ITT: times the good guy got ganged up on by the bad guy and all his minion puppets
ITT: times the good guy got ganged up on by the bad guy and all his minion puppets
>Hitler wuz a good boy, he just wanted a little lebensraum for his family
Fuck off gimmickpostet
>m-muh Hitler dindu nuffin
Fuck off, retard
Gonna be honest, I think hitler gets too much personal blame for what the nazis did. He was pretty much an absent minded non-leader after 1939. The nazis were vile gangsters and beurucrars within the nazi party, especially the SS were far more in control of what was happening daily than Hitler was. I'd be surprised if hitler even knew about aushwitz given how himmler and goering hid plenty of things from him.
He was a daydreamer obsessed with looking at maps and philosophy and architecture, dreaming about his utopian future rather than the here and now. The lower level nazis were far more vile than him.
As evil as the nazis were and as much as I hate them, Germany has really no choice in the war and was fending for its life. Britain and Poland were trying as hard as they could to make Germany sperg out, and they took the bait. If they hadn't taken the bait they probably would have been eventually economically blockaded into collapse.
>Britain and Poland were trying as hard as they could to make Germany sperg out
Through appeasement?
Hahaahhaa no. 6 out of those countries were literally fighting for their existence, and only 1 of those 6 countries managed to keep themselves out of soviet control.
> Britain and Poland were trying as hard as they could to make Germany sperg out, and they took the bait.
Yeah, Perfidious Albion was SO fucking eager to draw the Germans into a war, which is why they gave them a free pass with Czechoslovakia. Just as planned!
Just fuck off back to /int/ already.
Appeasement was a time-buying tactic cause Britain needed more time to rearm. Britain didn't want an all out war right then, they wanted to strangulate Germany to prevent it from rising. Hitler said "I'm not playing your game" and punched first. They all knew the war was coming just like in 1914, it was a matter of who struck first.
Unfortunately for Germany, given its geographic location, waiting for the enemy to strike first is suicide, so that's why their foreign policy pre-1945 -always required them to take the initiative in wars. Once they are on their back foot, they are done, as we clearly saw twice.
Suck it, Byzaboos
Hitler was pretty fucking vile, you're just filtering it all out so you can preserve your hero cult.
Any NATO intervention
>any war or massacre in which protestants killed catholics because of their retarded faggotry
>any war or massacre in which protestants killed protestants for not being retarded enough
What is that even supposed to be?
>enemies almost double your numbers
>still manage to get more than half of their men while not losing even a third of yours
This might be the most impressive war in Spanish history.
>what is the Wannsee Conference
Sadaam invaded Kuwait in 1990 because he was kind of insane and Kuwait is the most oil dense nation on earth.
This instigated the gulf war and the west had to fight against a guy they had sided with for eight years (1980-1988) when Iraq and Iran were at war.
tl'dr: The west are embarrassed in the middle east yet again.
I know what the gulf war is asshole. Sweden was not in the coalition, the image is shit
Britain in no way wanted war, neither did the French. There's a reason the France campaign was so quick and easy, they weren't "buying time through appeasement" they were completely unprepared. When the declaration came, there were no patriotic songs in the street, as in 1914. Nobody wanted to go to war.
The Germans however, needed a big war to finance their Autobahn.
Was gonna post this desu
Reminder that Robespierre did nothing wrong
Spaniards are really underrated due to Anglo propaganda.
>the evil catholics and their inquisitions
>the massacre of the native americans
>lol the spanish armada
That's what you hear about Spain from that era because the English version has become the global version, and they were rivals at the time. Likewise for the French, who have a fantastic military history yet are usually the laughing stock of Europe (when everybody with the slightest bit of knowledge would know it should be the Italians).
The only true joke you can make about Spaniards is that they've never known shit about economics.
>because the English version has become the global version
The worst part is that it happened because of a country (USA) that exists due to France and Spain beating Britain in a war
History is ironic sometimes