I expect Bancor to drop -50% on the first day of trading. Madoff would be proud of this scam.
You faggots goys got jewed so hard
Other urls found in this thread:
> not even a single line of code available
> already overvalued at the ICO with a price of 4$ per coin
> speculation bubble, not real world use
enjoy your bags morons
W-we're going to be all billionaires
J-Jews are our best ally
The mother ship eth is down -25% since the ico day.
With jews you lose.
there is a contract to buy back any tokens at the ICO price. literally impossible to lose ETH on this one and you still fucking miss out, huh?
Are you fucking stupid? Buy walls do not hold. Look at the eur/chf floor. Not even the fucking Swiss central bank could hold it.
thanks. gave me a helathy laugh
Fucking Jews man, I swaer to fuck. tell me they are not chosen by God
>ETH lost 30% in fiat value? don't worry goyim, you'll still have the same amount of ETH
done via smart contract, not a buy wall on the exchanges
>the buyback is a very simple smart contract, holding ETH, and sending it back to addresses that transfer BNT to it, in a fixed rate of 0.01.
B-b-but guys haven't you seen that really credible exchange hitbtc they are selling their IOU contracts for so much its surely going to moon.
yeah, true. is that why you're so upset? easiest 10x since DGB. bet you missed that one too.
Eth was at 400. Now it's at 260. Is that a profit? You CANNOT LOSE.
Its 80% ICO, and no date announced when it will activate - it definitely wont be there for launching on exchanges that's for sure so there's a pretty high chance you will infact lose money for the first few months.
You still would have lost that money holding eth, without the potential upside of bancor, which will be worth more than 0.01 eth at some point. So how do you lose with bancor again?
gains from bancor will offset the eth dip quite nicely, actually
How will you lose money, no-bancor? Unless you think holding ethereum is a bad investment.
As stated there is a smart contract which maintains the price of bancor at ico level i.e. 0.01 eth. You cannot lose more than you've invested initially because most of the ethereum is being used as a reserve, with the option of buying back as you choose.
given that most ICOs are 2-5x when hitting exchanges even if they don't have a company-backed price floor i think i might be okay
No faggot they will give you back the value of the ico. Except ethereum will be worth not even a quarter :^)
>buying into "DA JOOS" meme when there's a clear chance to make 10x right in front of you
have 7 k bancor from bounty and plan do hodl.
enjoy staying poor and thinking this crash will last for longer than a week LUL
when you invent a god, you get to be "chosen"
If anyone hodl on eth after 150 millions being spent on a shittoken they deserve to be poor.
There are people on this board right now that you can trade in your BNT for ETH at the ICO price
They have an $80 million reserve.
As of now, BNT investors did take a lose on ETH dropping.
sure if you dont know what youre fucking doing.
the simple fact you said that proves you don't.
All these people talking about the eth reserve clearly haven't read the fucking small print atall.
The eth reserve is not fucking active right now and wont activate for a long ass time most likely (no date is announced), otherwise this would simply be completely risk free investment and not a form of crowdfunding -don't you realise how fucking stupid that would be if bancor flops after it hits exchanges and they would lose all of their funding overnight by people dipping into the reserve.
Bancor will not activate the reserve until the coin is well above the 0.01 eth start price, which will eventually happen because you retards gave them so much money but it could and will probably take fucking months.
You idiots piss me off all talking like you know what you're doing when this is clearly your first ICO that you bought into because of a Veeky Forums thread.
>You idiots piss me off all talking like you know what you're doing when this is clearly your first ICO that you bought into because of a Veeky Forums thread.
doesnt matter; market confidence increased anyway. you really should have bought in if not owning any was gonna cause you so much stress, this much pent up rage can't be healthy
7k for $4 each? Enjoy that camry, faggot