Why did Mexico develop a unique culture while the US didn't? The only thing that I can think of as US """"culture""""" are rap and niggers doing stupid stuff.The rest was just imported and half assed and wasn't even changed
Why did Mexico develop a unique culture while the US didn't...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Mexican culture
All of Latin America is just Spain to me desu.
I don't see a reason why they shouldn't form a confederation with Spain.
Mexico has a distinct and unique culture.When you say American culture is like saying nothing.A bunch of niggers moving weirdly and McDonnalds doesn't make a culture
I was just bantzing!
>All of Latin America is just Spain to me desu.
They were influenced but each country has a very distinct culture.Peru,Colombia or Cuba are nothing alike.Let alone with Spain
Rap and niggers. Top kek at that one. Mexico is Like america in many ways. Spanish Conquerers raped and pillaged. Helped kill off a race through disease and genocide and now you have a modern society that wants to talk on the subject of Culture and National pride, All the while confusing the two constantly. when I look at America and Mexico and see two sets of blind followers led by organized crime screaming FOR *insert country name* and Acting like they have the best country I just shake my head and Wonder when the Real questions will be asked.
T.rapper and nigger
Rapper yes, But are we using the term Nigger in the ignorant sense of color or ignorant sense of Lazy cause I'm white. But ye I'm pretty lazy.
>Why did Mexico develop a unique culture while the US didn't?
Define culture.
Where do you think you are tripfaggot?
You have to go back
US has a culture
why are you guys so allergic to social democratic economics? It's because of your roots bruh
The american mindset is very influenced by it's history, ergo it is influenced by american culture
American """culture""" is literally just rednecks and Mormonism.
U dum
Arent you have some heads to cut off ?back to work, Manuel.
fuck off back to ifunny, newfag
>Arent you have some heads to cut off ?back to work, Manuel.
>American grammar
>American educashion (I wrote it wrong on purpose)
is that way senior shitposter
What's Mexican culture? Shitposting about American culture and McDonald's while still having higher obesity? Getting beheaded by cartel daily? Dying from tap water? Mexican 'cuisine' that consists of greasy pork and nothing but corn tortillas?
I know a lot of America is fucked up but pretending that Mexico is superior even for a second is straight up stupid.
Even if it were better, there would be Americans mass emigrating there instead. Get fucked Pablo.
Americuck have double digit iq subhuman afterall
>wears zeeland-costume
because american culture is the integration of all cultures. a melting pot of all the races of the world wanting to be free. mexico was once a proud people, Europe really fucked that up so now they are trying their best to make mexico great again
OP is retarded and this thread is bait.
>US """"culture""""" are rap and niggers doing stupid stuff.
>what is Holywood?
>what is american obsession with guns?
>what is fast food?
>what is american football?
>what is baseball?
>what are the amish?
>what is rock and roll?
>what are rednecks?
I could literally spend the rest of my life pointing out cultural aspects of america.
Brazil has nothing to do with Spain. In fact, we even mock the spanish language. And we are literally half of Latin America.
I'd like to kick you square in the testicles OP
>this thread again
get back to work Juan, crops aren't gonna pick themselves.
>amish >shakers >baptists >seventh day adventist >mormon >evangelicals > charismatic >etc
you could spend the rest of you life point out various parts of American culture, like religion for instance.
Amish are a comunity living outside of the modern world, with mainly german ancestry, that developed in america only (or at least started in it) and that speaks their own language. It's not just a religion.
Why is the mexico baby whiter than the spaniard father
Anyway you sound like a butthurt chicano and yet I can't help but agree that in terms of legitimacy of culture the US is behind latin america. We were an experimental political entity and even if plenty of our founders talked about anglo identity and the mistake of bringing slaves in etc, nobody really cared. Today we're a bland pit of nothing. We're extremely powerful, but that's just because of a high population that we got from mass immigration as well as the capitalist tradition here.
Latin america is a sincere world civilization unto itself. Some people debate about whether or not it's part of the west; I'd say it effectively is and has been since independence of all the countries but one day pretty soon it will come into its own. The US is destined only to crash and burn and be forgotten because the only thing that's keeping us strong and together is a vague enlightenment-inspired ideology of "freedom". As long as the world order is liberalism, capitalism, etc, the US will exist to maintain it. But as the sands of time shift and the system collapses, the US will collapse along with it, because we have no cultural force binding us together.
Latin america has this combination of native and white genes which is ethnic cohesion, and it's that which will allow them to succeed.
White sub-cultures I find locally in New Mexico:
* Cowboys
* Hippies
* Rednecks (working class, outdoorsy)
* Yuppie granolas up in Santa Fe
The amish are literally not American.
Don't call fucking fast food a product of American culture or identity.
The obsession with guns is valid and one of our few true cultural traits, notice canada shares it, they are the same nationality, anglo-american settler culture.
Anyway you're not really pointing out cultural aspects, just things that remind you of America and are mostly superficial
>point out a group that developed only in america, being influenced both by imigrants and the american culture
>they are not american
Also, how are sports not a big part of american culture? Superbowl makes literally everyone stop to watch it. The intrinsic competitive nature of sports is extrapolated to other areas, such as academia or business.
Fast food is also a both symptom and a cause of american bad eating habits. And you can't say that food isn't part of a nation's culture.
Where you live doesn't seem like a "unique culture" because it's normal for you.
Because American culture has become the world's culture.
that wasn't my point you fucking autist.
>pretends the US doesn't have one of the strongest civil societies on earth.
>The obsession with guns is valid and one of our few true cultural traits, notice canada shares it, they are the same nationality, anglo-american settler culture.
we got our gun culture from Swiss-German immigrants you retard. The Scots-Irish vigorously embraced.
>we got our gun culture from Swiss-German immigrants you retard. The Scots-Irish vigorously embraced
What? How does a culture that began before these groups even immigrated originate from said groups? Jesus Christ, you're an imbecile.
>The only thing that I can think of as US """"culture""""" are rap and niggers doing stupid stuff.The rest was just imported and half assed and wasn't even changed
>>The only thing that I can think of
There's your problem senpai
>Implying rap isn't art
educate yourself:
" The longrifle was the product of German gunsmiths who immigrated to new settlements in south eastern Pennsylvania in the early 1700s, and later in Virginia and other territories. Tax records from these locales indicate the dates these gunsmiths were in business."
really makes you think
It does but it will never be as strong as places with true nationality
america is mongrel country
If you enjoy listening to rap music, that automatically makes you a nigger regardless of skin color.
The US has a culture, you just don't think so because you're a burgerfat.
you're a wigger
ok, Japan and Norway (and Denmark)...stronger then just about everyone else.
"Initially the weapon of choice on the frontier was the smooth bore musket, or trade gun, built in factories in England and France and shipped to the colonies for purchase."
German/Swiss may have improved it, but Anglo commoners had embraced civilian firearms (at least for Protestants) since at least 1689 bill of rights. Having a religious civil war will do that.
Baseball, basketball, football, jazz, blues, rock and roll, thanksgiving, apple pies, a Constitution, freedom
The rest is so embedded in the rest of the world that you don't even realize it's American.
Why are people here saying that America has no culture because it got its culture from other peoples's? Culture works that way. People settle somewhere > after a while they become distinct from the people living where they came from because of isolation > they have contact with other settlers or people already living there > they get traits from those people > a new culture arises
bet it was a mix, but don't underestimate the disproportionate influence early Swiss/German immigrants had on US identity, especially outside of New England. They brought a highly developed firearms culture with them (probably stronger then that of the English who although they did embrace a vigorous self-defense culture didnt quite have the gun culture of the Central Europeans).
Scot-Irish got a hold of it and made it something very, very American.
>mexicans trying to talk shit on niggers
Eh paco you aren't too white yourself you dumb sack of shit. The only redeeming parts of Mexico are the spnlanish parts. The little bit of white in their bloods makes them not complete savages. Mexicans are worse than niggers, they at least stay in their ghettos. Spics take over communities, political offices etc
mexicans can talk shit about niggers all they want
t. Pablo
I am entirely a white american culturally and ethnically
I want /int/ to leave