This is a public broadcast.
Feel free to ask and if im not busy i will answer.
>one: Is the bubble popping
no you dipshits, if you picked the right places to allocate money the most ypure losing is a small amount due tonthe btc dip.
This is not remotely close to bubble tier.
Alot of new money has come into crypto, alot of BIG money. They are taking profits, and all thr nuemale coiners are panicig selling alts and btc.
When the dust settles crypto total market cap of crypto will quadruple by the end of the year.
When the eth scam is done everything will be back to normal as well.
>eth scam?
Yes ether platform + tokens + ico + newfags = inflation of value.
Ether itself might prevail but the tokens are creating an artificial ath.
Now back to btc
>btc ? That slow shit coin?
Yes , btc will fork and be fine.
Next year we will see prices as follows.
>btc 5 digits
>ether 4 digits
>ripple and nem one dollar
>monero, etc 3 digits
>lisk, pivx two digits
>iota once cent
>dgb, sia 50cent to one dollar
>new money
We are witnessing global fud.
Trump is creating huge amounts of fud. So that he can make America Great Again.
He has a plan, watch as governments buy up btc, ether and the like,watch as regulations come for businesss to transition into crypto.
crypto will be the norm by 2020.
All i can say from witnessing btc and especially alts just from last year is this.
I bought dgb when it was 40 sats, sia when it was 15 sats, nem when it was 50, liam when it was 15 cents. For example
Back then all i heard was.
>hurr hurr dgb cant be worth one cent, sia is MEANT TO NEVER BE MORE THAN 1/100th of a cent.
Goodluck senpai.
Hold a couple light coin,hold a couple eth, hold at least 1 btc on the side, hold iota, hold sia, hold dgb, hold lisl, hold redd, hold bat, hold lite doge even.
Just stay away from yobit.
Use bittrex, bitfinex, and cryptopia.
If you bought 10 million sia just last year and held it you would have 100k.
Keep that in mind.