Post them aaaaaaaah ;_;
Casualty report
Halp pls.
its simple, all you have to do is to remember "side to side for attention, up and down for results"
See you guys on the other side
-25% since last week here
is it over? it seems the worst is over for now
can I put the knife down?
Something happening?
wont be over for quite some time....this was so overdue. Hopefully it is the real crash and not just a shaking
weak hander need to leave
yep, I just realized I fucked up in not invest in QRL when I could
why the fuck is it like this?
>this can't be happening
What app is this?
You are like a little baby
Watch this
Just literally wait. Christ.
>Lykke funds STILL not in my wallet
>can't buy the dip
I just bought the dip on several coins I already was up. Last month when this happened I had no BTC left and had my hands on several shitcoins and wanted to off myself because everything was dipping and for fuck sake I easily lost a grand just because I got some cheap coins back then.
Everyone is posting the blockfolio value on USD, of course it went down like a bitch, but I don't think you are all doing that bad in contrast with BTC value. Just hold, as long as you don't bleed coins you will be fine when this is over.
Found it already, but thank you senpai.
Alright faggots. Ice macchiato or water with fruit in it.