why is this board so mean to Britain?
Why is this board so mean to Britain?
It is a reaction to the British shitposting.
Itțs psychotic Frenchposters who still hallucinate Britposters after they have been scared away
Former colonists are still butthurt
Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.
after Jews the UK is the stand in for "bad guys who kept us down"
Success breeds jealousy
Because you're easily buttblasted.
Because they're Eternal Anglos
Idiotic Teutophiles who are buttmad that we conquered the world then they couldn't, refused to ally with them in WW2 and then curbstomped Dresden into oblivion.
Germany is getting more hate on Veeky Forums though
It's more a reaction to the rampant Anglocentric view of history that lots of people who post on Veeky Forums were brought up on. It's really not our fault that the British present themselves to be the most moral and high-minded faggots while trying to exploit and conquer the entire known world. And to top it off, Britain always went the easy route of trying to pick on less powerful peoples, and routinely tried to get other Europeans to fight their battles for them. Britain has led Europe into so many disasters it's almost unbelievable that Europeans would let some shitty island with shitty weather decide their fate.
Sweet tears
What exactly has Britain done to Europe that's so terrible?
>Britain invents steam engine
>Britain invents Penicillin
>Britain more or less singlehandedly creates industrial revolution
>continental peasants think they matter
Firebomb all the women & children you want, Germany still rules Europe.
What happened to the British Empire?
When the great catholic nations of europe colonised their parts of the world they spread catholicism and their language with them, making catholicism the largest language spoken in most of the world today.
When the great muslim empires colonised their parts of the world they spread islam and their language with them, making arabic the largest religion worshipped in most of the world today.
When britain, the sole and singular english speaking and anglican doctrine nation on earth, became the largest empire in the entirety of history...
>responsible for autralians and canadians
envy. english is the most widely spoken language on the planet for a reason.
>making catholicism the largest language spoken in most of the world today
>making arabic the largest religion worshipped in most of the world today
I laffed
Heh, those zulus sure thing were a challenge
Amirite brit?
Is it french or spanish that we are discussing this with?
england confirmed master culture.
which exists because of england.
And it was a backwoods shithole on the periphery of civilization until America received a bunch of German immigrants.
Because England hoarded land to become the largest empire. Let's face it, the Canadian tundra, the Sahara, and the Australian outback have fuck all. They also have their heads far up their own asses.
The british at least had an empire, unlike the g*rms
/int/ shitposters colonising the board as another platform for slinging memes
>until America received a bunch of German immigrants.
It's the irish people that transformed America into the world power we all know today
it's evil incarnate
Mostly its because the English are extremely arrogant and need to be taken down a peg.
Also because perfidious albion was and is cancer intent on the destruction of everything holy and just.
sure nigel, whatever helps you sleep at night thinking that we're """""jealous""""" of your empire.
Opposed Napoleon.
Argued against the dismantling of Germany at Versailles.
And that's only Europe, Sykes-Picot and the partition of India are also complete fucking disasters.
>dismantling germany would have been a good thing
Wew lad
cuz they are Anglos and Anglos are subhuman
Their own histories had them well underfoot in our Empire, and so this has skewed their own personal interpretations the whole affair.
It's only their nature, shouldn't really fault them, it's not something they can control after all.
That isn't the case at all, America was an enlightened expression of English common law, personal freedom, and dignity.
The Germans were really just the sort of hardy brutes we needed to send to the godless frontier though.
They wish, now they have nothing.
You have it much better than Germany, don't complain.
Also, fuck Germany.
nothing at all
just wealth, actual sovereignty, high standard of living, centre of European commerce, etc.etc.
and the fond memories of course :^)
>and the fond memories of course :^)
There are tears in your post.
The sun still hasn't set.
Then why was over a third of the planet a citizen of the empire if everything they took was empty?
>Brits are irrelevant, they have never achieved anything
>Brits are responsible for everything bad in ghettos word
How does Veeky Forums reconcile these two ideas?
I haven't found a single valid argument to support its existence to be honest, while there are several against it.
This. Veeky Forums is just reverse /pol/ when it talks about Germany.
We have more islands than you do buddy. :^)
>Transforming anything into a superpower
Because they suck American cock
The arguments for dismantling Germany...
>i'm french and 'm salty because i want to annex the rhineland
>i'm a PIIGS and i'm salty because i'm poor
>i'm british and i'm salty because i lost my empire
>i'm polish and i'm salty because i'm polish
I don't find any of them particularly compelling.
A quick rundown of why the UK is awful
>First major country to ban slavery and activley forced others to follow
>Genocided the Irish
>British were involved in the systmatic extermanation of the native american population
>Litterally invented concentration camps for use against the Boers
>Responsible for the formation of Israel with balfour declaration
>Fucked over both Rohdesia and Pre-apartheid South Africa (whom they later placed sanctions on)
>Killed abos for sport
>Reduced most of Africa to a husk through reckless abandonment of colonies after they had extracted their resources
>starving and killing various asian populations
>Still have a monarchy who they see as superior too themselves
>TV licences (lmao)
>Nanny state where tons of porn and "adult sites" are banned
>Rigourous anti-piracy measures to please the jews
>GCHQ carryout litterally the widest invasion of public privacy in known history, and their government keeps voting to wxpand it
>Welfare state, very close to full blown socialism
>Home to rampant pedophilia, a tradition their friendly muslim immigrants readily adopted
>No guns, no knives and no dignity
>State-enforced diversity
>Racism is illegal ("hate-speach"), unless its against whites
Every country on earth was eclipsed by Britain and they aren't happy about it.
Without Germany, you don't have WW2 or the EU in its current formats, it's possible that communism also finds itself much more contained.
If anything, that alone should convince anyone that letting Germany remain was a massive mistake.
Also the Rhineland should have legitimately gone to the French, for defensive purposes.
Without Europe, you don't have WWII, the EU or Communism at all. Europe shouldn't exist.
There's no way to get rid of Europe, I'm afraid, no event in history where you could have gotten rid of it the same way they could with Germany.
well it's not as if the Bosch didn't earn their slings and arrows, at least in regard to their history
I don't think getting rid of Germany was ever truly conceivable.
I find the idea of allowing the frogs to genocide yet another culture detestable
Too many butthurt brownies and colonials to be honest.
>muh bengal famine never forget the 8 trillion
Brits wish they has then 2nd amendment.
You know You do.
I don't
They're legitimately terrified of firearms.
Who says the Germans would have been genocided?
They'd have been split according to their cultural differences, if anything, that's more culturally preservationist than the alternative "Germany swallowing every other culture".
ayy but for real tho
why u mad
The idea of a British 2nd Amendment is not an imposibility.
English speaking Britain, must sound crazy to some.
see the fate of the Alsatians
Yes, Alsace-Lorraine was gobbled up by a bigger power and robbed of its cultural identity, you're only proving my point right.
I just realized something.
The movie: The Matrix
in this Movie, Neo was given a Choice to take the Red pill or the Blue pill.
Demacrats are known for the color blue and the Republicans are known for the color red.
Was Trumps victory against the Globalists planned out That far back?
not in the slightest, it would eventually be absorbed and killed by the french
one thing that many miss in the matrix films is that red or blue, you haven't really left the matrix
The colors switched every election cycle prior to 2000, and blue/red have historically been associated with conservatism/leftism, respectively.
You've never been on /pol/. /pol/ hates Germany.
If there is one country that deserves to be dismantled and its population thoroughly genocided to the last child, it's France, for the shit they did to Austria-Hungary.
>France would eventually annex and absorb Bavaria, Hannover, Saxony, and Prussia
Do you know how paranoid you sound?
Britain and the US are directly responsible for the curret crisis in the Middle East, and therefore indirectly responsible for all the subsequent terrorist attacks that have happened whle at the same time safely dodging the brunt of attacks themselves thanks to being separated from the Middle East by bodies of water.
A lot of countries (including my own) have some degree of butthurt in regards to Britain. Don't take it too seriously, Nigel; it's mostly just banter.
Veeky Forums has some Brandenboos, it's just the Wehraboos that get scared off
>dodging the brunt of attacks themselves
And that right there is the big problem. We need more attacks on our home soil to show all these SJW cucks what these subhuman pieces of trash actually are. maybe then we can finally fix the sand nigger problem once and for all
>It's the irish labor that transformed America into the world power we all know today
Maybe the US's intelligence services are just better at preventing attacks than other nations.
>philosophical buzzwords
And yet it was still an agricultural backwater.
the north is a backwater
America was simply pure frontier, naturally it's going to be agrarian, it has to start somewhere, you thick?
It's a lot easier to screen people that have to come through planes than people that can just smuggle themselves in thorugh boats and land borders.
The north industrialized first and led the country to superpower status, the south was a backwater and still is.
I'm not mad, the bongs are just pathetic and are to be laughed at
Bongs filled with holes and Globalism in some minds and an untimely peace in other minds.
are you an american?
Then why are your posts clearly so bitter? :)
Bullshit. /pol/ hates the modern, liberal Germany but not the Germanic "race" in general. That's reserved for autismal Anglos on here.
It would have been, I don't know how you can argue otherwise.
Not really, no.
I am jealous of your constitution as a whole though. Free speech especially. Our government is slowly taking away all our rights and turning us into a police state without asking (very soon all your internet history is going to be on record and easily accessed by basically fucking anyone who asks for it).
I'd give good money to have things like 'free speech' and 'right to privacy' enshrined in some sort of untouchable document.
We don't want guns because we dont have niggers here - unlike yourself our blacks are basically as civilized as anyone else. We have chavs instead - which are largely white.
Basically we can't just do what you do and aim for the darkies, since they have no statistical chance of being worse than the white people.
British empire is gone and brits only have the past to be proud of, lol
as opposed to our detractors, who have neither the past nor the present to honor
India has the future to look out for.
The "destroyers of Europe" meme originated on /pol/.
a future of disease, poverty, and overpopulation, coupled with stagnated economic growth, and the effects of whatever scuffle the Chinese are going to end up causing or being involved with in the general area of southeast asia