obongo's 2014 abortion

All crypto innovation will leave the USA and move to China and Russia. Burgers will hasten their inevitable demise.

>Get your money through a bank in an amount triggering a report
>This may trigger an audit when your bank information doesn't match what you say on your tax return form of choice
>This triggers an investigation
>A lineup of alphabet soup agencies that share information under the aegis of the Treasury Department run a train on you

You dense mother fucker. I know exactly what you're going to say, "Ooh, I'll get cash for my bitcoins!" Cool, so it will be your major purchases that trip a red flag and trigger an investigation instead.

>I won't buy or pay for big ticket items with my bitcoin gains

Then you're a small fish.

>According to Poloniex, you made 50 BTC and withrdrew it. What happened to that BTC? What did you use it for?

>sorry judge, I actually sent it to the wrong address by mistake, and its all gone. I have no access to that money now.

Prove that's not true. You could have a fucking mind wallet and they'll never prove otherwise until you cash out, but you could do that overseas or some shit. The feds options for crypto are either an outright ban (which even then would be hard to enforce) or to just let it be.

I love all of this wishful thinking that you guys do. If they got Al fucking Capone they CAN get your stupid ass. Pay your goddamn taxes you parasites.

All it would take is a black market bitcoin purchase scheme that would give you a shitty rate for your bitcoin but wouldn't report it to the feds.

They got Al Capone because he had an accountant keeping track of his illegal transactions.

retard, you don't need to be pay taxes on unrealized gains. the point is if the fed decides they want to become nosy with crypto they're wasting their time.

what coin is this? logo fucking sucks

The FBI would raid them.


You are a dense motherfucker. Go ahead and do whatever it is that you want, but in the event that you ever get fucked up the ass by regulators I want you to think back to this thread and think to yourself, "Gee, I sure could have saved myself some serious trouble if I had just paid my fucking 18% long term capital gains tax, instead I'm facing serious penalties and jail time."

>withdraw $10k in cash from my local bank branch
>anonymously deposit said cash into a bitcoin wallet at a bitcoin atm
>use a decentralized exchange to exchange it for my altcoin of choice
>wait 1 year for 100,000% gains
>sell my altcoin for $10 million worth of btc
>send btc to coinbase, exchange it for usd
>wire the money to my bank account
>tell the irs "I found an old hard drive with $10 million worth of btc I mined 5 years ago, here's your 15% long term capital gains tax"

What now, retard?

>withdraw 10k in cash

Report to the feds.

>deposit said cash into a bitcoin wallet at a bitcoin atm

Are you talking sci-fi?


Pick one.

>exchange btc for usd

Triggers a report

>wire the money to my bank account

Triggers a report.

>Pay tax

This is what you would have had to do anyway. That's it. That's all. None of the rest of that was necessary.

>The FBI would raid them!
And then 15 more sites would spring up the next day. Same shit happened with the drug markets.
Guess what? There's still people exchanging coins for cash money on those sites too.

>he doesn't know that bitcoin atm's exist
>he doesn't know that decentralized exchanges exist

That confirms my suspicion that you have no idea what crypto actually is.

>doesn't even know what a BTC ATM is
>tries to pretend he knows what he's talking about

I'm not saying that they're perfect. I'm saying that if you have substantial gains from this and try to realize them in a meaningful way without just paying your fucking taxes that there is a good chance of you getting fucked over it.

>Bitcoin atm
>Physical atm
>Won't ever get seized or monitored

How do we stop the jews?

This is what you guys are missing. Should the fed completely turn against cryptocurrencies. The price of cryptocurrencies will fall and bounce like a dead cat. Most likely the Fed isn't just going to outright ban blockchain as a concept, they will just regulate so that only a financial institution has the means to utilize or trade in it. They WILL try to put this back in the bank's hands long before it becomes commonly used by normal people. When you work the fed, the question is not: How do we look dumb fighting an unwinnable war. UNLESS: We can then tax the American Citizen heavier for providing them a service they don't want and PROFIT.

>mentioning she who must not be named on the day libshits push gun control

I. Am. For. Sure. Leaving. This. Shit. Country.

I took a loan out to buy crypto. Can I subtract the debt of the loan from the profit I report?

I think politicians need to be given some sort of trial which they're released in an inner city ghetto with no resources and they must buy a bus ticket or whatever means to get home.

No but you can deduct the interest payments on the loan

all im saying is jewstein is incredibly detached from reality, obviously.

Wouldn't hurt to beg on the street or help needy children

I think all politicians and their immediate family must bequeath there wealth to the american public and live pious lives of service from that point forward.

that makes more sense!
