Isn't the Indian toilet healthier on the body?
Indian Toilets vs Western Toilets
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I think you may want /int/.
I mean it's more of a history and humanities question. Why are they different?
Pooping on your feet is not healthy.
It goes in a hole.
Those are called "turkish toilets"
why is that called an indian toilet, its used in many more places than just india. That's what you'll find in most places throughout East Asia.
They're quite common in southern europe as well, I saw a lot of them when I was in Italy and Greece.
>They're quite common in southern europe as well
Really? I wonder were else they are common? Also why don't people universally use them if they are healthier?
someone photoshop a street in place of the indian toilet
Its the same concept behind this thing.
Can you imagine a public pajeet seat?
Turd chunks are blown everywhere!
Just cultural differences I guess, switching over to a squat toilet is very weird if you're not used to, and I must admit I had a lot of apprehension at first. Although now that I've spent a lot of time in China where they're the standard I tend to squat over western style toilets. Its definitely the way your body was designed to defecate, and its more sanitary instead of sitting on the same seat as everyone else's ass. Less relaxing though.
Interestingly when I spent some time out in Tibet things were so primitive in the villages I visited that they didn't even have the squat toilets. They'd just give you a spade and you went out into the surrounding countryside to dig a hole to squat over when you had to shit. That's really going oldschool.
I remember when I was at a train station in Ahmedabad they had this bathroom that was a row of stalls with squat toilets, but instead of being a normal toilet with a hole hooked up to pipes you could see that they were just slits with the sewers running underneath, it was literally a river of shit. To this day I have no idea how the smell was masked in that bathroom, because amazingly it wasn't particularly odorous at all.
They are pretty common in japan. So weebs should love them now.
only in the country though, western style toilets are much more common in cities I found
No, you're literally asking a medical question and as such it belongs where medicine belongs, on Veeky Forums you fucking retard.
I left Europe once, and I am never doing it again because of this.
I thought parts of Europe still had toilets like this.