who are the goodest boys of history?
Who are the goodest boys of history?
Louis XVI.
He literally dindu nuffin.
Wasn't prepared for these feels tbqh
im crying
>Faithful after master’s death
>Saihu (赛虎 = "racing tiger"), from Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, southern China. On November 28, 2003, a chef was preparing dinner for almost 30 people at a driving school. The smell of the cooking meat attracted some nearby puppies to the school, along with their mother, Saihu. The chef threw some scraps of meat from the pot to the puppies, but strangely, the puppies’ mother prevented them from eating. Saihu also kept barking at the chef, as well as the people who were preparing to eat. Confused but undeterred, the people prepared to eat the meal the chef had made. Saihu became panicked and ran around barking at the guests, before finally eating all the scraps the chef had thrown to the dogs. After just a few minutes, Saihu fell dead on the floor. The guests, shocked at the dog's death, stopped eating the meal. They called a policeman as well as some doctors, who discovered poison in the meat. No people or puppies died. Everyone was convinced that Saihu must have smelled the poison and had saved the people and her puppies by sacrificing herself. The people of Jiujaing were so grateful to Saihu that they set up a tomb in a human graveyard and a statue to memorialize the dog
I don't need a woman, I need a dog.
humanity doesn't deserve dogs
Humanity doesn't deserve dogs
Humanity made dogs.
Holy fuck reading his story made me want to drown myself
>celebrating supposed human qualities in animals
These dogs are just too dumb to understand what's happening and too narrow-minded to move on. They literally don't understand the concept of death, and they aren't "faithful", they are just well functioned machines, programmed to repeat the same action over and over again.
That's what makes it tragic you fucking robot.
No it makes it meaningless.
You are attributing loyalty to the dog for showing up every day for years when the dog has no concept of yesterday or tomorrow. He just knows at this time of day I go here.
>No it makes it meaningless.
>You are attributing loyalty to the dog for showing up every day for years when the dog has no concept of yesterday or tomorrow.
Please point out where I said that. I already corrected you for your assumption once.
clearly animals feel pleasure and pain the same way we do and choose to avoid pain and seek out pleasure like us. The same mechanism that make us feel are present in animals it's not like that only evolved in us
What would aliens think of our relationship with dogs. Obviously other species would have domesticated animals but do you think they would have anything similar.
Of course they're able to feel pain and pleasure, this is how they've been conditioned. That doesn't mean they are able to conceptualize pain and pleasure or to understand death and loyalty. They keep going to the same place because they were subjected to pain once when they hadn't and granted pleasure when they had. There is nothing worth of celebration here.
>No it makes it meaningless.
name 1 (one) thing that is meaningful
That doesn't mean you can't at least feel for the dog
Then you might as well feel for an alarm clock what keeps going on at 6 AM despite the owner being dead.
Never knew that he was a doggo
no because an alarm clock doesn't feel did you not read what I said
But you feel only for the specific dogs who exhibit very specific behavior, and you feel for them exactly because they exhibit the behavior and you anthropomorphize them instinctively by ascribing deeper meaning to that behavior and human qualities for them. You don't empathize with rats or cockroaches despite them having feeling too because you can't fool yourself into believing they have human qualities.
You can apply this same sort of reductive reasoning to human minds and conclude they can't think or feel emotion either. Not anthropomorphizing animals is important, but they aren't machines.
>You don't empathize with rats or cockroaches despite them having feeling too because you can't fool yourself into believing they have human qualities.
Dogs actually produce lots of the same chemicals that humans do when we feel love, so biologically they are capable of it. They do this because we domesticated them to bond to us, but that doesn't change how the dog actually feels.
Cockroaches are incapable of that level of feeling, they're just insects. Rats, while generally considered vermin, are mammals and are pretty intelligent, too. Plenty of people keep them as pets.
Dogs made humanity
Hey it's captain Allah capbhar still riding that all caps shtick I see
and what happened to the FUCKING PUPPIES!?
The dog is on the wrong side and on the wrong orientation. It may be similar but how can you be so certain it is Orion and Canis Major?
>Still wondering about what happened to dogmeat
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but they where eaten
Don't mind him he's just some arabic shitposter who only posts nonsense in all caps
kys edgelord
I know. He's a dipshit gimmickposter that's wrong more often than right ( and when he's the latter his posts are so stripped back in order to make his answer seem obvious and himself intelligent that they are useless). But if he gets called out on the level enough times he might fuck off again for another few months other than his regular shill threads.
>Thoughts? Does it make me think?
>read Eulogy of the Dog
>it fucks me up
>tips fedora
>implying humans are any different than animals
nice to see you used your reason™ and logic™ friend
There is strong evidence that Homo sapien's talent for domestication was what gave them the advantage over other human groups and unsettled terrain that resulted in H. sapien dominating the world.
The first animal humans truly domesticated was dogs, and the techniques we used were able to spread and be used on large numbers of animals.
Our control of sheep, goats, horses, and cattle allowed us to control and permanently settle fertile areas year round which allowed the time and resources required to understand agriculture.
Humans existed for 200,000 years but our entire history of human culture begins around the same time as dogs are domesticated, which isn't a coincidence
Dogs are too good for this world.
Reminds me that HP Lovecraft had a black cat named Nigger-Man as a kid.
How can one small dog be so based?
It's likely that dogs and cats domesticated themselves in the early stages at least.
They don't need to conceptualize the idea of it to live it, too act on it, too feel it. They long for their master, their companion, and they act on that feeling day after day. Or they get a new family to devote themselves to. If you've ever seen a dog mope and act unresponsive after being scolded or adjusting to a new home, then you'd know they have emotions. They may not be aware of the concepts of what they feel, but they feel it nonetheless.
Rats can be very emotional. If you own two rats that are heavily bonded and one dies, the other will go into a depression. Ask any rat owner. They're very social creatures.