Protectionism doesn't wor-

>Protectionism doesn't wor-

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you implying that China become economically successful due to protectionism? Are you serious?

America is a service economy where most of the manufacturing done is skill & technology dependent and competes by having cheap access to complicated supply chains & good trade deals with countries around the globe. Those low level assembly jobs that account for a good deal of former Chinese manufacturing that helped to grow their economy was possible because of their dirt-cheap labor cost (and now a good deal of it is leaving to places like Vietnam & Indonesia).

If you were to enact protectionist policies to try and bring back that kind of low-level manufacturing to America it would most likely make existing US manufacturing less competitive by erecting reciprocal trade barriers and cause price increases on all Americans.

>posterchildren for export centered industrialization

get it together

>America is a service economy
Found the lib cuck, it's pretty evident due to recent happenings that can't be discussed at Veeky Forums that the US is a manufacturing economy.

Less than 9% of American workers are employed in the manufacturing sector.

>tariffs out the ass
>take advantage of your cuck rivals' (((free trade))) policies to undercut their markets

>not protectionist

Free trader's will defend this

Isn't there a business board you could post this in

China and South Korea had their progress built entirely on trade, the fuck you talking about.

>protectionists are illiterate and can't think beyond posting meme graphs

Oh im laffin.

I wonder why that is.

>trade can't be protectionist
>what are tarrifs

>what are tariffs
>what are subsidies

Top lel

This. Taxing imports so as to encourage domestic production and export isn't protectionism you fucking retards.

Stop voting against your own interests. Don't you know that letting international billionaires get even richer is more important?

>Unless Japan is contained, therefore, several things that matter to America will be jeopardized: America's own authority to carry out its foreign policy and advance its ideals, American citizens' future prospects within the world's most powerful business firms, and also the very system of free trade that America has helped sustain since the Second World War. The major threat to the free-trade system does not come from American protectionism. It comes from the example set by Japan. Japan and its acolytes, such as Taiwan, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Korea, have demonstrated that in head-on industrial competition between free-trading societies and capitalist developmental states," the free traders will eventually lose. The drive to break up the world into trading blocs—united Europe, North America, East Asia—is largely fueled by other countries' desire to protect themselves against Japan. Even in their own inroads into the Japanese market, foreigners are tempted to settle for a small place in the dango—"Do you want two seats? Do you want three?" —rather than pushing for truly open competition in Japan. The ideal of free trade retreats, as the states that don't really believe in it expand.

It sure as hell wasn't because of Maoism.

>youtube is my source

>this thread

US had the highest average tariffs in the world 1787-1946

From May 1989.

Really makes you think

>Don't you know that letting international billionaires get even richer is more important?
International billionaires used China's loose regulations and low wages to get richer so I'm not sure what point you are trying to make.

Right before Japan's lost decade.

>be chinese
>cross roa-
>get run over by a van which slings you into a fake building project which collapses onto you because it's built to inflate the bubble economy
>ambulance finally comes but they're having a cig smoke first
>they bring me to the emergency department of the hospital but they have to go up an escalator first
>medic in the front steps on the metal plate at the top and activates the falltrap, he becomes minced meat
>second medic attempts to use the elevator but it malfunctions and crashes down the shaft
>left on the street to be eaten by a pig together with a few fetuses

y-yeah my slanty-eyed fellows gjoly to china!

>Right before Japan's lost decade.

Yes and it is still one of the most developed nations in the world


I've always liked this picture because of its accuracy

>Yes and it is still one of the most developed nations in the world
Once you become a developed country you usually stay that way unless something catastrophic like a terrible war happens.