What ethnic group has the most Cromagnid ancestry? This is an Irish-American NFL player who is 6'4 and 215lbs
What ethnic group has the most Cromagnid ancestry? This is an Irish-American NFL player who is 6'4 and 215lbs
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Do you mean Neanderthal? Cro magnon is early modern humans, they have extremely similar DNA
Autism: the thread
that man took the bogpill
dat jawline
literally all non-sub saharan, non-australasian humans are 90%< cro magnon.
completely fucking wrong. google it.
I'm fairly sure Finns are said to most resemble Cro-Magnon humans physically.
You were saying?
Can confirm
why do people deny just how stratified we are by a genetic caste system? care to take a guess as to what his ancestors were doing?
the insane blank slateism needs to end and we need to go full brave new world
>stratified by a genetic caste system
Except that's not true. Handsome men always fucked a ton of ugly women for some reason.
Hes actually ugly to girls
well yes I can totally understand why a women descended from the low test caste may find him a bit much
>genetic caste
Are you for real? Even with the existence of countries like Brazil and America that are racemixed to n-th degree?
It doesn't have anything to do with race. Pay attention to the top of the elite of any given country. Note their features.
This, it's almost as if people will fuck anything that moves that isn't downright repulsive.
You're talking about the noses aren't you?
No wrong again. But the gentleman in your pic is certainly a good example of the merchant caste. Compare his features to this specimen (same ethnicity for baseline)
Bibi is hardly top elite compared to Sheldon, he's just a shitty prime minister.
Sheldon has his fingers on lots of coin. Bibi has his fingers on the nukes.
Makes you think doesn't it?
Cro-Magnon is an abstract concept.
I'd say Eskimos because of their similarity to the Chancelade Cro-Magnon or maybe Negroids because of their similarity to Grimaldi man.
I guess you're trying to make the argument that rich and powerful people are exceptionally handsome but that's just absolute nonsense.
Pic related is a collection of some of the richest and most powerful people on Earth.
Welcome to Veeky Forums, newfriend.
>implying money isn't more powerful than nukes
I am making the argument that the rulers, the ones that can render all of the world's currencies null and void, are the high test sociopathic charismatic warrior caste. The merchants operate in the shadows and have been always their subjects.
This is a ruler of a nuclear superpower and a former military colonel. A fish-faced balding manlet.
not really doing much to argue against him desu
gotta say it's kinda making me think
Basque and Yugoslavs
You mean you, samefag retard.
I think I will head to bed now.
Remember guize. The caste system never went away.
>jawline is what stratifies us
you need to reorder your principles
If he wasn't a fish-faced balding manlet he wouldn't have made it to KGB, they recruit guys who won't stick out in the crowd. That means tall guya with strong jaws need not apply
>strong jaws
Good joke
>perceived qualities such as attractiveness is what stratifies us and it's based on jaws and the shape of your face
seems very stupid
but in your other pic it's priests who are at the top, not warriors
this is what a priest looks like
I think you're just too scared to swallow the caste pill and mistakenly believe it only exists in India
>the caste pill
> pills
lmao XDD :BBB
nah, i can see the point, but basing your castes on superficial shit is retarded to me
why? because it's superficial shit that at best correlate with the true cause of a potential caste system, but are just mere confounding factors
Facial features are not superficial. Probably the worst meme of all time.
Many Russians have strong jaws. Not the majority, but many.
they are though and i'll tell you why
i can find a competent/trustworthy person with any face and vice versa
the causes of trustworthiness and competence do not contain the face among them hence - a confounding factor, there is no direct relationship, no direct mechanism - for obvious biological reasons
>ironic meme arrows make my claim that I made up on the spot true
Women having low test is a good thing, mongloid.
My face structure is the same as the one on the left, yet I'm an incompetent insecure socially awkward faggot
really makes you think
I'm sure the original chart was trying to demonstrate the impression left, and not the actuality.
Though I must be a terrible judge of character or something, as that competence chart is completely inversed for me. I tend to find folks with longer, thinner faces appear more competent... Unless I'm looking for someone to haul shit around.
The top trustworthiness bit of the chart works for first impressions for me though.
it's not only you, the second line of faces for competence is utter garbage
just think of how for example elves vs orcs are portrayed. kinda cringy analogy but gets the point across really
wider eyes have always been a stereotype of stupidity too
They don't have the gene for prominent jaws.
We could likewise claim Japanese have strong jaws because one in a million does.
The Japanese warrior elite is rooted in the ainu
Honestly i do find it very intriguing, a lot of people judge others by their face
I've seen a ton of people do it
Even does it for example saying he sees wide-faced people as brutish and dumb, everyone has those stereotypes right ?
And i don't blame them, you shouldn't judge people at face value, but if we have that instinct it's probably for a reason isn't it ?
Even great writers talk about it, is it really that crazy to assume that yes maybe you can in fact deduce things from looking at a person's face ?
doesn't seem very reliable to me
i think a better way of judging people "at face value" is to look at how they how they are dressed how they stand/sit/walk, how they talk, how they act
those things you are going to do either way
regardless the first time you see a person's face you do get a certain gut feeling about who they might be
or don't you ? i know i do
Your claim was that russians never have strong jaws, though.
What can we conclude from Trump's physiognomy?
i mean the competence one i don't get at all, but let's look at the trust one
if the left most is some worker looking at me with that face and saying "let's go grab a beer" i'd think he looked trustworthy
if the right most is some rich guy going "buy this, it's good for you" it looks like fake sincerity
do you see what i mean? basically the same face can be interpreted differently
but i see your point, some people do look dumb to me too, i do give them a chance IF given the choice though
he's difformous now but he looked good
looks like a smart person
surprisingly i think he has kind of an innocent, cute look too
i'm not that user with the castes but if i had to guess i'd say merchant or priest
>According to a secret CIA dossier, President Trump's youngest son Barron Trump is actually a clone of the President. He was not only born through artificial insemination but also in an artificial womb without a mother in a lab of the University of Chicago.
>The dossier further says that Donald Trump's 3rd wife Melania Trump is a transgender woman who still has her male genital parts. According to the dossier, Barron Trump was born through a revolutionary technology where Donald Trump DNA was used to create artificial sperms which were then shoved into the artificial female egg which was created out of the DNA of President Trump's mother through the process of artificial insemination. After this process, the egg was put to fertilise in a revolutionary artificial womb for almost two years until Barron Trump was born.
>According to the report, Donald Trump's youngest son Barron Trump is 95% copy of Donald Trump and the experiment is considered a success. The report further says that Donald Trump is also funding a research through which he would be able to transfer his consciousness into Barron Trump when the time will come. The reports further say that scientists are also developing a way to enhance the abilities of Barron Trump like giving him super human strength and super intelligence. The report says that the entire research is kept highly secret because it will unleash a great outpour of common people that such kind of project is unethical. The report says that if everything goes according to plan it will revolutionise the aristocratic classes of the world and they would be able to rule over the commoners and peasants for eternity as gods.
>Donald Trump DNA was used to create artificial sperms which were then shoved into the artificial female egg which was created out of the DNA of President Trump's mother through the process of artificial insemination.
so trump's son is not his clone, but his brother AND his son, since his son/brother's mom is also his grandmom and the mom of his father/brother at the same time?
The elite have a tendency to go overboard sometimes.
Pretty on both pics.
He looks like fucking Paul Dano
t. Slav
>symmetrical face
>great smile
By most standards yeah.
He's a goofy squinty nignog with head like a lightbulb and nose the size of Texas.
>a high level of discourse is expected
>with head like a lightbulb and nose the size of Texas.
You do realize these things don't matter as much as you think they do right?
What I said here matters more in universal attractiveness. Those are superficial things.
Blacks aren't attractive sorry to burst your bubble.
I honestly think ugly people are inferior human beings. It makes me act like a total dick to ugly people.
Post more caste system theories I am intrigued.
Pussy and female attention both feel good to men so yeah
Why are there black models, pornstars and wives to rich and powerful people if they're all ugly?
There's no theory. Historically If you're rich/powerful as a man you get to choose which pussy you fuck. So obviously attractive genetics will be chosen by the elite
How come priests are at the top above the warriors if they have always been relatively poor on an individual level, and in some cases childless ?
Not trying to be racist, but jews are the most wealthy and powerful race of people on the planet right now. They are so powerful, they are allowed to have a religious ethnostate with nuclear weapons, and nobody questions it.
Poor taste
But user the whole world actually does question Israel except USA i mean just look at this, kek
Israel is a puppet state of USA obviously not the other way around