Ark Delegate - 100% Profit Sharing for the First Month!

Proposal Updated:

Pool will have 100% payout for the first month.

The second month will feature a 90% payout and a lottery for 600 ark. In order to quality for this lottery you must have been a voter for at least two weeks before the end of the second month.

If Forging Starts on June 25th
100% Payout Last Until July 25th
Eligibility for Lottery Ends on August 11th.

I intend to run lotteries and giveaways for voters.

Hello biz community. Since the Ark delegate biz was able to get into the top 51 thanks to you all, I wish to extend my delegate proposal as well. My delegate name is hidden.

I do not intend to take voters away from biz. Instead I am offering the same 100% profit sharing for a month from the date I start forging. This proposal is for new ark voters but can help current voters of biz who have a large amount of ark.

biz has a little over a million votes. The more votes a delegate has the less each voter will earn because the total pool of votes is larger. Current voters of biz could split their ark into another address and vote for a me while earning more. How?

I wish to cap my delegate at 900,000 votes. This could change though if we are in jeopardy of exiting the top 51.

This cap will allow voters to earn more because the pool is smaller, so each voter holds a larger percent of the pool versus pools over 1 million votes.

This pool will be 100% profit sharing for the first month from the start of forging. It will then change to a 90% profit sharing pool once the month is complete.

If you are interested in joining or have any question, im available on the ark slack @hidden671, you can message me on the ark forums, or respond to this thread.

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This is actually what I was hoping someone would do once the biz pool achieved its goal...

We need biz delegates in ALL 51 spots ideally.

You have my vote and 21k ARK.

so what do i do if i have 80 ark and joined when Veeky Forums was at 52

Will spend 1k on Ark and vote on the Biz delegate if someone pays for my voting and transfer fees.

Thanks! That's the goal. We still need quite a bit more ark/votes until we can get into the top 51.

I would stay with biz if you voted for him. 80 ark isnt enough to split to earn more rewards.

Come of guys lefts get this delegate to the top 51. Thanks for the support.

> I wish to cap my delegate at 900,000 votes.

How does that work? Can you actually cap it or you just mean you'll stop advertising it once it gets to that number and hope no one else joins?

I'm so glad to be a part of this. Love you /bizbros/ & /bizsis'/.

Sometimes great things come from this board and this is one of them.

We strap up together with our own delegate and ride this rocket over the next couple of years and our lives will change.

if I have already voted and want to add more ark to my wallet, does this increase my stake?

yes automatically

I would stop advertising that the pool is closed. I can even blacklist addresses that vote once the 900k was achieved so that no payments is split with them.

I meant stop advertising, and let people know the pool is closed. It will only reopen if the pool drops close to rank 51 or below.

If you mean vote for me since the delegate biz is already in the top 51, the fee for voting is only one ark. Also sending ark from the exchange to the wallet is .1 ark.

Did you mean other fees?

What advantage do you have over the "biz" guy?

> the pool is closed

haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

dats a /b/ meme ay lmao

the more people/ARK that get added to a delegate pool, the less the reward payouts are.

If instead of voting for the biz delegate, you voted for this new delegate, you would actually be doing EVERYONE a favor, including yourself.


this is the link to report the ark bot. Bots are against bittrex ToS

how do i vote exactly, also why would it need my passphrase? what happens to the 100 ark in my wallet


t-the de-delegates

Voting cost 1 ark. If you had 100 ark you will now have 99.

You enter your passphase when voting/un-voting/send ark. Security feature.

You only need to vote one time for one delegate, you can add more ark to the wallet and your entire balance is voting.

If you want to switch delegates you will need to spend 1 ark to unvote and 1 ark to cast another vote.

Pool is open. Not Forging yet we need more votes!

Let me know if you wish to join this pool.


around 400 ARK ($600+) is the bare minimum for receiving less than $0,1 in ARK

Ark is on discount right now so 400 ark is less then $400.

$.067 right now

Ark moon mission incoming

will i receive more ARK, if the Balance in my wallet increases after the vote?



thanks, just bought 500 more and am now voting with 1500!

Can someone give me a quick rundown on the pool? If I stake my 300 Ark, how much will I actually earn in dividends, and how often?


Let keeps this going guys!

We have roughly 34,327 in votes. I made this proposal 2 days ago.

We need a total of 796,282 votes to enter the 51st spot. We should aim higher though to secure our footing within the top 51.

Please remember that rewards/profit sharing cannot start until we enter the top 51 and start forging. Delegates under 51 don't forge or earn anything.

Current rank is 61.

Thanks for the support!

Aren't you mixing up Votes and Ark, mate?

The number of votes is the total number of people pledging to the delegate, the Ark that they're pledging is the 796,000 number.

Bro, you have no clue what you are doing or how this even works.

Rank is not determined by the number of votes, but by how much ark your voters are holding.

Good look getting 800k ark again from Veeky Forums

Guys I said votes. 1 Ark = 1 Vote
Not voters. They are the same thing.

The biz pool already has 1 million ark in it. Seeing as your share of ark per month is a proportion of the ark you hold relative to the ark in the pool, you're better off in a smaller pool.

Retard, learn to read. It does not matter how many votes you have. All that matters is the amount of ark that your voters have in their wallets.

Do you really think that 800k people voted voted for Veeky Forums? If there was that many ark holders ark would be mooning already. No. Their total amount in their wallets is bigger than 800k, which is what placed them in the top ranks, not the number of votes.

Did you read what I said? I Agreed. I said votes not votes. A person with 8k ark has 8k votes. How do you not know the difference between votes and voters?


Votes not voters.

I think you're mixing up the terms mate.

1 Vote costs 1 ark yes, but you don't need 790,000+ of THOSE to get up the ranking do you. 1 Vote = 1 person voting.

You could do that with ONE vote, from someone who has 700,000 in their wallet. This is likely what's confusing people.

You don't need "votes", you need Ark.

It's probably actually better to have fewer "votes", as the forged Ark is spread around less people.

How do I join this pool? I pulled out of ETH at 400 which I bought for 20, and want to throw in around 5k ARK.

What the fuck happened to ARK? last week I was $400 in profit now I'm down to under $100

Ive had ark in my bittrex wallet since yesterday how do i participate in this vote? Total newfag here

you have my vote and 62 ARK
I am a peasant.

Time to buy today. This is the lowest it's ever going to go

thats what happens with hype. And this and mostly every other crypto does something similar, its because they are so new, and not fully implemented like they plan to be so its speculation

where to buy ARK? I want to go to the moon.

I'm new to crypto currency and wish to farm crypto coins by starting with Ark. Can someone point me in some reading materials?

read the white paper, check the site


How to buy with USD if im a nocoin pleb?

buy eth/btc/xrp on kraken or a different exchange with fiat, send to bittrex, exchange to btc, buy ark.

I recommend not using bitcoin to transfer to bittrex though because bitcoin transfers take forever.

If you aren't cetrified on kraken yet it will take a while too, there may be better options for you, but i dont know which.

This is a good idea OP. Will keep an eye out and join you when cuckbase transfers go through

Voted :)

Can you convert btc/crypto to fiat right on Kraken? How do you turn it into physical money if you need cash.

Currently pending registration on Kraken btw.

yes you can convert btc, eth and XRP to fiat on kraken and wire it to your bank acc. You need to provide ID however for that

Thanks for answering my noob questions. Will be sure to jump on the delegate train soon if I'm verified before it takes off.

Can someone explain the payout to me?
So I vote 1 ARK and my payout would be 1 ARK in July and 90% of that in August?

your payout is as follows

422 * delegate payout percentage * (amount of ark in your wallet / amount of ark among all wallets that voted for the delegate) per day, minus 0.1 ark transaction fee.

The biz delegate pays out weekly, meaning take the number above and multiply it by 7

guys i'm kinda new to crypto, i just used it once to buy some stuff with BTC, i see that now that i've created a wallet a passphrase has also been generated.
Does this mean that even if my PC explodes one day, i'll be able to recover my account by opening the ARK client in another PC and inserting said passphrase?

I have 150 ARK and around 40 dollars in bitcoin, keeping it all in Bittrex at the moment so should i move it over to my ARK wallet? I want to move 1 ark just so i can vote for biz

okay i donloaded the wallet what do i sleep next. i am too sleppy? to read anything link if you will

yes, just save your passphrase on google drive/keep

Can anyone give? Just a little


Still new to this, what does the striped cloud mean?
Also someone willing to give a little still waiting for my exchange accounts to become verified.


Fuck off, pathetic low income losers.We dont want stupid, worthless shitters like you.

When exactly does this start?

whoops i was an eager mcbeaver and didnt read everything in the OP, best of luck to you guys! other biz delegate guys had an absolute blast getting biz to where it is now!

Who am I voting for? Have 1k


Will you do like the scammer known as magnet and never reveal until the very end that you're only paying people who spend over $3k on ark?

delegate name is hidden

On Monday I had 20k staked in biz. On Tuesday I bought 17k more at the dip then put into the same wallet as the 20k that's voting for biz. Is that new 17 automatically voting for biz too?


I would pay all delegates. I will most likely change payouts to weekly because fees will hurt voters with lower amounts of ark.

The devs/delegates are already discussing lowering the fees for sending ark.

>the pool is closed

This is a lie, people with lower amounts are still being paid, just people with too low of an amount(and we're talking less than $500 here) didn't receive the first payment because tx fee would have been more than it.

Where do we expect ARK to land? $20?

Nice try paid shill. Meanwhile in real life the ledge doesn't lie.

Weekly is not good enough. There are several ways to mitigate the issue, from using part of the profit to cover transaction fees to cumulative balances.

You're right, it doesn't and if the explorer was not down currently I could prove just how full of shit you are.

>800k to get in 51st

Yeah nah fuck you guys.

There are more then one explorer.