Why are Germans so bad at warfare? Look this shit, the plan was good then Moltke fucked up everything for everyone.
Why are Germans so bad at warfare? Look this shit, the plan was good then Moltke fucked up everything for everyone
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You should had say the young
Von Moltke the old is the best
Second time lucky
Daily reminder, the schlieffen plan would have worked but for Von Klucks army being held up by the BEF which disrupted the timetable
still hilarious that germany eventually used a plan so shit it could be stopped by BELGIUM, of all god damn countries, not rolling over and dying
Fuck Germany and fuck stormfags
Based Germany.
Loses the war, still comes out on top.
German military is a meme.
>Sclieffen plan
How the fuck do you expect to move to that timetable in an absence of motorized forces (let alone motorized logistics), even assuming the French barely put up a fight. For fuck's sake, you had people falling asleep in the middle of the fighting in the battle of the Marne, and you want to extend that march even further and faster?
>Germany has never won a war.
>Israel has never lost a war.
Really makes you think.
to be fair, though, the dutch/german and belgian/dutch borders are virtually impossible to defend which would in turn have severely reduced the capacity of both countries to stall you
as opposed to going through the only part of the low countries that can actually be considered defensible giving your opponents sufficient time to blow up all their bridges
Moltke changed the original plan faggot. Do you even read?
Yes, and the original plan was an unworkable piece of crap that Moltke made at least semi-plausible.
>Do you even read?
Pot, meet kettle.
Ebin GroBgermaniums would have been the most
a e s t h e t i c
country in Europe.
I think that's why Le France(r) was so bum-flustered by them.
That's not what I was getting at. The original Schlieffen plan posited, after blowing through Belgium quickly, that the German forces would continue to advance, primarily on their right, about 100km further than Moltke's modified plan did, and attack Paris from the northwest.
You'd still be going through Belgium, and they'd still be relying upon speed and overwhelming force before France could fully mobilize and react forces up there, but the timetables involved are flights of fancy.
Genuinely curious, why did Belgium resist instead of rolling over?
t. Descendant of Belgian refugees
Most of the european wars in the 17th and 18th were fought in that area.
>Why did Belgium resist instead of having their entire country turned into a supply depot/road for an invading country massively larger than theirs whom the Belgians could never make leave on their own.
Gee, I dunno.
yeh but those tended to be wars between equal powers
but if your plan to assault france can be stopped by belgium, a country 20 times smaller, something has gone terribly wrong in the planning stage. Its not like belgium has ever been known for its impressive military history
here's an ß for you. ſ + ʒ = ſʒ = ß
>by the BEF
By the French*
Nopes: ß
not to mention if belgium decided to do something like that, france would have immediately counter-invaded them ensuring the war would be fought on their territory anyways
only difference would be belgium would have guaranteed to be fucked by a peace treaty regardless of who signed it afterwards because the french would have sought retribution and the germans would have, like you said, had all the cards to just push their will on belgium
> an invading country massively larger than theirs
That's what I'm getting at, though. They were literally (if the British press is to be believed) raped as a result.
Not saying they should've submitted to the Germans, but they paid a hefty price for their resistance.
This makes more sense.
the price for not resisting would have been heavier than the price of resisting
besides there was a good chance of the german invasion going even worse than it did historically, if belgium had managed to, as planned, hold the antwerp fortresses, the germans would have had to deal with england easily landing all of its troops in the perfect position to encircle them
I don't get it.
Bad guys with spiky helmets who invented Germany.
Beniß :-DDD
Why don't we do it in the road
Why don't we do it in the road
Why don't we do it in the road
Why don't we do it in the road
No one will be watching us
>>Israel has never lost a war.
Are you forgetting Rome and the Babylonians ?
Jews say that they are an ancient people but they don't want you to know everything about their past.
Yes. My family fled to the U.S. in 1915.
hol up hol up
so you be sayin
we wuz belgians and shieet?
All I've got is my family name.
I never got to meet them.
Stop shitposting.
hallo waar zijn het wafels
They won the 1871 war pretty amazingly.
1864-1871 is some impressive shit.
I know Veeky Forums prefers autism simulators, but I thought it was neat how Civilization managed to emulate Germany's aptitude at quick, smaller wars & while still getting #btfo in larger, longer ones.
Civilization can be surprisingly authentic in terms of modeling country characteristics.
I was talking about the modern state of Israel and the modern state of Germany, obviously.
It was North German Confederation though.
They've got an impressive record, but not perfect.