
>can't prove it

B-but the Kebra Negast tells the truth!

They're more of a cadet branch than anything. Rehoboam was part of the main branch of the House of David and the rightful heir of Solomon.

Who the fuck cares many royal families or people in power make bullshit or dubious claims to why they are special.

I wasn't racist until now, but when I saw that image, I now lament the USA did not mass transport all those fucks back to Africa when they had the chance.

what is it with nignogs fucking up established religions? they get a hold of christianity and turn it into a circus performance. they get a hold of islam and turn it into christianity 2.0. they get a hold of judaism and literally become "we wuz kangs". did someone forget to give them their drums and tell them about their nature gods?

That's how religions evolve

Stop and think

Wow, this is all the final form of semitic paganism


If Israel was ruled by the Rasta dynasty it would officially be the memest country in existence.

>a nation full of Matisyahu

Black American Christianity is brilliant.

>But they're having fun!
Wouldn't you be having a good time if you knew you were saved?

have you actually been to a black church? i have on many occasions. i'm not knocking them for their music and singing. it's their bullshit ministers, the inherent racism (i've been told by different black ministers that christianity is wasted on white people because they just don't get it, they lack spirit, they're the masters and never been slaves, etc.), their interpretations, and so on. it's a corrupted form of the religion, and you know what? it was forced down their throats so they learned to live with it and shape it to their needs. again, i'm not blaming them, but it's a fucked up version of it

The way religion (every religion, not just Christianity. But some moreso than others) works is it synthesis's and mixes with the people, cultures and old beliefs of those who adopt it.

>i've been told by different black ministers that christianity is wasted on white people because they just don't get it, they lack spirit, they're the masters and never been slaves, etc.),
They're not wrong.


>implying our timeline where monarchies have almost been universally stripped of power that any monarch can make a claim based on kinship


What churches have you been going to? It's mostly just singing about the glories of Jesus and reading passages. We don't turn away or degrade white/non-black believers. After all, there is no Jew or Gentile, etc.

t. Chicago Nigga

>they lack spirit, they're the masters and never been slaves
Took only 2000 years, but finally someone got it.

They no longer are patrilineally descended from Solomon.


Christianity is dead or moribund in most white places.


Solomon fucked everyone, though. The man had 700 wives, 300 concubines, and then so many additional sluts that they didn't even bother counting them.

Wait you're retarded

Baptist and AME, a couple in Florida, one in NC, and the rest in Tennessee. Maybe it's the Old South mentality (which is readily apparent when most churches are segregated by choice, even in mixed neighborhoods.) I don't know. And this was all pre-Dylan Root back in the late 90s. Also, I didn't just go in alone but went with a group except for one time, and those groups were mixed racially.

>he fell for the Kebra Negast meme
they invented it post 1000 AD, they didn't claim it before.

With the irony that that one guy who almost got emperor instead of Haile Selassie probably was really a descendant of Muhammed