Why don't we just cut all aid to Africa? It's the easiest way to solve overpopulation.
Why don't we just cut all aid to Africa? It's the easiest way to solve overpopulation
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But OP
Foreign aid doesn't have a very big correlation with overpopulation in Africa
And the continent is far from overpopulated
The best way to stop overpopulation is to kick up aid to Africa to the next level. Particularly in contraceptives. That is objectively the best way to slow population growth. They're directly correlated.
But that's not edgy enough. I want to pretend to be a sociopath and hide behind "just being rational." At the very least I want people to call me racist.
t. OP
There will come a time when whites die out and humanity will regress back to the bronze age. Africans can't even figure out how to subsistence farm.
If you cut aid to Africa eugenic strengthening will occur. Keep them poor stupid and lazy.
*blocks your path*
Yeah but doesn't contraceptives go against their backwards religious way of life?
Rember that we live in a world in which ethiopians have an average IQ lower than the average IQ of the smartest two monkeys
Not even memeing, there are primates smarter than the average african
Is overpopulation a Veeky Forums meme? If yes, there is too much stupid people falling for trolls here; if not, there is too much stupid people here believing in whatever justify their racist beliefs.
the reality is actually that not only is the IQ system unscientific and doesn't necessarily represent cognitive ability, but there's also a lot of false information out there concerning it.
Because humans have empathy.
It's not that simple you fucking stormfag.
>& Humanities
So does not dying of easily preventable diseases but that doesn't stop us trying to stop it
>implying human populations don't self-regulate when they reach a certain prosperity point
>implying developed countries with a high standard of living don't get to a point where families become smaller and low birth rates kick in, and developing, poor countries with a high infant mortality have a higher birth rate
Veeky Forums sure is delusional when it comes to this topic. It's like this board has been taken over by the other board and got exposed to retardation.
>dude just give them aid and then give them contraceptives that they won't use to solve the problem of giving them shit they couldn't get on their own
>IQ isn't real guys, it's biased and shit believe me
You're such a cuck holy shit
Looks like the feminized children have come out to play
>waaaaah muh empathy
Bleeding heart humanitarianism never got anyone anywhere
Looks like the cuckspiracy theorist came out to play as well.
Poor countries have faster birth rates than rich countries.
What we need to be doing is teaching their women to read and making it more profitable to stay at the office than to raise a kid.
They'll be screwed in no time flat.
>humanity will regress back to the bronze age
>implying that's a bad thing
it was the comfiest era
Holy shit you dumb motherfuckers. Giving money won't just elevate them to the same living standards as the western world. If you look at real life you see that because of Tribalism, superstition and other dumb stuff, Africa is a backwater place. Literally the only way to actually make Africans have less children is to put them under the direct control of Western countries or maybe China but you're no doubt all hardcore humanitarian cucks who can't stand that idea of white people telling Africans in Africa what to do so shut the fuck up.
>Psychology isn't real, we shouldn't care about it, it's just muh feels
>Except when it suits me and then I'm just going to pretend to know anything about it
That won't have much effect. African aid goes to development and medicine. You'll see a tick in infant mortality and poverty, but the population will still grow.
Veeky Forums has gotten very, very bad within the last month or two. been here since the beginning, never seen it so bad. idk wtf happened.
No, it's a /pol/ meme because anyone bothering with the subject know that "overpopulation" is just a way to explain for retarded people the problem of unsustainable consumption.
Actually abortion and infanticide was common before Western Christianity.
Literally just educate women and support their academic growth and you have clear cuts in child birth. Give them the power to control their money and rights that won't force them to be under a man and they will have less kids.
Secondly overpopulation for the most part is not the issue.
unironically due to neoliberalism
"Food aid stops Africa from starving to death" is probably the most retarded /pol/ meme
It's so observably false if you take even a cursory glance at African economies
>he thinks Europe wasn't a tribal, backwater shithole
>Literally the only way to actually make Africans have less children is to put them under the direct control of Western countries
This, the West's funding of cyclical poverty in Africa and forcing the alien concept of the nation-state on them has clearly not worked, yet Leftists pursue more of the same corporate policies that harm the continent in the first place. They insist that all cultures are equal and not a product of thousands of years of evolution, so of course in their twisted minds they can't fathom the fact that African culture is inherently stagnant
>anyone bothering with the subject know that "overpopulation" is just a way to explain for retarded people the problem of unsustainable consumption.
This as well
Cutting off aid and no longer demanding tribute would help Africa on net, since the developed world extracts more value from Africa than it gives in aid.
Would you also stop taking things FROM Africa?
>Actually abortion and infanticide was common before Western Christianity.
And during.
Does anyone have the Japanese cartoon warning against giving aid to Africa? shows starving kids growing up, fucking and then more starving kids demanding food