In the framework of social justice worldwide we need to find ways for natural resources to be distributed on the basis of compassion and love," LMAO
The pope urges catholics to have less children
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He's right, the world doesn't need more catholics
Any thinking person realizes there are too many people in the world.
A rational person realizes the best way to combat this is to reduce childbirths. An irrational person thinks the best way to do this is to "let it sort itself out" through untold chaos and suffering in a brutal scramble for resources.
>Be Catholic Church
>True successor of the Roman Empire
>Set yourself up in other countries by using your wealth to encourage Catholic emigration
>Divvy the land of other countries up
>Latinize their names and appoint your own governors
>Establish centers for your subjects to congregate
>Tax your faithful subjects
>Use their money to influence other countries not to jail your corrupt bureaucrats
>Proclaim the divinity of the Caesar
Wew, totally a religion guys
Also, this
That wont stop muslims, blacks and asians, who are the ones overpopulating. Europe and America are very sparsely populated. You would Just reduce the percentage lf your people even more.
We all know exactly which Catholics he thinks should stop having children. And it's not third worlders.
>the world is overpopulated
>obviously the solution is for the population that has birth rates below replacement to have less kids and not banning Muslim immigration and cutting all aid to Africa
The Catholic world at this point is mostly black and Latino.
Telling the Irish and Polish to stop having so many kids and migrating everywhere doesn't hurt anything either.
That's why you give poor nations knowledge of and access to contraceptives. You can literally lower fertility rates by double digits when you do this.
Too bad GOP administrations cut funding to anything even tangentially related to abortion.
WTF I hate the GOP now. Empress-Queen Hillary was right about abortion all along.
Maybe we should cut funding to the third world and let nature take its course instead of us feeding all eight of LaQueisha's kids
The pope? More like the poop
>the world is overpopulated
>obviously the solution is for the population that has high birth rates to get even poorer and have less access to healthcare than they already have, after all it's not like horrifically poor people with high infant mortality rates have more children than wealthy Western countries or anything, economists just made that fact up
>trump presidency will make 3rd world population skyrocket because muh abortion
The difference is, they won't be able to sustain having lots of kids, and without aid Africa will go back to having only a few hundred thousand niggers.
There's no reason not to do it unless you're some feminine "muh equality" retard
Enjoy your unstoppable wave of hundreds of millions of starving immigrants, retardo
>w-w-we'll just gun down those people on the border, h-heh heh! Ooh rah, semper fi, God bless these united states!
>There's no reason not to do it unless you're some feminine "muh equality" retard
This, the Left has let their compassion blindly consume them
>The options are either subsidize the 3rd World or open the floodgates
>Not having secured borders and a merit-based immigration policy
>Being this closed-minded
I'm sorry I'm the retardo?
>they won't be able to sustain having lots of kids
When has this ever happened in history to any country? Can you give me an example? All cutting aid does is increase instability, so you get terrorist groups or child traffickers with actual money to set up shop because the West wasn't willing to help out. It's not as if all these people will spontaneously die without aid, they'll just get it from places that don't serve US interests.
You forgot what Jesus was all about, man.
I told you
I warned you about popes bro
Africa was scarcely populated before the white man gave them modern medicine, sanitation and food.
Pre-colonization Africa had the population you'd expect from a bunch of primitive subhumans.
And most of that shit is undeveloped (which is why they need aid). Nothing will be able to develop because 90% of Africans live in tribes.
It keeps happening
Jesus was all about getting Jews to not follow the kikery of their elite and not to be so wrapped up in their customs that they forget the God they're worshiping
Brush up on the Christ story
Sovereign nations are supposed to protect their borders and gun down invading armies. There's nothing wrong or controversial about that.
You seem like the person to think latin americans would be overpopulating too. And we're all catholic
When you stop giving aid to people who need it to survive, they will find that aid (food, money, whatever) elsewhere. They will come to your country, just like they're doing in Europe. A "secure border" in that future scenario means you'll be letting millions starve in a Communist-tier event that would make the Holodomor look like a night without dinner. Not that this would ever happen: Your politicians would put them in refugee camps and they would eventually become some kind of amnestied citizen later on.
All because you wouldn't give them $5 of your taxdollars when they were still in Somalia.
Nice imaginative scenario, except they are coming anyway, and giving aid to artificially sustain their population growth is not helping.
You're seriously overestimating niggers. They'll just go back to hunting for food and living in sustainable populations.
And lol if you think they'll be able to find their way to Europe
Its about worshiping God and not money, which is why he chased the money lenders out of the temple.
Christianity is a religion about eternal salvation of the soul and an apocalypse that will forever end the current world. Saving souls of people in Africa is a huge thing in comparison to having children.
Stop thinking about yourself so much and care more about your fellow man, otherwise Jesus will chase you out of heaven just like he chased the money lenders out of the temple, because YOU are the money lender in the temple when you confess belief in God yet value your own life over your fellow man in Africa, the majority of whom are Christians.
Europe was scarcely populated before the glorious civilizations of the Fertile Crescent gave them agriculture. Europeans are merely primitive subhumans who subsist on the creations of greater cultures than their own.
Now, when can we allow the present-day Iraqis and Syrians to acquire all the lands unjustly occupied by Europeans? It's only right.
No, Africans should not receive aid. And refugee boats should be sunk in the Mediterranean. If they can't feed themselves even though the white man has already taught them how to farm, that's their problem.
>he doesn't read the news
Look, I know Veeky Forums is fucking stupid, but this is getting absolutely ridiculous
>Europeans improve on predescessors and become the master race of the world
>hurr you're just like those Africans now give them aid
Yep, because Europeans only developed because of foreign aid from the Middle East
Nice try. Except Europeans have actually learn how to sustain and feed themselves, and are not looking after the Fertile Crescent to provide them with food, or mass migrating there because they llterally can't survive on their own. So your comparison fails entirely.
>Except Europeans have actually learn how to sustain and feed themselves
Except the Irish.
The Germans should've never received aid after the WW2. And refugees fleeing the Soviets should fuck off. If those degenerate krauts can't feed themselves after trying to blast our boys for three years, that's their problem.
Nigel get out.
>Europeans steal the innovations of far greater civilizations, call it their own
we wuz farmers n' shit
>society that couldn't even develop written language or words for numbers over 3 = war decimated countries
And yes, foreign aid is for cucks
Yup, they shouldn't.
>thinking you have a patent on farming because some brownish people invented it a hundred thousand years ago
There would be no problem here if Africa could develop their own civilization, but they simply can't.
Africans learned how to sustain and feed themselves until Europeans destroyed their cultures and systems of government. They wouldn't be migrating at all if not for massive European meddling in their affairs for more than 200 years.
Why can't Africans learn how to farm like everyone else?
I guess it would be better if the Germans remained fully Communist. Sounds good to me, who wants to rev up the time machine?
Are you serious? Africa was undeveloped and the whites didn't destroy shit.
Because Western business interests insisted on divesting small farmers of their land so that large landowners could farm cash crops like coffee. Do you think Africans don't want to feed themselves? Do you think they wouldn't be farming their own food if they had the financial and political means?
Use your fucking head.
Germany has more worth than 3rd world shitholes, to be quite frank.
>much victimization
Every nation and people on earth has been invaded, conquered and enslaved at some point in their history. Why Africans are the only ones who can't recover? Why are negroes the only minority group that can't succed not matter where, if it's in Africa or Canada or Sweden?
No one's preventing Africans to plant a fucking seed in the soil, water it, and wait for it to grow. There are no evil imperialists ruining their crops while they sleep.
They weren't farming before either, nu-male. Africans have historically lived in hunter-gatherer tribes. Farming didn't reach below the Sahara.
>Africa was undeveloped
Maybe compared to China. Many areas of Africa were just as developed as the German states, the Rus, or Britain at the year 1300. It wasn't until after the Renaissance that Europe truly pulled ahead in technology.
>Why Africans are the only ones who can't recover?
Nairobi is doing pretty OK for itself and is getting better.
Proof? And being 700 years behind isn't impressive.
Then why did the US spend more bombs in Vietnam and Laos than it ever did in Europe during WW2?
Oh, that's right, because it didn't matter what the country being dealt with was, all that mattered was containing Communism. Only a German would actually think Germany matters more than resource-rich third world shitholes like Indonesia or Nigeria.
They're sovereign nations. They have every right to elect officials that redistribute land, or start a revolution.
What Africans do in Africa is their problem. If they can't set up political institutions and economies that work, that's also their, and no one else's problem.
What proof do you need? You think the scattered farming hamlets and villages of early medieval England was any more advanced that the scattered farming hamlets and villages of medieval Mali?
Actually, 1066 Mali probably had more cities than 1066 England.
1) Mali was North Africa and most of the achievements were done by Arabs
2) Africa is still 90% tribal and you can't point to some empire that existed a thousand years ago to prove otherwise.
Again, every fucking people in the fucking world has been either colonized, subjugated and enslaved at some time and recovered from it. Africans seemingly can't and this is all the more reason to stop artificially sustaining their population growth. They are literally a liability to the rest of the world.
No, you seem to misunderstand. Africa (and other regions) is literally being "invaded" by foreign business interests right now. Today. This minute. Many African countries don't have a meaningful government, only people who serve outside business interests. It's long been the policy of the West, particularly the US and Britain, to coopt non-Western governments to serve Western business interests. How are you just now finding this out?
This isn't really as black and white as you try to portray it as. You think that the West's subsidizing of cyclical poverty in Africa is somehow good for the native Africans? What we're essentially doing is removing the natural checks that would keep their population down. The problem comes from the fact that we forced our idea of the nation-state on a people whose culture is incompatible with such a concept. Africa is a historical and geopolitical "who did it and ran". You're suggesting we do more of the same, which clearly hasn't been working
You're assuming that my dismissive attitude somehow indicates a feeling of superiority. I'm simply saying that dumping money into Africa as it currently stands is a waste of time and resources
A) Why learn how when the UN hands food out
B) African farmers can't compete with free products
Look at this fucking retard. Look at him and laugh!
You treat them like children. Oh the racism of lowered expectations!
Also you have a naive view of economics. If one foreign business has an economic interest in the area, then this means that they are helpless and must literally starve to death. You would think that it would the contrary, that foreign investment would provide opportunities. I mean, some governments literally actively try to attract foreign investments. But somehow it's different for Africans...
You are so naive it hurts. Here's an entry-level book that even a born fool like you could understand. Please read it. It's for your own knowledge.
It's funny how egalitarians go out of their way to search for every possible explanation for African starvation,except the obvious one, that negroes are subhuman.
Let me guess you are also one of these guys who say things like "dey muslims stole greek accomplishments ayoooo"
Hahaha, holy shit, listen to yourself.
>Also you have a naive view of economics. If King Leopold has an economic interest in the Congo, then this means that they are helpless and must literally starve to death. You would think that it would the contrary, that foreign investment would provide opportunities. I mean, some governments literally actively try to attract foreign investments. But somehow it's different for Africans...
>you're naive
Says the one making up excuses for negroes literally not being able to feed themselves.
>1) Mali was North Africa
West Africa, below the Sahara.
>most of the achievements were done by Arabs
>people influence each other.
Fuck, you just figured out how civilization works.
>2) Africa is still 90% tribal and you can't point to some empire that existed a thousand years ago to prove otherwise.
...We were talking about societies a 1000 years ago, user. I specifically mentioned England in 1066 in comparison to Mali in 1066. That other user was right, Europe didn't really pull ahead of the rest of the world until much later on. I would say China and India were more advanced than France in the medieval ages. West Africa wasn't really far behind Europe either.
Why negroes need welfare everywhere they live? Is United Fruit setting up shop in their neighborhoods and putting a brotha down in US and Canada too?
It's funny how whites will search for every possible explanation for their past crimes against eachother and other colors and cultures, except the obvious one, that they are subhuman.
Is the ghost of king Leopold going from ghetto to ghetto making sure that blacks are oppressed and behave like animals in the US, Canada, Sweden and everywhere else in the world?
educate yourself, you ridiculous product of incest
Wow so much wit...
Well then I guess negroes shouldn't want to live around whitey then, if hey are such subhumans. Let's all agree to that!
Projecting much? Whites are the least inbred race on the planet. Tell your pet negroes to feed themselves.
Is the ghost of Abraham Lincoln going from suburb to suburb making sure that whites are wealthy and behave courteously in the US, Canada, Sweden and everywhere else in the world?
I know I know. What if blacks get their own sovereign nation, without a single white person to oppress them, then they should be fine right?
>what is Haiti
Nice use of ellipsis... it really... enhances your... point. It doesn't make you look... like an uncultured fuck... or anything.
Could've fooled me!
Based Abe Lincoln. If he is, he's doing a good job, because it's working.
>the people in this thread don't realize that there are plenty of middle and upper-class Africans in Africa, its just that society is really stratified and the poor get shunted hard.
>I ran out of excuses for negroes being subhuman
That's okay user.
First, we'll have to enslave all whites for at least 200 years. Then we can have a horrible war to free them, and once that's over, nonwhites can still discriminate for another 125 years or more. After that we can truly prove which race is best. Sound fair?
Africans have the same intellectual capacity as any other group of humans. Their culture however is primitive and doesn't allow for such complex social structures like the State to arise. Does this make them subhuman? Of course not, however due to our unique position in history it's our duty to elevate living standards throughout the world. Does this mean letting every poor immigrant into our countries? No, nor does it mean that we should pour money into a problem that isn't going to fix itself. Leftists like to tout the corporate line and advocate for the very top-down policies that have been harming Africa and driving a wedge between the first and third worlds, really gets the noggin going
>what is the Iberian peninsula
>what are the Balkans
Surely not the wealthiest regions in the world, but they won't literally drop dead if the UN doesn't drop sacks of rice on their heads every week, or if someone doesn't volunteer to go down there and inject them with medicine and teach them not to have sex with monkeys.
>Africans have the same intellectual capacity
>Iberian peninsula
People this dense exist. I'm almost ashamed for your parents.
You have the reading comprehension of an earthworm. The other user asked me to do an experiment where a white population is enslaved and discrimated against for hundreds of years. Supposedly, in user's head, they would end up exactly like Haitians or African Americans. I cited the Iberian peninsula and the Balkans as an example of a white population being conquered, enslaved and discriminated against for hundreds of years, by a foreign power. And no, they didn't end up like Haiti.
It's almost like different people from different climates behave differently from one another! But no, to the Left race is only "skin deep" and has nothing to do with thousands of years of evolution or culture
Well you fucks managed to ruin a thread horrifically. What's the point of this board anymore?
Are you retarded?
The birth rate becomes higher when the child mortality rate is higher.
But it shouldn't be a problem if they all die after they are born.
>You have to have less children
>But contraception and abortion are sins
What are Catholics supposed to do, stop fucking entirely?
good, i cant wait for white people to extinct
Francis smoked too much marijuana when he was still a 60 year-old hippie, and now that he's an 80 year-old hippie he can't think right anymore.
Didn't God tell people to be fruitful and multiply?
There are shit tons of Catholics in Africa and Latin America.