How did the altright /pol/tard meme that Arabs aren't white? Arabs are caucasoids with a pigmented skin tone due to arid desert temperatures. Even the US census and all 19th century racialist books list Arabs as white and Caucasian. The 'Arabs aren't white' thing is started by neocons and jews.
How did the altright /pol/tard meme that Arabs aren't white...
>How did the altright /pol/tard meme
literally what did he meme by this
>greeting fellow whites when will we gas the kikes?
>alcohol? it is hara...heh I never had a sip because my dad was an alcoholic
>meri-mexi-fats deciding who is white
Actually /pol/ acknowledges that many Arabs are white, since Middle East has a complex history and genetic diversity. It's the ignorant libtards who go all HURR IT'S THE MIDDLE EAST SO IT'S BROWN xDD like in for example the case of Jesus.
>arid desert temperatures
Many deserts are cold as fuck. Not those in Arabia, but still.
the brown people, they're caucasian too
ok let's say turkey and iran and the levant is white,
however morocco algeria and tunisia are definitely not
Mr. White, i thought you are dead?
>"muh white"
Why do you care so much? It's not like that term has any real meaning. It's a social construct. Anglos used to consider no one but themselves as "white". Even Swedes and Germans were "swarthy" compared to them.
There's a lot of African admixture due to the many centuries of contact/exchange, depending on where and who you ask it's marginal to dominant.
Case in point pic related is "Habesha" Ethiopian.
>drinking the liquid jew
How come everyone thinks caucasians are white?
Because it's useful for separating themselves from other groups.
Not just Arabs, a lot of people between Turkey and India are quite caucasian, just darker because of thousand of years of strong Sun.
Just google the Pashtun in google images for example.
No they don't. Lol. Arabs are brown.
>It's a social construct.
your existence is a social construct now turn over
*pulls out and points the gun at the back of your head*
nothing personel social construct
>literally means land of the aryans
Could name my front yard land of the whites. Doesn't mean the halfcasts running around it are white
>however morocco algeria and tunisia are definitely not
They are.
>Berber lands
>Berber People->Caucasoid
Wasn't Arab intellectuals like Edward Said that tried to establish Arabs as an "other" so they could reap privileges from affirmative action?
The U.S. census will introduce a new cathegory, "MENA", for people like Arabs and Israeli Jews, thanks to the activism of Arabs and Persians. It's good to be "non-white" nowadays.
plenty brown pashtun though
Skin tone doesn't matter. Culture matters. I'm iranian ("Persian") and I wouldn't piss on half of the backward iranians out there. They're scum.
Then blame Pakistan which retained neither the aristocratic legacies in veins of Indian Islamic royals, neither Regals like Iran nor was it able to copy the middle-east. In order to become a separate nation with unique identity, they were able to be none.
>Why do you care so much?
because of possible changes to U.S. census taking.
She's a qt.
My Saudi father had black curly hair, tons of body hair, a big nose, and medium brown skin. He didn't look white by any stretch of the imagination and people in the US didn't treat him as if he were white.
what does this thread have to do with Veeky Forums exactly? is meta posting about /pol/s opinions on subjects humanities now?
Northern Algeria actually has some white looking people, but Morocco is one step away from being Shaquille O'Neal tier nigger.
Because he was a desert rat, not an Arab from the Levant where many white people have lived for millennia.
Makes no sense
>Even the US census and all 19th century racialist books list Arabs as white and Caucasian.
Friendly reminder that these kids would be considered white in the United States and as such there's no reason to ever mention the US when it comes to serious racial classifications outside of using them as the butt of a joke.
"""""""""""""White"""""""""""""""" Americans are so delusional about their own racial heritage that they will let anything pass as long as it means they themselves can be considered white.
no one is saying that arabs aren't caucasoid (apart from like some sudanese arabs and other arabs with at least half Subsaharan african blood) but caucasoid doesn't mean white. Indians are caucasoid. They aren't white.
White , the colloquial term referring to people basically means "of european stock".
"Arab" is such a broad term though. Some Arabs do look white (especially in places like Syria, where historically there's been more intermingling with Europeans) and some don't. It encompasses so many ethnicities across many countries with a broad array of features, skin tones, hair color, etc. you can't really make any definitive statements about them as a group.
I get a little confused sometimes because my initial assumption when people say "Arab" is to think of people from the Arab peninsula, even though that's not the most common use of the word.
But those kids would be considered white everywhere on Earth
If arabs are white despite being brown and semetic, then surely Indians and Iranians have a better claim to whiteness since they're actually indo-European.
or we can stay in reality where the term "white" has no actual meaning beyond Europeans since thats what it fucking means
Look at the eyes and hair colour.
but those kids look white...
>those kids
>not white
you are delusional
Jesus christ
Yes they look white. Is this a troll?
Arabs arent a race. If you grew up in a Arab culture you are an Arab. Fuck off with this white this white that /pol/ tier shit
End my suffering
Nothing triggers me more than the entire fucking continent of Europe being simply 'white'.
It's not that hard to split it into regions, or actual ethnicities.
Even West, East, South, and North European would be enough. A Spaniard doesn't look like a damn Slav.
He meant what did fat internet evangelical racists mean by it
>We shall continue to make disturbances in the Far East and in Arabia. Let us think as men and let us see in these peoples at best lacquered half-apes who are anxious to experience the lash.
What did Hitler mean by this?
>t. fat reddit fedora tipping faggot
Pashtuns have a range of skin colors, you can find some that are really brown to swarthy to pale white. Usually the bone structure is the same though; although, some do have a more mongoloid bone structure.
We claim to be descended from Jews, but I don't know how true that is. Most likely, a persian origin and admixture with the greeco, turk, mongoloid, and arab races that came through. I'm hesitant to say indic admixture simply because South Indian empires never really expanded west. So any Indic influence would be northern which is already foreign to a certain extent.
Europe is genetically almost homogenous.
> your brain on /pol/
t. uneducated retard
A guy from /pol/ posting a chart, why am I not suprised. Mind rigriously explaining the chart to me?
>he can't read written English
Neck yourself Schlomo
So, asking you to explain yourself means Im a jew? I hope you are trolling right now or are you genuinely disabled?
Hey dipshit, "whitness" has existed as a concept since at least the Age of Exploration when Euros traveled around the world and noticed that every other racial group was shit.
The 1790 Naturalization Act even limited immigration to free WHITE persons of good character
Hey retard, look at the fucking chart. The Euro genetic cluster is THE most dense cluster of all the races. It's not that hard to understand
How the fuck does that make it any less of a social construct?
I don't think /pol/ really believe Arabs (from the levant at least) aren't white. It's mostly just bantz like >Greeks >white.