>This is Caligula
Why can't japs into history?
This is Caligula
Other urls found in this thread:
What's so wrong with it?
Hair color?
It's an anime styled little boots ffs
That and the armor, and pretty much everything.
>This is the United States Battle Ship BB-61 (USS Iowa).
Why the fuck would you care about japanese mobile game shit? Do you think they're supposed to be accurate representations of history?
Iowa-chan a cute
Because searching 1st-century roman armor in google isn't the hardest thing to do
This is Jesus
>Iowa can't even english
[REEEEEs internally]
Their Karna was actually pretty good. Even if he isn't gold enough and is in the wrong class (WHY THE FUCK IS HE LANCER HE'S LITERALLY A SHOE-IN FOR ARCHER AND RIDER)
This is a japanese goblin.
This is a japanese goblin slayer.
They are all filthy sub-humans who despise everything western and seek to undermine our society by exposing the youth to moronic cartoons. They care for nothing but themselves, still holding the mindset from almost a century ago that plunged Asia in a war that caused millions of deaths, and view America and other western nations like Britain as the reason for their defeat. Put away your anti-Semitic views and realize that the Japs, not the Jews, are the true enemy of mankind and that they must be eliminated.
Hey Rabbi, whats up?
"After destroying England [in Asia] and restoring Turkey, after making India independent and China autonomous, the Rising Sun Flag of Japan shall offer the light of that sun to all mankind. The second coming of Christ, prophesized in every country on earth, actually signifies the scripture and sword of Japan [as a new] Mohammed. The Japanese people must soon face a national crisis unprecedented in history. It will come as a result of reorganizing the state's political and economic structure. Peace without war is not the way of heaven."
"The present state of affairs is definitely unjust. England is a multi-millionaire standing over the whole world. Russia is the great landlord of the northern hemisphere. Japan is in the position of an international proletarian with a string of small islands for boundaries. Does Japan not have the right to go to war and seize their monopolies in the name of justice?"
"We the Japanese people must be the cyclone center of a war to liberate mankind. Therefore the Japanese state is at Absolute which will bring about the establishment of our idea of world revolution. Ideological fulfillment and militant organization of the Japanese state is a sacred undertaking on behalf of this absolute goal. We shall try today to realize the ideals of Martin Luther, who said that the state is an ethical institution. The dangerous internal and external crises that have come before our very eyes will not let us avoid fundamental reorganization of the state structure and creative revolution in the national spirit. We do not consider it sufficient to pursue reorganization and revolution for Japan alone, but because we really believe in the Japanese nation's destiny to be the great apostle of mankind's war of liberation we want to begin with the liberation of Japan itself. "
I don't see anything about inflicting shitty cartoons on their own populations and killing their birthrates in the hopes that baka gaijin pick up their toxic memes.
Yeah? Well Nero is a fucking girl in Japan.
Iowa-chan is my waifu
Your waifu a shit. A SHIT
t. japcrap lover
What was their justification for that anyway? Female Arthur was vaguely plausible because the figure is half-legendary, early Medieval British history very hazy and supposedly she was a young girl pretending to be a young boy (with the help of Merlin no less)
But how did they bullshit a female Nero into existence?
They liked Saber's character design so much they wanted to reuse it several billion more times.
Because they seek to demean everything Western. As we speak, countless youth are being taught that their ancestors were nothing more but little girls. It is all a deliberate ploy on the part of the Japanese propaganda machine to brainwash the west and to try and cripple it for the oncoming war.
>liking a stretched SoDak
NorCal master race, Washington is mai shipfu, carries hard and is thus swole, also has no casualties despite actually fighting unlike Iowa and is thus best girl
This is a Sumerian chariot.
yeah, but at least Iowa got used until the end of the 20th century.
I get that, but I'm wondering what explanation if any they had in-universe for Nero being a woman.
t. Kim Hyun-jun
This is the male founder of the Rosicrucian Order.
Compare Western portrayals of Nero with Nero in the Nasuverse
>pervert whose hobby was making eunuchs
>killed muh christians
>kind and just ruler
>wants to spread Roman culture to the whole world
Now tell me which one you'd rather see represent the greatest Empire of the Western world.
I like my ships pure and pristine on our maiden voyage thank you. I don't want to hear about how your used goods have been filled with seamen for decades.
>glorified carrier escort whose biggest kill was a shared kill on a training cruiser, only got 11 battle stars despite being kept around for decades
>ship that carried Second Guadalcanal and killed a BB at close range while never losing a crewman in combat, 13 battle stars despite only serving in WW2
The choice is obvious.
You know what, I was going write a long winded response about how it is all 4-th dimensional Japanese propaganda but this post is so stupid I'm not even going to pretend fall for it.
Your bait is weak and your hatred of Japanese phone games pathetic. I think you'll find it easier to fit in on facebook.
>this is a Russian chemist
Ur mum is weak and ur life is pathetic m8.
While western children are playing violent video games and masturbating, Japanese kids are learning about historical figuires through fun interactive card games. Why did it all go to shit after Bullfinch?
>using m8
Off yourself cancer.
>not using m8
Get a load of this plebbit shill
Kono Nagato is the ultimate shipgirl. Just look at her, the epitome of Japanese beauty combined seamlessly with the power of a battleship worthy of her place in the Big 7.
And what power. I hypothesise Nagato could turn your penis into a bloody paste through the stretching of her abdominal muscles alone. Truly the ultimate, unrivaled beauty.
>this is a saint
>liking ww2 meme battleships
>Literally falling for /pol/ edits of Wyatt cartoons
That's a new level of retardation
>pre-ww1 battlecruiser that had gone obsolete in late 1910's
>a battleship
This is what yanks and nips actually believe
japs like shitting on history
Fateshit has always had the most retarded and worst designs in the history of anime.
this is Veeky Forums
moronic rants are discouraged from this board
they are not supposed to be accurate
I mean the characters appearance
This is Alexander the Great.
This is Hitler.
The Japs are not exactly the most astute with their historical accuracy. This is known. It's infuriating when anyone does it but when the Japs do it, there's something there that makes it even more worthy of rage. It might be the sexualized nature of it all.
Except Gilgamesh isn't Indian.
>not Napoleon
>not being used to this
Bet you aren't even a virgin either, you not-anime-loving slut. What are you doing on Veeky Forums, if you get butthurt by a historical figure being sexualized or lolified, you slut?
this is actually a decent jesus though
I may follow his teaching
but he and buddha were just too gay together
I just want more hentai with historical figures
Are you this stupid to not see the connection between Kircheis and Hephaestion and the fact that Reinhard died young of a mysterious illness like Alexander as well?
I'm pretty used to it by now but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
Who mentioned a battlecruiser?
Didn't Mr Alex get poisoned by a cup of wine?
to be fair, a big point to their plot is that they did not inherit rank, while alexander was given both a state and army.
It's just a theory. Reinhard could've been poisoned as well.
so your connection is just forced onto characters
There's a fucking obvious reference between Reinhard and Kircheis and Alexander and Hephaestion. Add the dying young of an undetermined cause part and it's the strongest parallel with a historical figure you can make. The Galactic Empire is based on the Prussians though, and Reinhard probably has some influences from Prussian historical figures as well, but Alexander is still the biggest one.
That's frankly a detail compared to the similarities with Napoleon.
It's gay Napoleon with Hephaestion ruling over space prussia
big ass point about Reinhard is that he fucking hate the noble and the class system based on muh bloodline
while Alexander is a degenerate boy fucking warmonger, and as a warmonger he's only good at waging war
It's gay Napoleon with Hephaestion ruling over space prussia
>Ywn smash Reinhards prime boipucci so hard he saves a locket of hair of you till your death
What does he have more to do with Napoleon than with Alexander? I can't think of anything. Both Reinhard and Alexander were responsible for sweeping social and political reforms that would impact all of human history to follow and both of them died at a young age shortly after their wars had ended.
>wrong hair color
>wrong facial structure
>wrong eye color
>wrong armor
>wrong height
>shit aesthetic
Japs were a mistake
>comparing anime characters to historical figures
They unarmored it, called it a fast battleship and used it in fleet actions as the center of of a battlegroup. For all intents and purposes it's a BB.
>liking ww2 meme battleships
You're one to talk.
This is the traitor of Britain and his hated father
If they were trying to portray him in a historically accurate way you would have a point, but Fate never aimed for that. Alexander is a super buff gigantic dude instead of young prettyboy in it also. Caligula's design looks like shit though. I agree.
Now some are puffed up, as though I would not come to you.
>While western children are playing violent video games and masturbating, Japanese kids are learning about historical figuires through fun interactive card games. Why did it all go to shit after Bullfinch?
>Japanese kids
>Thinking anyone besides otakus play those games
>learning about historical figuires through fun interactive card games. Why did it all go to shit after Bullfinch?
Because all those descriptions of historical figures are inaccurate
>This is Jonapoleon Jonaparte
What the fuck japan
I would say that portraying historical figures as cute girls is less harmful than almost completely whitewashing them like the western educational system&media have done with Columbus.
I get that Hannibal wasn't as white as the driven snow but shouldn't it be more offensive to portray him as black instead of a Tunisian like he was. Because North Africans certainly don't look like that.
>verb - to cover up or gloss over the faults or errors of; absolve from blame.
Mordred is best girl.
Tunisians are mostly Berber and related groups while Hannibal would have been largely of Phoenician stock, just saying.
Of course he still wouldn't have looked like that either way. Even heavily mixed tuaregs don't look like that.
>This is Stalin
Yes but he has all treasures of mankind in the Gate of Babylon. That includes indian spaceships
wtf i love stalinism now
Castro a best commie dictator desu.
>not Mama Tito
Does he fight for his friends?
You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. (James 4:4)
>the power of a battleship worthy of her place in the Big 7.
>Jap BBs
[radar noises]
I want her to nurture me with those voluptuous Commie titties and feed me the milk of Marx and revolutionary political activism
I don't really know how you can undermine Western society by depicting a man who fucked his own sister and then killed her as having blue hair.
>[[[urge to convert intensifies]]]