Who is the greatest general of antiquity and why is it Julius Caesar?
Who is the greatest general of antiquity and why is it Julius Caesar?
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I think you mean germanicus.
Hannibal Barca is the best due to affirmative action requirements.
He's certainly my favorite. The skill and intelligence displayed in his greatest battles are fascinating. I would argue, however, that he was quickly supplanted in greatness by Scipio.
Hannibal greatly beat the odds all the time and his overall plan to finally capture Rome was valid.
He just couldn't have known just how loyal the Latin allies were to Rome. He unironically is one of the greatest generals of antiquity.
Could Caesar defeat Hannibal like Scipio did if he was in the 2nd Punic War era?
Are we talking specifically in the context of the battle of Zama or in a wider campaign?
The entire campaign
It's hard to say. Caesars most notable victories are against either savage tribes with poor organization or against troops that had significantly less experience than his own, this isn't to denigrate his achievements for they were incredible, but Hannibal's army would have been something I think he would have struggled with. However, he had the numbers available to him that Paullus and Varro did at Cannae, and also had singular command over said army, he would have won for certain.
Attila >>> everyone
>runs away cos the pope told him so
big guy
Is this picture from a 7 errors game?
>leather vambraces
>metal crest on helmet
>untied cheek plates
>soft leather armour
can anyone find the remaining errors?
Not before the pope gave him a lot of gold in return. The goal of the Huns was to just plunder everything. They succeeded tremendously at that. Btfo East Rome and forced them to pay tribute to them to be left alone.
>>runs away cos the pope told him so
>believeing this christfag bullshit
Attila left Itali baecause of logistics and ERE threatening his empire
Is Alexander no longer part of "antiquity"?
>Scythians and Sarmatians were Turkic
This is bad roach propaganda
No, just the History Channel bowing down to black supremacists and getting pretty much everything wrong.
This, and it wildly exaggerates Hunnic influence, just because a tribe that migrated from Scandinavia a few hundred years prior became Hunnic vassals doesn't mean that the Huns controlled Scandinavia.
why hasnt anyone mentioned pyrrhus yet?
Scandis are full of the Mongoloid Q haplogroup that is associated with the Huns.
Caesar was a master at finding exploits and squeezing every little advantage out of a situation possible.
he was actually a lot like Hannibal himself, only he commanded a better army.
Too bad they have different subclades.
Hannibal with Caesar's Army...
He was white fag
meds weren't white
Hannibal was a shit general. The Romans themselves were the ones who lied about Hannibal being a good general, because that makes the Romans also look better, having successfully defeated a good general.
Best general was Africanus, followed by Pompey. Pompey gets hated on for "stealing victories" which is total BS.
>le Spanish, Italian aren't white meme
the nord rape babies who inhabit italy may be white now, but they weren't during antiquity
does this look white to you?
>Huns ruling anything outside Pannonia
I like these maps.
>the nord rape babies
Porco il dio when is this meme going to die? Germanic admixture in Italy is sub 3% in the most germanified regions (aside from alto adige)
>defeat the ocean
not a lot of men can do that
Ancient Romans looks the same like modern Italians, you cuck
That's true only by a definition of germanic so vague it means shit at all.
maybe the plebs
patricians look like napoleon did
>Germanic mean white.
I dare you to find a kraut who has lighter skin than this guy
>t's hard to say. Caesars most notable victories are against either savage tribes with poor organization or against troops that had significantly less experience than his own,
Julius Caesar was out-manned and outmaneuvered by the most decorated general of his day, whose soldiers were all Roman veterans, and Julius Caesar still managed to pull off a stunning victory.
Caesar fought Celts (to the point of genocide), he fought Greeks, he fought Egyptians, he fought other Romans. He was supposedly in the process of planning an invasion of Persia when he was murdered.
He looks like Fabio Cannavaro
are you blind
Darker you mean?
His skin looks tanner in many other pics
This guy is darker, i mean whiter.
guy has germanic bone structure, just look at that chin and cheekbones
TThey look same, the difference is that pic only gives you a single angle of view. Meanwhile, with Cannavaro pics you can look at many different angles of his face.
i can tell what the roman's facial structure is by looking at him and looking at busts of other romans
Is Sulla Germanic then?
>red-blond with a dead white face covered in red marks
>big chin
Scipio looks like Pierluigi Collina
wide chin, no jaw
like his head is small overall so his chin seems large even though it isn't
look at the bone structure again
if anything scipio looks like ghandi
Jesus fucking Christ, this thread had so much potential until some /pol/tard turned it into a circlejerk over skin color
>muh bone structure
You give the pic of Scipio to any body, asked them who he looks more like? Gandhi or Collina ?.
9/10 them will say the latter, and the guy who chooses the former is an autist.
>Scipio Africanus
>his bust is black
i forgot what gandhi looks like
collina does not look like scipio he looks like a nord raped a med
>muh skin colour
bone structure, height and skin colour ty
Yes, are you blind?
t. shitskin
Literally the same guy who spammed "Med wuz not white" meme in every Roman thread, i guess he is a Greek.
Pompey is not a PS4
Of course, he is a fat xbox one
The Battle of Alesia put Caesar into Alexander-tier, he would've definitely beaten Hannibal.
>>Scipio Africanus
>>his bust is black
Actually several roman emperors were arabs, but at the time they weren't muslims, their goods were the latin ones. None made problems about it, people looked at how they reigned.
>>mfw no one posts me, the only PS7 console of ancient Rome.
Trebia, Trasimene, and Cannae are more impressive imo. Plus, Hannibal's army wasn't as nearly as well-equipped and supplied as Caesar's.
>several roman emperors were arabs
Philip was called "Arab" because he was born in what the Romans called "Arabia Petraea". It isn't part of the Arabian peninsula though. He was of Syrian descent, not some nomad goatfucker.
Hannibal was one of the greatest at what he's done, no doubt, but Caesar also had the odds stacked against him many times, and he actually knew how to capitalize on a victory, whereas Hannibal barely did, and although Hannibal was a great commander, Caesar had a more calculated mind and could plan ahead, and he had great generals.
I'm sure in a regular battle, Caesar and his armies would beat Hannibal with great difficulty, but if we take into account that Caesar's army was larger, more advanced, and that Caesar had studied Hannibal's strategies and what not before, then Caesar would stomp him.