Who here is in /lent/?
What is your own personal sacrifice?
Who here is in /lent/?
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I sacrificed going on lent about 12 years ago and have never relapsed once.
No Christian will be able to top this
What is this? Catholic Ramadan?
Sort of. You can choose what to give up for 40 days, be it alcohol, chocolate, TV, whatever rather than food between sunrise and sunset. It's supposed to help you understand Jesus' time in the desert.
Not like that, it is optional and you can make up your own sacrifice.
I'm doing the old style fast (no meat or dairy) and no FB.
>Who here is in /lent/?
I am. I don't get on well with the Catholic church anymore, but I still like the idea of Lent.
>What is your own personal sacrifice?
Drugs (weed, alcohol) and masturbation.
Only on day 4 of nofap and it's starting to really get to me. Jesus give me strength.
>Drugs (weed and alcohol) and masturbation
No faps are pretty fucking hard, never got through them, once I get a girlfriend maybe I'll do it. But I am already doing one with no drugs and hookers.
>40 days
it's 46 or nothing. if you can't fast on sundays then it is a series of fasts, not one long one
>tfw too poor for drugs and hookers.
I'm sacrificing a goat to Yahweh.
Sacrifice your poorness
I stopped shitposting.
I quit my band after 8 years
The temple is inside you, anyway.
Are you still allowed to eat beaver meat?
Giving up weed temporarily isn't enough. Just quit or you're going to hell, fucking addict.
Heavy drinking, unnecessary purchases, more than a single glass of soda a day (none thus far though), pork.
It was actually a type of large water rat mistaken for a fish when the Spanish explorers sent a letter describing it to the Pope
I'm Muslim but I like practising Lent.
My sacrifice this year will be the same as all the previous years, not having a gf
that was a capibara
the indians in missions convenced the priests that it was a fish
How does it taste?
>something in water
Yes, I am convinced that that is a fish.
I never tried it.
I gave up potatoes. Yeah it's not a "pleasure" like ice cream or beer, but it is going to be harder than one would initially think. Just yesterday on the way home from work I grabbed takeout from a sandwhich joint for my wife and myself and it wasn't until the sandwhich and fries where on my plate that I realized I had gotten potatoes. Almost blew it three days in.
Question: Does vodka count as potatoes?
>Does vodka count as potatoes
Giving up everything made with potatoes would be like giving up everything made with corn. Almost impossible to be exact given the ubiquitousness of the potato in other things. This being said, for God, I'd go the extra step and give up vodka as well.
>once I get a girlfriend maybe I'll do it.
I am married and I still masturbate (there is a stereotype joke here). Basically because I have a much higher sex drive than my wife does and she doesn't really care so long as I am circumspect about it.
That's fair. If I'm going to rationalize and be legalistic about it I might as well not even do it at all.
I gave up God for lent.
It's actually really positively affecting my mental health. I'll probably try to quit entirely after Lent is over.
Drugs, sex, and alcohol on the weekends.
that shit really gets in your head, the psychology behind it is pretty scary
Veeky Forums apparently, who knew Brooke Shields was child pornography?
I'm giving up white women.
I just came back to Catholicism, so I don't really know what to do and if it's too late. Maybe I should give up masturbating in day hours as I'm not that rich and I can't easily give up any food that comes to my sight. I won't eat pork or cow in Fridays. I don't know, it's a little hard to come back.
You should give up Catholicism
Shut up. I came back to it because I need a sense of familiarity and security. Maybe later I become orthodox but right now I need a solid ground to recover my faith.
I gave up moderation.
Then I gave up telling that joke.
It's a question of context.
Honestly, I love Lent. It's not about sacrifice, it's about mindfulness, breaking the hypnotic patterns we constantly repeat without thinking, even, especially, when they are comfortable. Resisting the mundane. Letting your will overcome your habits. Even if you don't give anything up, it is worth it if it makes you think about it just a little. Shake up the routine. That's when you let a little light in.
God Bless you.
Faith is not a piece of clothing you may change regularly to suit your mood.
Saying you're returning to Catholicism but plan to convert to something else soon shows bad faith.
I am a fan of the willpower part of it most as well. My wife is a newly faithful person (raised Methodist but apparently wasn't that into it, found out in college her family were Jews who converted to Christianity upon emigrating to America and then decided she was Jewish but again, not very into it, and she just started getting back in touch with Christianity stuff when we started dating) and the willpower and the promise of it was what convinced her it was useful.
She was all like, "But Jesus was the son of God... You think that you giving up X matters when he was being tempted by the literal 'devil'?"
And of course the answer is "no, not really" but that if I say, "I will do without X for span of time Y" and then immediately go and do X I am a less moral and honorable person, in myself. That did communicate some of the importance of the season.
You don't give those things up because they're wrong or somehow sinful. You give them up to demonstrate and remind yourself that god takes priority over material pleasures.
are you going to say something positive or not? You don't even believe in the benefits of Lent, do you?
I am aware of that. She was of the opinion that giving up X matters to God in a legalistic sense and of course the answer to that is "no" but the point of making a promise and then keeping it does matter, and I would say it matters to God too.
It's easy to sacrifice hookers when you're a virgin, user.
Go on.
I was actually getting scared because I visited brothels once and even twice a month last year because of depression issues, I thought shallow female touch would help me and brothels are a easy way to get that. I was close to getting addicted to whores but lenting and the fact that I am focusing more in my studies and getting a proper job is helping me.
jerking off and drinking pop
What country do you live in?
No fizzy drinks. It's pussy shit I know but whatever.
The good part of Brazil, user
What a pathetic human being. You disgust me.
The free, capitalist south?