What's the general consensus of Veeky Forums on these two: pic related
I personally recognize Israel but not Taiwan.
What's the general consensus of Veeky Forums on these two: pic related
I personally recognize Israel but not Taiwan.
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I recognize Taiwan as a country and I recognize Israel as a fucking asshole
fuck off
Taiwan is the asshole, my man.
>we're not Chinese!
I don't recognise Israel
Only commies hate them.
I've met a couple of Taiwanese people and they've all been bros and Taiwanese tech startups are dope as fuck. And I'm writing this on a Taiwanese phone.
It's hard to not recognize them. Meanwhile Israel, it's difficult to not recognize them given their impact on the Middle East. That said, a great deal of that impact is negative.
One is a fascist warmongering imperialist genocidal nation while the other is the Republic of China
There's only one China and it is the PRC
A temporary communist occupation of the mainland =/= china
A temporary occupation of an island by rebels =/= taiwan
The RoC was founded by Sun Yat Sen, China's founding father, Mao and his clique are the rebels
Then why won't other countries recognize Taiwan?
To protect it from military aggression by the Beijing regime, the Republic of China is also a major trade partner of the US
More of a trade partner than China?
He's right.
More of a trade partner than China because there's an embargo between those countries in weapons deals.
The previous American administration just gave Taiwan a lot of armaments.
the PRC is a rival both economically and militarily to the US, and the US would be more than willing to break off ties with the PRC should they move against the Philippines, RoC, Japan, Vietnam, or the RoK. The US has no plans to give up its encirclement of China and Russia.
t. mainlander
>I personally recognize Israel but not Taiwan.
*The Republic of China.
Israel is literally the only good country in the region, of course I recognize them.
I don't recognize Taiwan, but that's because Taiwan doesn't recognize Taiwan. Both the ROC and PRC agree that there is 1 China.
>recognize Israel
You mean the Zionist entity?
Palestinians don't exist, and have never existed, stay mad
The issue is a lot more complicated than at first glance. Most people either see Taiwan as a rebellious province of China that's butthurt about losing the civil war, or as a little country oppressed by big bad China that just wants independence.
In reality, the ROC has never withdrawn his claim about being the legitimate government of China (which just happens to control only the province of Taiwan at the moment), and both the ROC and the PRC agree that that status quo is better than the alternative (the PRC has threatened with violence if the ROC ever withdraws his claims, since that would mean that they're trying to become independent and therefore trying to divide China). They both subscribe to the One China Policy to boot. In my opinion, the PRC is an illegitimate government occupying rightful ROC clay (i.e., the point of view of the ROC), but that's just because of my own political views and my fondness of Taiwan.
It's obviously a sovereign country with a legitimate government, it's just so happens that said government is evil and should be eradicated (along with the Saudi royal family, Erdogan and the US government - the true axis of evil and the actual "bad guys" for WWIII if it ever starts).
>we're not Chinese!
That's literally not what they say.
I agree with your point on Taiwan, the actual ROC was forced to retreat onto Taiwan but the goverment that sits there is still a continuation of the goverment that the PRC tried to overthrow. I'm just saddend that no-one tried to help ROC push it's rightful claim and drive Mao out of their beautiful country. Because right now it's too late mainland chain is ruined forever by the PRC
>a thread about current politics and has nothing to do with the rules of Veeky Forums
List of legitimate countries/independence movements:
These are complete jokes:
Kosovo (just become a part of Albania)
Nagorno-Karabakh (just unite with Armenia)
Both Cyprus states
Abkhazia and South Ossetia
Texas and California (really, any independence movement in the USA)
Only if you're a dumbfuck deluded evangelical ( who somehow thinks Israeli's even care about your naive ass ) would you consider Israel worth your while.
Taiwan's independence is long overdue. And they're kept hostage from the international community by a literal kleptocracy.
Why do all Arabs shout these inane threats like some ketamine doped retard?
It's really some Isaiah/Deuteronomy tier shit.
What makes Catalonia and Euskadi different?
Zionist entity will not exist in 25 years
Zionist occupiers literally pissed their pants and turned tail from Lebanon in 2006
Zionists FEAR Hezbollah
Zionists FEAR the Axis of Resistance
Basques actually have a distinct language and Culture. Catalonia is just the California of Spain: they are richer than the rest of the country and the main reason they want to separate is that they are butthurt about having to pay taxes to develop other regions.
>Basques actually have a distinct language and Culture
That's what I thought you would say, but the thing is that so do Catalonians too.
Catalan is more distant from Spanish than Portuguese.
Catalonia (and other former Kingdom of Aragon regions) comes from the Marca Hispanica (Frankish dominions in northeastern Spain), meaning it has a lot of cultural heritage from southern France, while all other Spanish kingdoms came from Asturias (Visigothic kingdom in northwestern Spain).
Note that I don't support Catolonian secessionism, and agree with the latter part of your post. I just don't see why someone would apply that reasoning to Catalonians and not to Basques.
who can blame them? nobody wants to be associated with mainlanders
>Abkhazia and South Ossetia
More like axis of cheeseburgers
>Blockade a population, cut off their access to water and nutritious, healthy food
>Laugh at them for bring malnourished (either underweight from lack of food, especially in Yemen where US and Saudi dogs are trying to crush the proud courageous Houthis, or overweight because most of the food available or obtained in the underground supply tunnels has to be the super salty, pre-packaged GMO shite)
Really fires my neurons, Hasbara shill.
I recognize both
And "axis of cheeseburgers" are STILL BTFO'ing your Saudi dogs in Yemen, your ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) mercenary supremacist terror proxies in Souria, and your Zionist aggressions against Lebanon and Gaza.
>Labaik ya Husain
>Labaik ya Ali
>Al-mawtli "Israel"
>Al-mawtli Ale-Saud
>Al-mawtli America
Bashar ou bas, imperialist goon.
What about the Sahara?
I don't personally think "recognition" or "non-recognition" is important. Israel/Palestine and RoC/Taiwan aren't going anywhere for a long time.
What we do know is that Israel and the PRC have far more claim to their respective nomenclature than the weak rival that controls very little power.
Therefore Israeli nation in Palestine = Israel
Chinese nation in Mainland China = China
>they literally don't say that
The majority of Taiwan Chinese claim to only be "Taiwanese".
>aren't going anywhere for a long time.
The repulsive Zionist entity will not exist in 25 years.
T. Sand niggers
How's the wifi in the refugee center?
Island rump state. Not China.
recognize them as a malignant tumor on the world
Israel is not a country.
Every Chinese diaspora refuses to be confused with mainlanders
Support and recognize both of them. If you don't support Israel, then you're either a fanatic Muslim or a cuck supporting their agenda.
>priding yourself on a dictator who is only relevant because he's involved in a proxy war
We only pretend to care about your country because Assad is Iran's bitch.
>turned Lebanon from the Paris of the Middle East into another Islamic shithole
Sabra and Shatila 2.0 when?
>implying the United States won't get involved as you guys try to launch a Second Holocaust
none of the countries in pic related have nuclear arsenals and if any of them tried they would get blown the fuck out so hard
It does not matter what you recognize or not when you have a powerful army and nuclear weapons.
Taiwan is fucked.
>we're not mainland Chinese
FTFY, and everybody who isn't says that. Even I say that, and I'm a white man. They are truly disgusting creatures.
>Texas and California (really, any independence movement in the USA)
If any Anglo country is allowed independence from the UK, then there is no problem with US secessionists. The US is too big anyway.
Howl louder, butt-blasted Zionists.
>implying taiwan hans't one of the biggest armies in the world
>none of the countries in pic related have nuclear arsenals
They do now!
I recognize Israel as an apartheid state and Taiwan as a renegade province that deserves to be independent as long as they stop sucking Japan's dick all the time.
Based fucking Nasrallah.
That's because they aren't.
Nobody likes mainland Chinese, not even the Chinese.
I'm Korean and I like Mainland China much more than Taiwan. Taiwanese pretend like they're a junior partner of Japan and always talk shit on us even though we don't care about Taiwan.
you're just a butthurt gook, no one cares.
in the end your still americas bitch, suck americas dick for dem sweet missile defence systems kim.
lol fuck america
and fuck taiwan
USA legit would be willing to risk turning the entire planet into toast just to try to fulfill its goals of dominating the entire planet under its dictatorship
>ywn go back in time and prevent Israel from being created
That's what the sand niggers said 25 years ago
doesn't change the fact you're our bitch
we'll make you play nice with japan and taiwan, and you will be grateful for it
The Anglosphere, ladies and gentlemen.
>The majority of Taiwan Chinese claim to only be "Taiwanese".
It's not the majority as far as I know. There's a growing Taiwanese independence movement, but it's both naive and unofficial, and doesn't claim that Taiwanese people aren't Chinese.
I recognise Taiwan as the actual government of China and I don't recognise Israel
What the communist Chinese did was fucking ridiculous, they capitalised on the fact that the ROC was run down from fighting the Japs and defending them
And Israel can just go fuck themselves
>The eternal korean being a buthurt
That is why everyone love Japan instead korea
Ehhh completely wrong.
Nice meme though! Keep it up and you'll get your upvote!
Except I clearly have already posted a source showing a large percentage of Taiwan Chinese claiming WE WUZN'T QINGZ WE WUZN'T CHINKZ
Incorrect. Singaporeans have a rather neutral view of Mainlanders. So do most Southeast Asian Chinese.
It's the Hong Kong/Taiwan Chinese that are stuck up cuckolds.