By what age should a Veeky Forumsnessman move out of his parents house?
By what age should a Veeky Forumsnessman move out of his parents house?
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18. Anything over 22 and you should really be considering what you're doing with your life.
Good goy, make sure you move out and pay me your rent.
I'm 21. Nearing the cutoff huh
Notice how other cultures don't kick out the children until they're
1) married
2) have a well paying non wagecuck job
3) have a house
When you're ready. Get your mental and physical health in check. Make sure you have savings and have properly researched where you're moving to.
If you work full time for 2 years after 18 and then start university you're ahead of the game because you won't be drowning in debt.
Answer from pre crypto-era:
>Around 18-22 is fine, considering the circumstances.
Answer today, in the crypto-era:
>lol when ima go to moon and lamboand, cuck!!!
when you can get a mortgage. otherwise dont ever move out
But it's better to buy index funds? The house meme is a meme according to rent vs buy calculators
alright but index funds dont provide shelter. what would you do for housing besides pay rent or mortgage? serious inquiry im 20 living with parents
It seems that renting is a better option the vast majority of the time.
are you serious? I live in a city with population 1mil and pricey housing market. renting is just pissing money away for some jew to collect equity on
Renting is like leasing a car. It's retarded.
Virgin neckbeard confirmed
When you finished your master degree.
16, any older is manchild tier
>Not being able to take care of yourself
Yea, you're sure teaching those Jews a lesson
Success tier: Living on a college campus by the age of 18
Disappointment tier: Go to some shitter college while still living with your parents
Loser tier: Working a shitty job while still living with your parents
Ghost yourself tier: Unemployed and trading $200 worth of crypto while living with your parents
Renting IS pissing money away.
But so is: interest on a mortgage, maintenance costs, and property taxes.
Something breaks in your apartment? You just call up the faggot and he comes and fixes it.
Added in with the fact that the average young adults moves every few years due to work, or other new experiences(headache selling house, perhaps unfavorable market at the given time? - a non-concern when renting) and the fact that houses really aren't a great investment it makes more sense to buy most of the time, unless you can afford to buy houses in cash without a mortgage.
When he get married so probably like 30 or something.
>be me 22
>living with parents
>own 25% of family business
>1.6M revenue 450K earnings and owns 800K warehouse
>0 mandatory personal expenses
Hehe I'm such a loser because I'm not paying 2K/mo for a tiny apartment in the city, right?
It makes more sense to rent most of the time* fuck
literally all of those are disappointment tier for me
>tiptop kekkerino tier: live with parents, job with opportunity for promotion, invest extra monies in crypto
okay so if I'm definitely not moving my best option would be 15 year mortgage? unless I get stupid rich off crypto
You recover $0 of your rent money when you move.Not a fucking penny.
You recover a nice chunk of your mortgage money when you move, barring a housing crash and/or stupid decision making.
The best choice seems to be renting most of the time.
Ever heard of opportunity cost?
seriously google a rent vs buy calculator - there's a good one on the NYT site and you'll see renting is a better financial choice most of the time.
Depends on your situation. If you can save on the rent and invest it into instruments, why hurry? You are literally using economies of scale by living at home and maximising your income. A Veeky Forumsnessman must understand that income is more important than public opinion of plebs.
I'm 30. By no means a financial wizard, but I just recently moved into a $450,000 mansion outside of Chicago that I purchased with the money I saved from working while still living at home the past 6 years out of uni.
Only in Burgerland do people actually think it's an acceptable decision to move out as a retard teenager or fresh out of university and imprison yourself into a system of rent and debt before you even understand what being an adult human in the real world is all about.
notice how the reasons for moving out NEVER have to do with financial savvy or some kind of overall direction/strategy
actually it's only ever one reason
I'm 24 and thanks to moving back in with my parents after college I have $200k in liquid assets with no debt
my only problem is that I can't come up with a single good reason to actually go and move out, or to where
houses are for families
condo association fees are downright extortionate
apartments look like complete shit and the rents are overpriced
Lol you've never owned a home. Thousands of dollars of closing costs and eventually selling costs is will cover several years of rent.
Also the first couple years of your payment 75% is going to be Interest of the house and no your mortgage. So you're pissing that away too. Look up the amortization charts
I'm a homeowner but think before you speak
I have and the math still works in favor of buying because in most places the average rent far exceeds what the calculator gives you.
Not all of us live in Bumfuck, Nebraska.
>couple of years
More like first 10 years lol
Literally better off spending the money you're spending on a home on ETFs. Housing is a shit investment across the board. It has low returns (if any), is not diversified either by sector or region, can be destroyed in a million ways from arson to flood to hurricanes, requires constant upkeep, isn't liquid at all and costs a chunk to sell. It's only redeeming factor is there fuzzy feeling of living in your own house, which is not worth all that much if you have to move. If it's that important to you, knock yourself out, but given a choice I would always rent.
>butthurt virgin detected
I got kicked out and was on the streets on my 18th birthday
15 years later and im a junkie living under a highway overpass
Live with your parents as long as you can
Ps brush your teeth and go to the dentist
It's literally a normie meme after the government pushed the idea for decades and then real estate agents shilled for it hard so that they can get mad commissions.
Congrats on having rich parents you delusional fuckwit
If you're not on your way to a high 5 fig salary by 30 I would see a career counselor or start reading some books on job hunting/career hunting.
>Ghost yourself tier: Unemployed and trading $200 worth of crypto while living with your parents
how did you know
moved out at 22 last year and I'm moving back at 23 in a week
moving out is fun but it fucking kills you financially
>Be American
>Parents kick you out at 18 because Americans don't care about family anymore or have any semblance of a close family support network, just a bunch of divorced single mothers and obese suburbanites who are 100 miles from any college
>Tens of thousands in loans for college and still have to work to pay for rent
>Spend the rest of your life trapped in debt at a young age
Americans are fucking retarded lmao.
You won't be able to spend the money on ETF's because it will be going to rent. Unless, you're just referring to the down payment which is a one time thing and won't give you much of a return anyways in itself.
he makes a bit of a point though, people who consider living with parents a giant shame are generally ones who never actually had the option to keep living @ home
Also, when I've been using the term "house" I'm using it in the context of a place to live (shelter, store your stuff, etc) not as an investment. There's a big difference.
If you don't have enough money to invest into ETFs after paying the rent, you don't have enough income to own a house. It's as simple as that. Both the principal and the interest on your credit need to be paid at some point. No free lunches, bud.
26/27 when you no longer can suck on your parent's tits with health insurance. (USA)
You're a special kind of stupid.
>Not American
>University is free
>Tight urban city, meaning my university is a 10 minute bus ride away
>Also get cheap student bus pass
>Not American, so buses are modern with wifi and not shitheap Ameribuses
>Live with parents
>No debt
>Get a job
>Save money
>Buy house
>Still no debt
Is this why half of all Americans are a paycheck away from being on the street?
It is an investment. You are spending a large sum of money on an asset that just happens to be the place you live in. If you need to sleep somewhere and store your porn mags, you can rent. REITs can actually be a good thing to diversify into, housing isn't. Read some literature on the topic. Unfortunately, I can only recommend you something in German. Kommer for anyone interested.
>j-just live with your parents bro
There's not even any space for me to live
I don't even have my own room, I have to share my room with my sister.
Everytime I want to fap someone bust in, try to get a quiet time to do something then a bunch of people walking around behind you, disturbing you every other minute, can't even fucking sleep at night without people waking me up everytime.
Couldn't even get a job because of the lack of sleep and depression issue.
You all rich parents babies don't know what is it like
Burgers don't like their sons, they are 50 years old and still want to live like degenerates.
Here, here bro. Bring it in.
>Is this why half of all Americans are a paycheck away from being on the street?
yes. it's also why the average Chinese factory worker has more savings than the average American (this is literally true).
but both accumulating debt and then being forced to wagecuck for life ensure a huge boost for muh GDP
>Is this why half of all Americans are a paycheck away from being on the street?
Yes and we have no dole either
while savings (and especially encouraging them on a society level) seriously harm the GDP
Are you high? It's a general economist consensus that a high savings rate is fantastic for the economy, because savings are equal to investment.
I'm considering joining the military just so I can get the fuck out of here, but thats its own swirl of bullshit.
GDP != 'the economy'
GDP mostly measures the flow of money, money that isn't being transferred back and forth gives it a far smaller boost
and low-risk saving options generally mean very low amount of transactions
When you can afford it is the right answer. There isn't some magical age limit.
This, I never understoos why burgers hate multi generetion homes.
>puting money out of circulation into your sock is somehow better for the economy
just ask her for some help
Saving is better for the individual, spending is better for the economy. Making money (and thus being able to invest it interest-free) by selling goods is better than taking loans for investment
Look at Solow's growth model. Savings are absolutely fantastic.
I am not familiar with that hypothesis. Perhaps you could provide the name of the model. What happens is that you simply shift from C to I with no decrease of Y and the benefit of increasing the competitiveness of the national industry.
When its the smart thing to do financially
holy fuck, why does this thread return every 2 days. this meme is like Veeky Forums's death grips, or Veeky Forums's zyzz.
>Loser tier
Hey that's me, thankfully I make just enough to invest in Internet coins.
I'm going to go from Loser to Lambo.
broken record
>ITT: boomers and 18-25yo undergrads
When you're ready OP.
Guarantee most of the people saying 18 and 19 yo are in a situation where they live at SCHOOL, which mom pays for or cosigned. That's moving out in location only, in principle they are still on parents' bankroll.
25 is the real cutoff before it gets distressing.
When they die, then you move form your room to the master bedroom.
24 here, feels good not to be like those americucks with no family values.
Ive been out of my parents house since i was 17. This was during the 2008 recession. Grow the fuck up, stop eating mommies trendies, and be an adult. If I could do it during those times there is no reason you can't.
I'm 27. When I graduated high school I got a job at a brass foundry and moved out immediately. Then I went to a community college, then transferred to a four year. Still living on my own.
You're a loser if you can't move out by 18. It's manageable even on a min wage salary, especially if you get roommates and don't eat avocado toast.
Just be urself
If you think it holds you back, get out. But don't think you'll get laid once you get out.
Chad will fuck anything and still stay with his parents.
So just move out if you don't feel comfortable anymore. Don't do it because of pussy or penis troubles.
t. old and wise man
>tfw I've been everything except Success tier
i'm 22 and moving out
i made around 20k in crypto after working a shitty job
living at home gives me no pressure whatsoever to get shit done
What happens if you are 21 living with your parents, but you're the paying bringing money and sustaining your parents?
Am I still a loser?
Fuckin normie! Ree!
Are you depressed because you cannot fap?
no, but sadly your parents are..
Never. The idea that one should move out after a given age, or even after marriage is a scam to get you to spend more, save less, and give up generational wealth. Living with family saves hundreds to thousands a month on housing, food, daycare, trasportation, etc.
same and chekk'd
Considering I can buy a house on half an acre and three times the square footage for what I would get renting, I think I will buy.
I live with my grandparents
>dont have to pay rent
>dont have to pay for food
>grandparents baby me 24/7
>making hella gains on crypto +part time job
Im gonna be rich this way. If I moved out, Id be spending all my investments on expensive rent
>blue collar rube on what does or does not qualify as a loser
>Ghost yourself tier: Unemployed and trading $200 worth of crypto while living with your parents
topkek this is literally me. $200 exact, lost $50 today xD
26 yr
>Never. The idea that one should move out after a given age, or even after marriage is a scam to get you to spend more, save less, and give up generational wealth. Living with family saves hundreds to thousands a month on housing, food, daycare, trasportation, etc.
the notion of moving out on your own is such a relatively new concept, many cultures just don't partake in, as long as you're contributing financially there's no problem with staying with family everyone can save money this way.
If you aren't able to get enough money in scholarships to pay for your entire tuition you shouldn't be in college in the first place.