I see too often people claiming how nativeamericas were not real civlizations, they were too stupid to domesticate horses, too backwards to invent the Wheel they had no iron. Well western europeans did not invent any of that, it was learned from other people throuw trade which the indigenous americans had no contact with. There are no superior people, the pale blue eyed scandinavians who are the ideal of racist people were severely behind the southern europeans for thousands of years. all societies can learn from others and thats how development comes to be not because a genetic predisposition.
You cant be racist and understand history
Other urls found in this thread:
I understand history perfectly fine. I just hate niggers. Is that wrong?
it's hilarious when /pol/tards talk about rome.
no one has ever claimed these things, not even in the 19th century among people who unironically believed whites are superior did they deny that the Aztecs and Incas were civilizations
>you can't be [a very specific type of racism you assume people you don't like have] and understand history
don't overgeneralize
>the pale blue eyed scandinavians who are the ideal of racist people
You mean Nazis
>thats how development comes to be not because a genetic predisposition.
will be people ever stop believing a priori just because it feels good?
The flint arrowhead embedded in this upper arm bone from an ancient battlefield in northern Germany 1250 B.C.E.
Northern Europe in the Bronze Age was long dismissed as a backwater, overshadowed by more sophisticated civilizations in the Near East and Greece. Bronze itself, created in the Near East around 3200 B.C.E., took 1000 years to arrive here.
I think Japan is a great example, dint invent shit, copy all culture from china, yet in the last 100 years managed to develop to the highest levels.Its not genetics but the present conditions
Damn that must've hurt like hell
He presumably died from that injury?
under most systems of morality, yes.
go back to r*ddit
go back to s*ormfront
>be normalfag
>decide to read some spanish history because muh heritage
>learn about the islamic invasion and occupation
>learn about jewish collaboration
>become extremely xenephobic and racist
All cultures can be shit in a way or another.
And I agree with you to a certain degree, the whole Wewuz memes, like black supremacism, and Nordicism is ridiculous.
Expressing your feelings is rarely considered immoral. Acting out on them on the other hand...
>You cant be racist and think exactly like me.
Well duh.
>scientists have been debating nature vs nurture in human behavior for over a century with no conclusive result
>in the last few decades liberals suddenly declared nurture was not only the primary but sole factor in human behavior
>all other opinions, no matter how radical are deemed hate speech and mob violence is applied to public dissenters
>this is the 'scientific' and 'tolerant' perspective
I know this is off topic, but did that giant ass building in the picture really existed?
I think we can all agree from a logical standpoint that there isn't really a biological superiority between races (and if there is, by all metrics its East Asians, not the White Man that is superior), and you'd have to be actually retarded to claim that the civilisations of the Americas and Sub-Saharan Africa weren't significant and beautiful in their own rights.
That said, you completely misunderstand where most racism comes from.
Most racism is not "I am the ubermensch and everyone else is subhuman and needs to be exterminated", most racism comes from socio-cultural stereotypes (a lot of which are based in fact, Blacks in the US do commit far more crime than Whites, Jews are disproportionately represented in the finance industry). The reason /pol/ hates 'niggers' is because they look at what they want their society to be (less crime, less poverty, less cultural interchange etc, all reasonable goals), and they see the main opponents of these goals (nignogs thieving and looting, Jews scheming and shekelgrabbing, immigrants and refugees raping and allahu akbaring), and so they target their hate on those groups. Any ideas about racial superiority are largely just memes, fluff, and fringe views. The majority of /pol/ hates niggers because they don't want their cars stolen and their women raped, and niggers are the first 'alien' (i.e. 'he doesn't look like me so he's a suspect') group they see, so they target their hate on them.
If there were no niggers they'd hate the Irish or Italians or Slavs or Catholics (all have, in the US, been targets of significant hate). But instead of lazy, useless, drunken Irishmen shitting up the streets, not working, and spending their time drinking and brawling, you have nignogs listening to rap music, dealing drugs, and raping white women, so they get the hate because they're simply top of the 'undesirable' pile at the moment.
This is (relatively) normal human behaviour.
For many in academia and government, it is a very arrogant and self-serving perspective.
When everything is only ever debated at the social level of 'nurture', it implies two things...
1 - that someone is responsible for everything bad that happens, and
2- that someone can and should be powerful enough to change it by applying ever more rigid and intrusive social engineering.
>t. /pol/cuck who believes that "nature" means niggers are naturally stupid
c'mon nigger, OP opened with the classic black and white "You either agree with me exactly or you're an evil kkk nazi bigot who wants to GAS 6 BAZILLION JEWS because of HATE".
you can do better man, apply yourself. we're worried about you, user.
Oh vey, The persecution of the master race never ends.
Yes, but now it refers to how the burden of racial progress will lie on minorities in helping whites realize they're complicit in institutional forms of racism steeped in dualities of which they're otherwise "sure" they don't participate in
Certain ethnic groups show IQ rates several standard deviations below the societal norm even when differences in income are corrected for, even among adopted children. The same is true for SATs. In order to explain this without a naturalistic contributor modern liberals have had to invent an entire ecology of oppressive boogeymen that are 'keeping the man down' despite a complete lack of solid evidence for this supposed 'systemic white supremacy'.
You can strawman me all you want but facts are facts and intelligence, or rather a predisposition towards intelligence IS an inherited trait that can be associated with ethnicity in general demographics.
nice Satanic trips
I can definitely be racist to blacks.
Native Americans were certainly more advanced than Nordcucks. "Muh wheel" doesn't disprove that. They understood the concept because they had it in toys, but didn't really need it for transport.
True, but if you know history and aren't anti-semitic then you're probably a Jew yourself.
Support-bump to the MAX.
Shit like /pol/ is the stuff that makes me question even bothering to use the internet.
It's disgusting and makes me hate humanity.
>"Muh wheel" doesn't disprove that. They understood the concept because they had it in toys, but didn't really need it for transport.
The wheel was also not invented in the Americas because they had no draught animals. In Eurasia, the wheel was invented several thousand years after the development of agriculture and the domestication of animals.
Without horses or cattle to pull a cart or chariot, there isn't really much the wheel can be used for (yes I know the Chinese used wheelbarrows, but they could carry nothing that couldn't be carried by hand).
damn, upvoted
inb4 I'm an emotional Liberal cuck because I don't spend all of my day downstairs in a chair mentally waging war against the governments of countries I haven't and never will visited.
While this is obvious bait, it will probably get replies, but it makes you wonder, will those replies also be bait? Probably, but they'll get emotional replies also, but they will themselves be bait. Then an argument will develop, but both sides will be baiting the other. Is anything really bait at this point, or have we reached post-irony where this bait is actually serious discourse disguised as bait disguised as serious opinions?
nice reply
In his own research, van IJzendoorn has compared the IQs of children adopted from orphanages to those not adopted from the orphanage. "We found that if adopted children come from bad orphanages, the increase in IQ might even be 15 or more IQ points compared to the peers left behind, which is the difference between marginally mentally delayed versus normal development."
Would be very interesting to see kids with different ethnic parents, if you have a study I would enjoy to read it.
Hating people based on their skin color is wrong
Uhhh no.
Because it wasn't bait.
It's just plain and utter sanity in a reactionary world that seems to only want dumb memes that confirm their boner for shitting all over something. It's YOU people who are the true cancer.
Love other people. It's not hard.
>The reason /pol/ hates 'niggers'
is Veeky Forums, from infographics on, information gets integrated into neural networks trough repeat exposure and so a thing starts with trolling then becomes a fervent belief, so this place is full of racist bisexuals
but realy there are different kinds of racism, theres the basic spontaneous bias thing inherent in all human groups and populations, then theres the autistic '''scientific''' racism with graphs and skull measurments and other such dick measuring contests, then theres the nationalistic sort of thing where its realy just xenophobia more than any race thing, then the original nazi mythology where its realy about hyperboreans and lost suns and vril...
nice trips tho
Sheltered redditor spends his time on boards labeled "politically incorrect" on the asshole of the internet, discovers tribalism exists and people hate each other. Many such cases. Sad!
Cucuteni-Trypillian culture, modern day Moldova cow-on-wheels, 3950-3650 B.C
>It's just plain and utter sanity in a reactionary world that seems to only want dumb memes that confirm their boner for shitting all over something. It's YOU people who are the true cancer.
>Love other people. It's not hard.
Now, what did he mean by this?
they meme because retards like (you) get so assblasted over it
>You cant be racist and understand history
you actually become more racist once you get into history, not college jew cool aid history with kangz narrative but actual real history
I'm not here really to "bite bait", but point out the specimens we get today.
For starters, I am called a "redditor" as an insult. The idea that using such a massive and complex website makes you a member of one certain end of the political spectrum or mentally inferior is absurd. You are dumb.
Having empathy towards people not in my social group is not sheltered, it's called being a normal ass person. You are dumb.
You're only argument for an ideology is that it's been around for a long time. You are dumb.
I am not Liberal.
I do not use Reddit (or at least, the political parts of it).
I am instead, a Christian who loves people and wants to focus on more important things in life this pathetic rat race called nationalism. I want to travel the world and have experiences instead of sitting in one place gathering rage.
I am going to bed now because I can control said rage, and you can not. You will try to respond and argue with me even though everything I have said tonight is correct, righteous, and moral.
You, are dumb.
holy shit you're autistic.
back to /r/eddit!
>be an easily swayed brainlet
>For starters, I am called a "redditor" as an insult. The idea that using such a massive and complex website makes you a member of one certain end of the political spectrum or mentally inferior is absurd. You are dumb.
I don't have a reddit account at all, and spend probably an hour on here for every five minutes I spend on there, but this shit
>oh, you expressed an opinion that's slightly less jaded than the norm around here!
>YOU HAVE TO GO BACK ok argument won xD
is in fact one of the single most annoying memes on this fucking website.
God, that shit's annoying. More annoying than anything I've ever seen that actually was from reddit, which has never not been totally ignorable.
t. riggered redditor
>by all metrics
>most systems of morality
HAHA how Eurocentric of you!
Wow, you talked to a nigger and he was nice
Wtf I want to join the interracial breeding grounds now!
Next time try going to the 'hood instead of talking to your token friendly neighborhood negro and teel me how you feel about niggers then
Humans have a remarkable ability to hold contradictory ideas, so why the hell not?
and none of those races did anything except whites
t. shlomo al-abdul
Not at all, merely by observing the damage niggers do you when they make a majority and control the government- Haiti, Zimbabwe, Detroit, regardless of the culture or linear time distance the outcome is almost always the same. And yet consider that the existence of the Aztecs and Incans and their advancements pretty much shit over anything found in sub-Saharan Africa, especially considering the extremely, comparatively short time they had to coalesce into functioning civilizations and cultures. In sub-Sahara Africa most history is handed down orally, the Aztecs and Incans had a writing system. There are no sub-Saharan structures that are equivalent to the size and engineering difficulty of the Aztec pyramids or Incan mountain palaces.
Then consider that both the Incan's and Aztec's racial, cultural, and spiritual identities were destroyed far more than any African- in Africa colonization was largely administrative, the Africans retained their cultures, languages, and traditions. In South and Central America the natives were killed by disease, enslaved, their entire culture was nearly wiped out, they were treated far worse than any African nation and for far longer.
IQ on it's own doesn't mean intelligence, there plenty of captin autismo's out there with high IQ's that act retarded as fuck when it comes to anything but math
Never reproduce.
When you brainlets realize it's less about superiority vs inferiority and more about us vs them? I don't hate blacks because they're dumb or poor, I hate them because if they had their way I would be dead. They're a threat to my existence.
This brings to mind Jared Diamonds blame of African failures on geography, environment, and colonialism.
So let's compare Mexico (a nation of 122 million) and Peru's (a nation of 31 million) GDPs of 1.26 trillion and 202.3 billion to Nigeria's (a nation of 173 million ) of 529 billion (almost 6 times the population of Peru but barely twice as much annual GPD). And that is Nigeria, the sub-Saharan African nation with the greatest population and economy.
Now consider other issues- the Incans had no major nearby empires with which they could trade and gain valuable information- Africans did. The Aztecs had no access to horses or other large beasts of burden, and yet they accomplished so much. Peru is mountainous, with Jared's "biological" reasoning the nation and it's eminence should have not existed.
The argument that of the failure of African nations falls on European colonization and "lack of natural resources and preferable geography" falls apart when the Incans and Aztecs are considered.
The Inca did not have a writing system, only Quipu beads to keep track of numbers
Their civilization was actually incredibly primitive considering how large the empire was and all the stuff they built
That just shits on the Africans even more.
I know. I'm not arguing with your point, only correcting your facts.
>Support-bump to the MAX.
Thank you then
>niggers are naturally stupid
Well....Aren't they?
Meanwhile Nordcucks sailing shat all over literally everyone on that list.
If you educate and challenge their thinking for enough generations, there will be a noticeable improvement on average IQ, just like with any group of humans.
Stupid people can eventually be nurtured into not stupid.
That explains why every shit eating peasant in Eastern Europe has a higher IQ than niggers from developed America, huh no.
Do these people look like they're being intellectually challenged? Their stupidity only breeds more stupidity. Just because the US is "developed" doesn't mean that the ghettos are. I wouldn't be surprised if they're getting dumber.
US definitely has a better school system (even in the ghettos) than some shit like Moldavia or Montenegro, not even mentioning nutrition. Blacks have no excuse, and I have literally none.
>hurr every "racist" i disagree with is some imaginary retard from from /pol/
i don't want brown people in my country i don't like them and i have good reason to do so
it has nothing to do with history, yes some of them have great history, and ? they should still fuck off yes i am racist they have nothing to do here
do you realize at any other point in history they would have been actively treated as invaders and waged war upon ? in fact if you do understand history you'll very easily see why someone would be "racist" ...
i am southern european myself btw so don't give me any of that usual bullshit
i hate that talk btw
you say we are the best but in the same breath you use this as a pretext to bash "white people", you forget that we are also christian and european, and your ideology supports islamism and communism, it's just disguised, subversive, anti-european propaganda, you are like a snake flattering me but deep down your words are poison
last thing : i think very very few racists are racialists, most people who vote for the nationalist party just want brown people out
no one outside Veeky Forums cares about "genetic predispositions" that much
Slavshits and Eastern Europeans north of the Danube aren't stupid at all. One of the great things about communism was that it built an education system heavily focused on STEM and gave educational access to millions who would have never had it in their lifetimes. After two to three generations, most former commie countries are reaping the benefits (and naturally, all the cons of a repressive society that crushed all individual thinking and spirit).
If you really want a comparison of retardation, you gotta look at Balkanshits like Albanians and "Macedonians", who live in their own little glens and engage in retarded blood feuds with the people in the next valley over.
Shut up you brainwashed wog.
Albania has an average of 90, and from what I could dust up the average US blacks were at 88.9 in 2012, Moldova was at 96 and the US in total scored 98 on the site that sourced Albania and Moldova.
>remote sheep-fucking mountain enclave of medieval feuding clans and inbred muslim retards who haven't seen civilization since the Byzantine empire collapsed, has a higher IQ than niggers living in urban centers of a developed, wealthy, industrialized country
You can't make this shit up, just can't.
What causes people lol niggers arent people
What causes them to act like this?
I don't understand this
blacks have been actively undermined since their freedom and only recently has this seemingly let up, not only that but almost half of all African Americans live in poverty and only have access to the worst schooling in the country, and people wonder why they have low iq
>Study uses the term Mexican
Yah okay
>Africa crashes economy with no survivors in Egypt
>"Ja die sind untermenschen xDDD mein fuhrer"
If it didn't then, it does now.
these don't include whites that didn't apply to college
how else you think the poorest whites would have such a high score
albania is an ok country, and they are white
What about black africans? africanamericans were segregated for generations coulnt get into university.
Also this is a Hitite crystal rock statuete from more 3000 years ago
>The wheel was also not invented in the Americas because they had no draught animals.
lol, what pathetic excuse.
Ever heard of a fucking wheelbarrow?
Do you have any evidence to substantiate the notion that there is parity between the races? -because theres an abundance of evidence to the contrary.
History is nothing but one grand exhibition of racial supremecy. The blonde blue eyed ideal is in part due to aesthetic, but more to do with the fact that the accomplishments of the germanic peoples eclipse those of the sum total of the rest of humanity.
What? Why
Why is it any worse than hating someone for their ideology representing things you hate
Like hating racists for example
jews, italians, greeks have done far more than the germans
Jews haven't done shit.
It's like poverty and intelligence aren't really positively correlated or something. The biggest correlation is between intelligence and race, literally the biggest overlap.
a great number of "european" scientists are of jewish descent, a great deal of influential people, writers, politicians, businessmen are of jewish descent