France's proudest moment? England's proudest moment?
France's proudest moment? England's proudest moment?
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>France's proudest moment?
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>England's proudest moment?
Dunno, that time they defeated a bunch of Zulus in the 19th century?
Or that time they beat the Italians in North Africa during WW2?
This is even more We Wuz than Holy Roman krauts and nigger Egyptians
pic related
>England's proudest moment was when they played a minor role in a huge coalition to defeat a single guy
Wew lads
For England: The Seven Years' War.
I'm an American, though, so a Brit may say otherwise.
Britain barely did shit in the Seven Years War
It took them an entire fucking decade to beat a French force they outnumbered 4 to 1 in North America (pic related), and in Europe they barely did anything
The Seven Years War was Prussia's shinning moment, not Britain's
>1215-The Magna carta
>1346-The battle of Crecy
>1485-The Tudor Dynasty
>1688 – The Glorious Revolution
>1815 – The Battle of Waterloo
>1918-Victory over the Hun
>1940-Battle of Britain
>1945-Defeat of Nazi germany and imperial Japan
>1789-The French revolution
>1346-The battle of Crecy
A battle in a war England lost is England's proudest moment?
>1485-The Tudor Dynasty
A Welsh dynasty is England's proudest moment?
>1688 – The Glorious Revolution
Getting conquered by the Dutch is England's proudest moment?
>1815 – The Battle of Waterloo
A battle in which barely 25,000 Brits for 93,000 German fought is England's proudest moment?
>1918-Victory over the Hun
A war in which the entire world barely defeated a lone country and in which France contributed more than Britain is England's proudest moment?
>1940-Battle of Britain
Getting bombed to death while hiding on your island after having cowardly fled the continent before the advancing German army is England's proudest moment?
>1945-Defeat of Nazi germany and imperial Japan
The Soviet victory over Nazi Germany and the American victory over Imperial Japan are England's proudest moment?
.t Anglo
>Dunno, that time they defeated a bunch of Zulus in the 19th century?
Fuckin´kek m8
>1346-The battle of Crecy
Ah yes, a proud moment when the flower of French aristocracy fell under a hailstorm of Longbow arrows, a battle that cemented Englands place as a european power, never undiminished in the following centuries
>1485-The Tudor Dynasty
Ah yes, the house of Lancaster defeated York and became Englands rulers.The intellectual and artistic growth was only matched by the economic and imperial gains(the new world), also the Protestant religion usurped the Catholic faith after many years of bloody torment. In short, the modern age was arriving.
wew lad, the amount of buttthurt emanating off this post is amazing.
>truth is butthurt
t. froggy
t. lindybeige
Arrows don't penetrate plate, that's the entire point of plate. The arrows killed the horses. It was common infantry with short swords that slaughtered the immobilized French knights.
Go back to masturbating on the bren
lmao stay assblasted jacques
Top kek
Not an argument, you brits have some serious delusions of grandeur.
Either sinking the Armada or Trafalgar
Brit navy>Brit army
>That moment they overthrew their king, won a war against the entire world and shaped the centuries to come
>That moment they got bombed while hiding on their island after having ran away from the Germans on the continent
Doesn't seem fair
Surely England has something better than that?
Give him a break, the actual English peeople are good folks. Their upper class is a cancer on this world though. Everything beneath those guys has been brainwashed for centuries, they simply don't know better.
>That moment they got bombed while hiding on their island after having ran away from the Germans on the continent
That's a horrifically retarded comment and you know it
Britain in 1940 was the last ally left and rejected peace, choosing to fight on despite being outnumbered, and then beating back an airforce twice its size.
Tbf 1940 could also stand for the one time when British forces bravely ran away while French fought against German onslaught.
So you instead suggest British Forces should've remained in Dunkirk despite being encircled by a larger force, so the entire BEF would be captured?
For France, 1789, most relevant year because of them
For Britain I'd say probably about 1878. Some time during Disraeli their high was more of a longer maintained high
This. Britain had a more stretched out golden age. the 1870's really were their best years.
France's golden age was during Louis XIV, and then again between 1789-1814.
The British Empire reached its peak in 1922
Anglo moments of eternal glory is Trafalgar and Waterloo.
French moment of eternal glory is revolutionary wars.
I only say this because there is nothing redeemable about the battles of the great war and WWII, even if the valor and courage of those men are doubtlessly the greatest in history.
But the French ran away as well, the French forces were evacuated too.
A battle won by Prussians.
I agree but they still have pride in it, so who am I to say otherwise.
Trafalgar for Britain
Austerlitz for France
Trafalgar and The Nile. not Waterloo.
non-frog detected
I can understand Trafalgar, but Waterloo? Really?
A "British" army of 68,000 (out of which 43,000 were actually Germans) lead by an Irishman almost gets defeated by the tired remnants of the French army lead by a sick Napoleon before being saved in extremis by 50,000 Prussians...
It cemented the reputation of Wellington and has been a talking point of banter for hundreds of years, I'm not sure what you want me to explain.
>never undiminished in the following centuries
No one took England seriously from during the XV ,XVI and XVII centuries
>lead by an Irishman
Stop this meme. Wellington considered himself English. He was merely born in Ireland to Anglo-Irish parents, and then raised in England.
He said himself it's ridiculous to consider him Irish
Lel. Britain was in a huge recession after WW1. More land=/=more power
how is this relevant
saying I'm a jew doesn't make me one
a person's opinion of their race/nationality doesn't affect it
>Wellington considered himself English
And Richard Lionheart considered himself French too, yet he's known as an English monarch
It's where you're born that counts
Because he had the points to back it up. He was born half english and raised in England.
I was born in Dubai to Scottish parents and was raised in England
I'm not fucking Emirati, I'm British
He's known as a monarch of England, if you consider him French then no he is not an English monarch, he is a French monarch of England.
>It's where you're born that counts
So Napoleon isn't French, despite most of his life being spent in France?
Alexander Hamilton isn't American?
my Brother was born while my parents were on holiday in France, my parents are both English. he does not speak a word of french.
Is he French?
>So Napoleon isn't French, despite most of his life being spent in France?
Napoleon is Italian
>Hamilton isn't American
Being American means nothing. You can be a half Paki and half Abbo speak only Quechua and some english and you could still be considered America. Countries are not nations. America is as much of a nation as McDonnalds or Burger king
>So Napoleon isn't French, despite most of his life being spent in France?
Napoleon was born in Corsica a year after France took control of it
Napoleon is therefore French, but in extremis
>Napoleon is therefore French
Nope. Napoleon is Tuscan. A Tuscan that lived in France. He was as french as a dabbing nigger that dwells in Paris
>Napoleon wasn't french
loving these memes his keep them coming xD
Napoleon was a Tuscan that lived in Corsica which was occupied by France. He is as french as Mahmahoud Ali
Corsica was occupied by France in the same sense Alsace is. It's part of the country.
>haha wellington wasnt british he was irish lmao stay buttblasted john
Napoleon was Corsican
He had one far off Tuscan ancestor from three centuries before his birth, but that doesn't make him a pure breed Tuscan
>being born to british parents in british-occupied ireland makes you irish
>being born to corsican parents in french-occupied corsica makes you french
really makes you think
You're blinded by butthurt Lindy
Everyone here say he was Corsican
>being born to corsican parents in french-occupied corsica makes you french
Yes? That's literally the french nationality summed up.
>Corsica was occupied by France in the same sense Alsace is.
Corsica was invaded by force against the will of their inhabitants which fought a war and lost. Napoleon was Tuscan. He was as French as nigger that lives in Paris.
That's actually perfectly logic if you consider that place of birth = nationality
Born in Ireland = Irish
Born in France (Corsica was annexed, unlike Ireland which was just occupied) = French
>Corsica is annexed by France
>noooo it's not french reeeeee!
It is as French as Ireland was English. Napoleon was Italian. Deal with it Pierre
Why are we even discussing Wellington in a thread about "proudest moments"
Dude was a failed general
Brits should be trying to deny the fact that Lionheart and Henry V (actually good warriors) were genetically French instead of caring about Wellingshit
>Corsica was annexed, unlike Ireland which was just occupied
Corsica was occupied. Napoleon even wanted independence from France until her mother fucked an officer and the officer allowed him to have a military career that he would never have if her mother wasn't a dirty slut.
yeah totally and lorrainiens and alsacians aren't french they are german
bretons aren't french they are breton
basques are basques obviously
ile de france is arab and black
northerners are inbred and not even human let alone french
southerners are occitan and crypto-latinos
normands are snowniggers
savoy and nice are italian
burgundians are totally distinct from the french too and germanic
from now on here is the new map of france
Ireland wasn't part of England, you're just being retarded.
>Corsica was occupied.
Corsica was annexed
It was literally included as a part of mainland France
>Napoleon even wanted independence from France until her mother fucked an officer and the officer allowed him to have a military career that he would never have if her mother wasn't a dirty slut.
Napoleon wanted free Corsica when he had teenage angst, then he realized it was a loser island and France was the future
Also, your rant about his mother is probably bullshit, but his sisters were actually huge sluts
>your rant about his mother is probably bullshit
No it is not. She sucked a bunch of dicks so his boy could join the army. Napoleon raised to power because his mother took more dicks than there is water in the ocean
India wasn't annexed but would you unironically claim Rudyard Kipling was Indian or George Orwell was Burmese?
When England, a small island, somehow defended themselves against nazi Germany, a country that thrived off of conquest and military might
>literally just sat on their island
and here we can see the wild lindy in his natural habitat
>She sucked a bunch of dicks so his boy could join the army
He joined the army at 7 when his dad sent him to a military school near Paris
Keep your fanfictions for yourself
>An island managed to resist invasion from a country whose main asset was tanks tactics
>this is Britain's proudest moment
what the fuck
>Didn't have to face the fearsome Wehrmacht
Germany's main strength was its army (and we all know how the British army fared against it in 1940), not their "navy" or their air force
Not the battle itself, but the fact it refused peace which took nothing from them, and instead continued fighting out of principle and morals. That IS something.
Except it did face the Wehrmacht. There was a thing called the North African campaign.
>There was a thing called the North African campaign.
Which was an irrelevant theater in which Britain mostly fought Italians while the bulk of the German army was fighting against Russia
Britain loves irrelevant theaters
This whole North Africa thing in WW2 reminds me a lot of the Peninsular War in which Britain sent their shitty army face the wounded of Napoleon's army while he was bust fighting Russia
What a retarded statement.
Germany declared war on russia in june, 1941. France fell in june 1940.
For a year, the only allied power was Britain. In that time the main focus of the axis was Africa. If they reached the Suez, Britain would request peace.
>out of principle and morals
>took nothing from them
nigger the entire fucking british strategy since the hundred years wars had been to NEVER let a single nation control all of europe
it was completely out of self interest
Are you trying to imply anything relevant happened on the North African "theater" before 1942?
Because it didnt
Then why did they remain in the war? For economic reasons?
>french calling out the UK on literally ANYTHING to do with WW2
Lmao France surrendered its capital without firing a shot, had its entire country overrun in two weeks, and was ready and willing to donate its entire navy to the Nazis, not even 20 years after hundreds of thousands of Brits had to die to prevent the Germans overrunning France the first fucking time
Out of perfidy
Yeah, ok.
>anyone who mocks Britain is necessarily French
Sweet sweet delusion....
Literally every single thing you posted is wrong
>Lmao France surrendered its capital without firing a shot
After losing as many men in a month that Britain did in the entire war
>had its entire country overrun in two week
One month and 15 days
>and was ready and willing to donate its entire navy to the Nazis,
When the Nazis tried to capture the French fleet, Vichy France scuttled it
Reminder that at Mers-El-Kebir, Britain didn't sink "the French fleet" like ignorants often spout, but a tiny unarmed flottilla of 5 ships
The real French fleet was in Toulon, and while it indeed posed a theat to Britain's safety, Brits never tried to sink it because they were so afraid of the Germans that even approaching French coasts before Daddy USA was there to protect them was out of question for Brits
The French Revolution was literally a mistake
>After losing as many men in a month that Britain did in the entire war
Britain lost 383,000
France lost 210,000
>One month and 15 days
>What? Britain lost 383,000, France lost 210,000
France lost 200,000 men in one month while Britain lost 300,000 in 5 years...
>One month and 15 days
It's pretty pathetic, but it sometimes happen
In 1806, Prussia got conquered in 19 days
Yet, a century later they (well, their successor state, the German Empire) were the strongest country in Europe, and probably the entire world too