Either all of these countries should be part of India, or India should be divided up into multiple countries
you can't have both it makes no sense
Either all of these countries should be part of India, or India should be divided up into multiple countries
Free Gujarat
That whole bit to the right of India is actually traditionally Chinese territory
India should have broken up into more countries. At least 7.
Why not just one single world country instead of whole loads of country?
It doesn't make sense without so
another shit thread.
All of the subcontinent was broken on the basis of religion. You can thank Jinnah, the two Nation Theory and the Brits for that.
There is a movement called 'Akhand Bharat' which stands for 'Ultimate India' in Sanskrit. RSS calls that as 'Akhand Hindustan' or 'the Ultimate Land of the Hindus', for meanings that are obvious.
Unfortunately, the movement is very weak. I think it's because the nation is very diverse: culturally, socially and probably politically.
Especially, South India: they... uh... don't like the North much. So, the movement, has some... uh... 'problems'.
India alone can't even get their shit together
TBF, I hear a lot of great stories of Medical Tourism and Space (so it is contributing something to humanity).
Countrywise: It's growing fast. It's may not seem to you right now, but it's getting it's shit together.
No, but, believe me countries like that in Africa is doing a whole lot worse. (Shitting on the streets would probably the rebuttal here, but open-defalcation is a global problem)
>but open-defecation is a global problem)
That was the most autistic argument I have ever heard.
Of course, the idea of one India is a failure. Read the about the collusion that Patel, Nehru, Ambedkar and Gandhi cooked up to keep India under iron-fist of a so-called republic where sovereignty lied at a centre which is traditionally the seat of Northern Hegemony. The freedom of States was an illusion which was designed to suppress rebellion later and remove the chance of a democratic secession the likes which is possible in other nations around the world.
It is failed state which is kept in check by the absence of the 2nd Amendment like the US, disproportionate centralized Army, illiteracy about the Constitutional rights and lack of awareness in society. India is not unity in diversity by choice - it is a neo-colonialism of northern Aryans against Dravidians and native aboriginals.
All the native lands in possession of aboriginals was to be free and beyond the jurisdiction of normal politics and Parliament but what has happened - Northeast saw a genocide and Chotanagpur sees ethnic cleansing under the noses of the International community. Right at this very moment, Tribal lands are forcefully pushed to be de-scheduled so that industrialist could evict them at will and mine recklessly. Elections are done in scheduled lands when they should have their own autonomous council.
India is an illusion for the weak and a pastoral ground for the despotic. Akhand Bharatis, BJP and RSS - may you burn in hell for the atrocities you have been doing under wraps.
Of course they can't, it's all over the streets.
Fuck India. I hope those poos gets whats comming to them.
>Northeast saw a genocide and Chotanagpur sees ethnic cleansing under the noses of the International community
Can you elaborate? I'm interested.
fuck off we're full
>it's a tamil/telegu goes to the US and becomes #woke.
Go learn how to poo in the loo, Pajeet. Your India is going to fall and it will be a glorious moment when t he south Indians take what is rightly theirs.
>muh oppression.
>muh dravidanadu.
vermin tier.
How are you going to reclaim your glorious homeland if you keep drinking rasam and wobbling your head like a fucking doll?
Pre-Independence and all throughout the writing of constitution the tribal lands desired for specific autonomy/independence at the international stage.
The Northeastern tribals demanded complete autonomy, but the Nehru brigade under the reasoning of Patel that no state is strong enough and would make the region weaker proposed a strong federal structure where the power of states would diminish greatly (and no demand for secession would ever arise). Chotanagpur tribals under the leadership of Jaipal Singmunda demanded separate autonomous state governed by the separate tribal laws.
Patel said this [sic]: "You are but a rag-tag group of primitive people who have no single identity or language."
It was a blatant lie. The prime reason was the overwhelming presence of natural minerals - coal, iron, granite etc and back then - Sal wood from the forest of Saranda, Kendujhar and now extinct Palamu. The colonial Tata Industries was in Kalimati. Giving these things directly in the control of Tribal meant losing the shareholding and paying tribute. Instead, the region was divided among 4 states - Bihar, Orissa, Bengal and Madhya Pradesh.
The Northeastern tribals, especially Bodos and Nagas were very frustrated and sought Communist and Socialist help and created a regional army (which ultimately came to be as ULFA) which was quickly designated a terrorist group. The whole decade from 90 to 00 has been bloodied with conflict between them and the Indian Army. The problem wasn't in the formation of ULFA not their skirmish with the Army - The horror came what happened in between. Army was as ruthless as the ULFA, many wars were fought with villagers as shield, women from villages were mass raped. The Northern India wallowed in their supremacy and intellectual debates.
Chotanagpur tribals were given a state Jharkhand in 2000 but they also separated the other tribal land as another separated state Chattisgarh (where literacy is very poor compared to Jharkhand).
The coming of the Great Toilet Flush can't come soon enough.
Post separation, constitutional statute Schedule 5 and 6 should have been implemented but instead, legislative assembly was created and political parties from the north descended for election. This is illegal and the case is in Ranchi high court but since BJP is in power, court is adjourned with never-ending dates.
The scheduled 5 and 6 is also superseded by a pre-colonial law which safeguards tribal lands under the jurisdiction of tribal laws and protects them from misuse by money, mafia, governmental mandates or industrial acquisition. There is a forceful demand for "amendment" so that non-tribals and outsiders may "be able to trade-off" for the land or the resources thereof.
Get lost. One doesn't need to show off the passport and foreign return status to be aware of their fundamental rights and legacies. We are not like hollow northerners who screams when a 3rd Generation American Indian get famous in Hollywood.
When do you predict India will balkanize?
I see what you did there.
The State of Chattisgarh is very rich in Iron ore but most of the mines are directly under the tribal lands. Under the false accusations of being a member of local extremist Communist group who are directly funded by the industrialists, Semi-reserve battalions and police take, at time complete village into custody. More than 1000 000 male members of various tribal able aged men are in jail under false accusation and denied trial. Outspoken members of the village council are either killed via false encounters or simply killed deep in the jungle and erased from the records.
Married women, young women or widows are regularly raped by these men in uniform and the news reported is threatened with violence if allowed to report. Some reports do come out but are not allowed to cross to the national level. And one can guess as to who runs the state government - RSS backed BJP.
Wow, North Indian poo's willing to rape their own country men and women. North Indian's are disgusting.
Without a greater outside interference never!
Indian Army is within the executive control of President which is independent of legislative powers and bureaucracy. If a state dare to vote for secession, army will be deployed swiftly and all interim government will be dissolved and an effective police state will rule.
Without a proper case in IC Justice, India cannot be Balkanized.
So, basically China and Pakistan have to subdue the north to allow South India to free itself?
No, if South India propose for a proper argument as to how the Northern States interfere with the local community and ruling customs which is evidently different from the North Indians and state the breaking of the constitution through discriminatory policies and intimidation via the Judiciary branch (Supreme Court) against Southern India and present the case in the International Court of Justice and demand for a rightful democratic Secession, there would not be a need for Paki-China interference.
The recent interference with the tradition of Jalikattu was not the first time the north has interfered with Southern customary and social statutes. The forceful implementation of Hindi was another (which this government still propagates covertly), complete syncretism of Tamil national god Murugan which Tamil nationalists resisted was another one. South India would have successfully seceded earlier if not for the upper-castes who overtly call themselves Dravidian but owning to their ancestry, covertly have their loyalties with the Northern Hindtuvaism and revival of Brahmanism with RSS.
I'm confused, you just said that North India would send military power to stop such an event from ever occurring.
ITT: triggered South Indian complains about North India without any proof while Northies try and fail to make a good argument against him without ad hominems
Also shitty pooinloo memes
Veeky Forums was a mistake
Much of "India" didn't join by popular choice.
1947-1985 India was the definition of WEW CHILL DOWN BRO
An inland, Parliamentary or Judicially oversight referendum is not possible and may result in Army blockade.
Before IJC at UN, India will have to defend their point of as to why they are against a referendum and the issue may involve security council votes under the concern of peace and security.
Local referendum under veils easily silenced. Publically broadcasted Internationally proclaimed referendum needs defendant.
>Either all of these countries should be part of India
Unite em
>or India should be divided up into multiple countries
Break it
>That whole bit to the right of India is actually traditionally Chinese territory
Ping-Pong, please.
Hitler was right?
>it's an assravaged Tamil crying about the northies thread
Literally no other part of India, not even other south Indians like you guys. Sri Lankans genocided you spergs for a good reason.
Pakistan should be hydrogen bombed out of existence with the wind blowing east
If you hate them so much, why not give them a country?
aboriginals should be forcefully assimilated and evicted from profitable and developable lands. the only issue with mining bosses is that india is one of the top unequal countries, second only to russia among rich countries
>chinese shills trying to justify holding more territory they shouldn't have
The south east asian languages are just a localised version of indian languages.
>among rich countries
Good luck convincing Bangladesh to reunify with Pakistan. Civilization isn't a game of fucking RISK. This is /his and you gotta bring your game. Take that rookie shit back to /pol
>Aboriginals = Natives of a land.
>Developable lands = Exploitable lands
>Natives should be forcefully assimilated and evicted from profitable and exploitable lands.
Like what uncontrolled immigration of intolerant ass-backwards people are doing to Sweden, Norway, France, Germany, Canada and now the USA.
When seen through restrospect, it doesn't seem that hard to understand isn't it?
You really think that the natives would lay down a red-carpet for their exploiters? I don't know how Europeans will be reacting to such cultural invasion but for native lands in India I would like to see them try.
How was this measured?
Thanks pajeet
Because India has multiple nations within it. Either the nation matters and India should be split or it doesn't and it should be unified. Not OP.
tbf Africa holds as much people as India, and this is a people/km2 map, it's not a very good comparison
don't want to say it's not a problem in India, but it's probably just as bad in some african countries
Ask the UN.
I don't see the point of this post.
You are effectively saying
>indians are just as backwards as starving HIV-ridden jungle africans
because the indian union is a federation of states, not a nation state. I don't get why we aren't taught this in school in India. Our constitution makers went to extreme distances to ensure that different linguistic and cultural groups in India had their rights protected.
And no, apart from vietnam, the rest of SEA has a much larger indian cultural influence than chinese.
>I don't see the point of this post.
because he is saying that the republic of India has roughly the same amount of people as the entirety of africa, so comparing india to countries that have a fraction of the population is kinda skewed. A better comparison would be comparing indian states to particular countries that have a similar level of population.
>Indian literacy rate has grown to 74.04% (2011 figure) from 12% at the end of British rule in 1947.
(duh, duh dhaaa!!)
>Chotanagpur sees ethnic cleansing
(Citation Needed)
Not exactly. The PRC has far less cultural baggage to deal with in implementations of their policies because their provinces aren't as autonomous as their Indian counterparts, their central goverment has much more power than the indian version since it is a part of the party structure and so on and so forth.
don't bother. He thinks that North Indians are oppressing his poor dravida brothers because of le aryan evil menace because of reasons.
Yes tribal populations were badly treated in India post independence, especially in bihar which is why Jharkhand became a state so that the people living there would have greater access to it's mineral rights.
>That whole bit to the right of India is actually traditionally Chinese territory
Actually it was traditionally considered a part of Tibet, which declared independnece and then ceded part of its land to the British. And Chinese protests at the time were meaningless since it was a giant Somalia that was unable to excercise sovereignty over Tibet ;)
To be fair, Bangladesh wasn't a country till India itself made it a country by invasion.
And Sri Lanka should be a free country too.
Either all of these countries should be part of America, or America should be divided up into multiple countries
you can't have both it makes no sense
I agree, next civil war when
Hello my sri lankan friend
He's not wrong though
he did say illiteracy about constitutional rights
What made the sri lankans superior to the indians
Not being a part of India.
India is better than most of it's neighbours though
Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Myanmar and Bangladesh at the least
>What made the sri lankans superior to the Indians
>sri lanka
>recovering from a 25 year civil war against the dirty pandis
>sucking Chinese dick for trade
idk about all that mate but the facts are right here
probably coloured
found the POO
Croatia because the Chinese tourists who refuse to pay 4 euros to use the bathrooms in Dubrovnik
There are plenty of Hindus who feel the Partition was a mistake, and that Pakistan is still the rightful clay of the Hindus. They believe these lands must be liberated from Islam, and be given back to the Hindus. So, the sentiment is there in India, small but strong.
Hindu's never had an empire that expanded west to Pakistan beyond the advent of Islam.
>what is the Mauryan empire
The data is already 5 years late. For a fast-growing country such as India things might be getting better a lot more.
>advent of Islam
And Islam was a mistake that needs to be corrected.
Fuck off, Maoist.
I believe the current Prime Minister of India has openly acknowledged the problem and has launched a campaign, with several celebrities roped in.
won't stop the memes though
Mainly accurate, but pre-Zoroastrian Iran had Hindu influence
That is, after we remove kebab and establish Monarchy
D00d we're fucking trying ok
I saw you south guys jump up and down when they saw Padukone with Vin Diesel
I agree, what the fuck
That's da thing. We need to meme India into a pooperpower
The amount of misinformation that gets thrown around whenever India is concerned in this website is amazing.
The anti-India movement within Tamil Nadu has been dead for decades now, and apart some idiots with extremist views (noticeably vocal on the Internet), there is no problem at all with the Tamilians being a part of India. Most of them are probably proud of being Indian.
Buddhist, for one
You could've just brought up the indus river valley civilisation instead
South Indian states are far more developed
Sri Lanka is even more developed than those
confirmed North Indians=Inferior?
And Sri Lankans are genetically Bengali, so by that logic bangladesh should be as developed, despite being worse than not only sri lanka but far worse than india as well
North india is poorer because of larger populations