Why do so many people panic sell like this.. It doesn't make sense to me...

Why do so many people panic sell like this.. It doesn't make sense to me. I'm 7k in the red but I'm not even consifering selling to gamble with this shit now.

weak hands

invested more than they can lose, so they case out "while they're still ahead"

Is it even worth trying to short in this market?

It's too eratic right now for me to want to try. Maybe if it was in the $2500-$2700 range but I'll pass for now.

most newfags bought in late may/early june
they're in the hole now

It's hopeless. Everything's going down.

Kek keep telling this to the normies

Nothing to worry guys it will come back
Trust us

well, i think theres a few things to consider. like if youve been here for a long time, and you bought , say, eth when it was 30 dollars, or you bought dgb when it was 100 sats or something, then of course you arent worried. no way can things crash that much. you will still be in the green overall no matter what happens. but for people who have only been here a few weeks, we dont have long term gains to fall back on. almost everything ive bought and held from a week ago is lower now than it was then. so yes im worried

All ai know is that my niggers be free to ride the waves

Waves a shitcoin tho so GET OUT NAOW.

There are some whales fucking with people putting up fake walls and scaring the noobs but I just don't see it going lower than $2200 this time around.

tfw no niggers on waves

This. I was up $3500 and when I was still up $3000, I just thought, why worry, this shit is too volatile and I don't have the time to pay attention

I know it will come back bro. It always does its just lame getting food poisoning the day after I just had steak and lobster. My gains!!!! Reeeeeeeee

I just want to get some sleep but I can't take my eyes off it. I should have gone to bed 14 hours ago :\ what a shitty day. I also really wanted to buy some alt dips but I'm so tired I don't want to make any stupid decisions. Reeeeeeee

down €18k, right there with you brah

couldn't care less

You think this is the first time this has happened or something?

It's like no one was here 2 months ago

Or even three weeks ago when the same thing happened

Fuck I need to sleep a bit guys it's not going lower than $2200 now. I don't give a shit anymore. Eat a bag a dicks you weak handed pussies.

That's what I feel like. I really want to try but if I fuck up I'll have to end up buying in higher

Sleep man. It is ogre.

it's babby's first dip

I do not believe that he ate the whole foot

thats a sub