Was Christian Dark Ages a lie made by atheists?
Was Christian Dark Ages a lie made by atheists?
No, Catholicism inherently leads to economic stagnation
>every thread about christian dark ages
>russians burning old believers
explain this meme
You are full of shit and you know it. The main driving force in the west culturaly and science bast for the longest time was christianity. The wealth of the catholic institute by itself is proof that christians are capable of creating a profitable economic enviorment
Protestant countries are richer tho
Yes. The Medieval Christians actually had flying space castles until atheist (((Jews))) destroyed all their technology to make Christianity look bad
It is exaggerated but truthful.
>The wealth of the catholic institute by itself is proof that christians are capable of creating a profitable economic enviorment
Yeah, you just have to convince people they'll suffer eternally if they don't give you their money. Such a constructive enterprise!
>a lie
>made by atheists
It's probably that if an area is in poverty, ravaged by disease or war etc they are likely to become more religious.
The whole "Catholic Church oppressed everybody" was a lie made up by Protestants.
The irony is the Protestants of today are the ones using atheists as scapegoats for this.
Is Atheism linked to autism
There are correlations, yes, and also with wealth, intelligence, level of education, etc.
Iknowrite since when did fear ever lead to advancement
Not during the middle ages, Southern Europe was the economic and cultural engine. Protestantism is just a manifestation of German nationalism.
It's certainly appears that people with high functioning autism are more likely to be atheists than the general population.
Before you get confused that does not mean most atheists are autistic.
>and also with wealth, intelligence, level of education,
>Implying sperglords and autist have more wealth, intelligence and education than chads and normies
Are they lacking the ability to feel God?
The period between the fall of the west Roman empire and Charlemagne was pretty dark. Some meme Irish priest means Fuck all when 95% of the rest of western Christendom was a shit hole.
>The period between the fall of the west Roman empire and Charlemagne was pretty dark.
And that has nothing to do with Christianity.Also the Eastern Roman Empire was doing fine. And they were even MORE Christian.
The 500 years after Rome fell was quite shit in western Europe.
This is the "Dark Ages".
>The main driving force in the west culturaly and science bast for the longest time was christianity
No, it was capitalism.
As I understand it the dominant theory is that they are less likely to anthropomorphise unnecessarily.
>only a thing post 18th century
>main force
You realize anthropomorphiseing God is incorrect, right? I mean Jesus was a Man. Part of the reason Catholics pray to saints is because of the incomprehensibility of God
To expand, Jesus was a man. The Father wasn't.
No one but history autists and eastern Europe know about Byzantium. Unless you take a actual non required history course Byzantium is mentioned in passing when talking about the Crusades.
(I'm talking about Americans since that is were I am) Europeans probably know about Byzantium
In the Lord's prayer, Jesus teaches that the first priority in praying is to ask that our heavenly Father's name be hallowed.
>No one but history autists and eastern Europe know about Byzantium.
Only furthers the point that "Christin dark ages" is a political meme for the historically illiterate.
Maybe you should of taugh the peasants to read Latin.
The monastery was open to all social classes. Something almost unprecedented in history.
But he's not wrong, even if he's a little too specific and anachronistic. Western Europe's economy and development was driven by its charters and corporate laws. The Church was mostly a driver of cultural unity, creating boundaries between Catholic and non-Catholic cultures while strengthening diplomatic ties between Catholic regions, but beyond keeping a handful of huge empires afloat longer than was healthy until the modern centralized state could do the job better, that was it.
Just don't procreate and pass that knowledge outside the church, don't forget to pay for your indulgence so the Pope can own a golden ladle.
I suppose the first time I questioned my faith was when the priest threw me out of the confessional. That was when I learned my baptism wasn't valid, even though I went to catholic school. Before then I had never really questioned my identity. I don't recall any protestants I know having to deal with shit like this, if you go to church on Sunday you are considered to be a member. The funny thing about those idiots is they fail to see that I could have been converted if they hadn't chosen to just yell and have a fit about it they could see that I went to the confessional willingly and in ignorance that my parents had neglected certain functions and never told me about it. Because Catholicism depends entirely on the parents, they never once thought to proselytize me, even though at that time I was quite religious. That was how I learned my father was excommunicated for marriage outside the faith.
From a theological standpoint, I could have insisted on conversion, but I was a shy boy and in no mood to insist on anything. But having been deprived of an identity just before entering high school, the first period class in high school was biology, and science knows what happened next.
Whether you want to describe it as amthropomorphism or just something that is very similar the point is that they are less like to ascribe agency without evidence.
Look up Stoic or Hindu conceptions of God. Even pantheism. I just feel like it's more of a lack of religious knowledge than anything.
We aren't talking about the economy. He said Science and culture. Something which surly was Catholic.
Reminder that "Antiquity" never happened and the concept was invented by Western "Renaissance" scholars. Current chronology is mostly fictional.
The early "Middle" Ages weren't some Dark Ages that came after a some sophisticated enlightened period. They were literally the dawn of human civilization.
Most formulations of pantheism I have seen are just hippy atheism.
Your suggestion also seems pretty weird, having rejected the dominant religion of their specific culture (we are talking about Western studies here) there doesn't seem to be any particular reason why they would be expected to go away and read up on ancient or foreign religions until they found one they liked.
No. European art, science, technology, literature and philosophy was all crap and stagnant during the Middle Ages compared to the Islamic world, China and India. We only started making major progress in those fields after the Renaissance which was a revival of Greco-Roman thought and knowledge in Europe. I don't give a fuck about what autistic historians consider a "Dark Age" or not, but it's a fact that Europe was a shithole during the Middle Ages compared to those places.
>The whole "Catholic Church oppressed everybody" was a lie made up by Protestants.
Yeah I don't know how they come up with that stuff.
>following different art conventions means its stagnation
wow. I bet you think Gothic cathedrals are pretty bad too, right?
I'd agree that Catholicism was very involved in both for a time, but not really the driving force for either - just erstwhile patrons following social and economic trends. The areas where Catholicism did drive a lot of culture tended to be in non-Catholic regions that they aimed to convert. But even then, Frankish/German/Spanish military and courtly culture were just as important.
I thought Creationists were retarded for trying to awkwardly squeeze human history into a 6000 years frame but this moron basically claims nothing happened until about 1000 years ago.
In the case of art it's literally regression, not even stagnation.
>I bet you think Gothic cathedrals are pretty bad too, right?
Italian architects called traditional Gothic architecture "ugly makeshifts". Nordcucks btfo.
I don't believe in science
>how good something is is entirely dependent on greco-roman shit
No, if anything it was a lie made by bourgeois upstarts who saw the Church as one of the pillars of the old order and thus tried to ideologically attack it.
Science requires proof, not belief, it is the antithesis of faith.
> it's literally regression
It's not though. They purposefully drew art that way. If you don't like it, that's fine. Nothing regressed however. It was a directed change.
The painting/drawing techniques that the Romans used were lost over time. It's a fact. The stylized look of early Christian art was just to hide their lack of talent. It still looked like shit.
Somebody posted a Medieval sketch of a cathedral a while back, showing that drawing realistically wasn't "lost." Whoever told you that "fact" is retarded.
stylistic painting of jesus was a conscious choice.
same with cities, showing everything "realistically" didn't convey the same information.
you don't want to muddy the waters by painting jesus like some nice looking dude you found on the streets. Jesus is eternal, and therefore he cannot look like anyone, just himself.
in these day and age religion means nothing in europe
>They purposefully drew bad art so it's actually good art
Dark Age deniers confirmed for Dada tier retards.
>I have no taste
we can tell.
>Roman Empire collapses in an endless orgy of military usurpers and civil wars
>Barbarian invaders roam the countryside pillaging every single city they encounter
>bands of disaffected peasants join the party and plunder aristocratic villages
>complete collapse of every single form of authority, except those Christian bishops who somehow maintain some authority over their followers
>everyone starts looking for Christian bishops for protection
>the state starts looking for Christian bishops for legitimacy
>still not enough to prevent collapse in the West, the rot was too deep, but something of its culture is preserved for later generations
>people blame Christianity for the collapse
With Christianity we had a dark ages of a few centuries, then several renaissances.
Without Christianity the dark ages would never end.
So this is the power of Christcuck art... Woah.
Clearly, the Renaissance artists were inferior to that majesty.
Just a reminder that the Renaissance set back Western civilization 200 years with its obsession with Greco-Roman culture stopping the natural progression medieval science, specially its physics, were doing towards the scientific revolution.
Scholars like Robert Grosseteste, Nicole Oresme, Jean Buridan, Thomas Bradwardine, during the 13th and 14th centuries, were pioneering studies that would later be done by Galileo and Newton, but their discoveries were ignored by a bunch of pretentious retards who prefered to masturbate to Greek texts.
Jews like Stephen Greenblatt like to portray the Renaissance as the dawn of a scientific worldview. Actually, it was a bunch of mystic hacks like Paracelsus, Marcilio Ficino or Pico della Mirandola getting shit out of their asses.
The art was good, but the Renaissance art was the only thing they did that wasn't based in Greco-Roman models. Renaissance art was an organic evolution of Gothic sculpture, it wasn't even pioneered in Italy, but in the Low Countries, showing how it couldn't be understood as a "revival of Greco-Roman art". It was an evolution of Medieval Christian art, that's why it's good, that's why it's still relevant. Everything else the Renaissance did was forgotten.
Just a reminder that you're full of shit and I didn't believe a single word of what you wrote.
>it wasn't even pioneered in Italy, but in the Low Countries
Late Medieval Italian art already looked pretty good. Brunelleschi then invented linear perspective in the Renaissance that was used in drawings and paintings. He is the eponym of Renaissance art.
You don't believe me, but you believe Jewish intellectuals who want to kill you and enslave your family.
What does that make of you?
>Renaissance artists were not just as if not more religious than their early medieval counterparts
You have to go back
Much, much less. Do you really think the extremist Catholic church would be okay with people making paintings and sculptures of Greco-Roman Gods back then?
More like an attempt by the people of the late 15th and 16th century to paint their own corresponding period as an era of rebirth and enlightenment, or 'renaissance' by making the time before them appear more grim then it actually were.
>Much, much less.
Wanna know how I know you don't know what you're talking about?
The Renaissance was far more superstitious and religious than the "Middle ages".
>Do you really think the extremist Catholic church would be okay with people making paintings and sculptures of Greco-Roman Gods back then?
>extremist Catholic church
Yes, in fact they commissioned a ton of them.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
What extremist Catholic Church?
> The main elements of the Renaissance myth are familiar enough: the sudden dawning of a new outlook on the world after a thousand years of darkness, the rediscovery of ancient learning, the spread of new ideas of intellectual inquiry and freedom, investigation of the real world replacing the sterile disputes of the scholastics, the widening of the world through the discovery of America and the advance of science, the reform of religion. Apart from a few quibbles about the supposed suddenness of the change, and that more on the grounds of a general belief in the gradualness of historical change than because of any evidence, this paradigm seems to be as firmly in place now as it ever was.
>In fact there is no truth in any of this. On the contrary, as we will see, the "Renaissance" was a period when thought declined significantly, bring ing to an end a period of advance in the late Middle Ages.
Have fun~
That yellow shit is unreadable
As I've mentioned here Of course the common people was superstitious and religious and would remain so until the XIXth century. But the Late Medieval intellectual elites was more rationalist and empiricist in its outlook. Think of people like William of Ockham and Roger Bacon, for example.
The Renaissance introduced all sort of mystical mumbo-jumbo for Western elites.
>Get irredeemably btfo
>Refuse admit it
>literally a new IP
I'm not him i just wanted to read that shit but it hurts my eyes
I'm not sitting around checking the IPs of every user, give me a break.
>argues that Renaissance was a myth because the Late Middle Ages weren't that bad but ignores that this was because the church already started getting more lenient on Pagan stuff in that era which then culminated into the Renaissance in the 1400s.
Holy shit, why are Christcucks so retarded? Everything else is complete bullshit that no respectable scholar takes it seriously.
>Clearly didn't read
>Keeps blaming "da church"
Your tears and denial are delicious.
You really ought to get off this board until you know a thing or two about history though.
>the Late Middle Ages weren't that bad
>this invalidates the rest of it that were extremely stagnant and backwards in the fields of science, literature philosophy and art
Christcuck apologists are hilarious.
>Implying I'm a christfag
>Still proving you didn't read it
You're a moron, a fedora, or a troll.
In any event, I'm finished with you, I'll be going knowing that I've won.
But because I'm a nice guy, here's something a little more your speed.
>extremely stagnant and backwards in the fields of science, literature philosophy and art
But was it the Church's fault?
A lot of the argument that Jews peddle against Christianity, is that the Catholic Church used its huge power during the Middle Ages to stall scientific and artistic progress, and that things only got better when the Church finally lost power.
But if you study Medieval history, you will that what consistently happens is the opposite. The Church is weaker in times of stagnation and backwardness, and as the Church gets stronger, so does society. During the period most often associated with the term "dark ages", from the 5th to the 9th centuries, for example, the Bishop of Rome was, chronologically, a vassal of the Byzantine Emperor and an hostage of Lombard kings. The Catholic Church was extremely weak and all political power was in the hand of secular lords. The Church only regained some power during its alliance with the Carolingian dynasty, during the so-called "Carolingian Renaissance", which re-introduced classical learning to Western political elites, but later the Carolingians would collapse and the Church would enter its most weak period, during the 9th and 10th centuries, when it was literally ruled by prostitutes and their daughters.
It was only after the Gregorian Reform that the Church finally became powerful again, and as it became powerful, it could also fund science, art, philosophy, literature, etc. It could fund universities and maintain monasteries. The Renaissance wasn't a period when Christianity and the Catholic Church lost strenght, it was the period when, as institutions, they were stronger politically and culturally, it all culminated into that Pope that became a warrior and made Luther so butthurt that he crashed the Church with no survivors.
>Was Christian Dark Ages a lie made by atheists?
No, it was a lie invented by Protestants to make Catholics look bad
So all you have is a text by a butthurt Christcuck trying to deny the objective fact that Medieval Europe was overall a stagnant shithole compared to the Muslim world, China and India and a clickbait article. Nice job.
>clickbait garbage
Pick one.
Christcuck revisionists aren't the only kind of historians. Today most historians avoid using the term "Dark Ages" because it implies it was shit for the entire world, when it only shit for Europe. Who cares about semantics autism though. It's retarded.
>He fell for the renaissance meme
Here's the real redpill version of it without any autism included for you faggots: Early to mid middle ages in Europe were indeed backwards and stagnant. Europe then had a minor Renaissance during the late middle ages (they were still being put to shame by chinks, muslims and poos), but then the black plague came and ravaged everything, setting progress back. The early Renaissance of the early 1400s didn't make many contributions to science, technology, philosophy and shit, but this is understandable because people were focusing on acquiring all the ancient texts from Greece and Rome to translate and carefully study them. The 'real' Renaissance that contributes a lot to those fields dates to 1500-1600, with figures such as Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Cardano, Machiavelli, Tartaglia, Da Vinci, Pacioli, Tagliacozzi, Lilius, etc. And of course, all the famous artists that are too many to list.
The early to mid middle ages certainly didn't produce any figures comparable to those, and late middle ages produced much less.
>Blaming Christians for the Dark Age
faggots .
Reminder that the Greeks already knew of the heliocentric model 1800 years before Copernicus and that the church also literally threw Galileo into prison for adopting it.
>C-Christianity wasn't holding Europe back
>Without Christianity the dark ages would never end.
The west had a dark age before. Dark ages always end, it's just a matter of how and when.
>Reminder that the Greeks already knew of the heliocentric model 1800 years before Copernicus
>the Greeks
Aristarchus knew, but his hypothesis which proved to be true wasn't proven conclusively enough to supplant the geocentric system.
>and that the church also literally threw Galileo into prison for adopting it.
You're right for the wrong reason. Galileo was put under permanent house arrest by the Inquisition not because he violated scripture but because while in Rome he pissed off the Jesuits.
>Galileo became involved in a dispute over priority in the discovery of sunspots with Christoph Scheiner, a Jesuit.
>Without Christianity the dark ages would never end.
Ever heard of the bronze age collapse and the greek dark age? The Greeks literally forgot what writing was and it had to be reintroduced by the Phoenicians. Hell long before the bronze age collapse the Egyptians had already had two dark ages.
In 415 the great library of Alexandria, the largest library of antiquity was burnt down by christians.
Christians then systematicly destroyed every other pre-christian temple and stores of knowledge to erase the past and make themselves the rulers of knowledge.
The library of Alexandria was burnt down together with the entire city by Jews during the Bar Kokhba revolt.
There is no reason why Christians would burn it down, since nothing there offended them particularly.
Absolutely yes.
Doesn't exist.
>wealth and education
Distractions from God (unless one devotes one or both to God), so of course those types will be less religious.
'made in His image' is up to a decent bit of debate.