Reminder that the Arabs were studying Aristotle and Plato when Eurocucks were still living in mudhuts.
Reminder that the Arabs were studying Aristotle and Plato when Eurocucks were still living in mudhuts
>Reminder that the Blacks were writing Aristotle and Plato when Arabs were still living in sand dunes.
Too bad your religion is false and you have rejected the Way, the Truth and the Life.
>reminder that aristolian philosophy and metaphysics is inherently flawed and Al-Ghazali did nothing wrong.
>muh invisible sky daddy is better than your invisible sky daddy
doesnt seem they learned anything from it
>Wasting time with Pagan kuffar writings
wow...if there anything you didn't take from the Greeks you child molesters?
That's because of Chr*stianity
>when you say really dumb shit
> when Eurocucks were still living in mudhuts.
What is Constantinople?
Also, outside a few urban cities 1000km apart, 99% of the Muslim world was basically the same as in Europe.
These actually makes sense and seems to be very valid points.
It's not like the West outside Greece was an intellectual superpower before Christianity.
Not all the muslims were arabs
Sounds like they would fit in at /pol/.
But Irish monks from that period like John Scotus Eriugena were familiar with the works of Aristotle and Plato.
>muh pol boogeyman
None of those makes sense, Muhamed.
shame they were on a godforsaken irrelevant island
Then bring the Greeks back, instead of letting Wahhabists run the holiest cities and defame the entire faith.
we wuz kangs
Ibn Baz never said that the earth is flat.
They didn't know how to read it and Catholic Church forbid them from studying it. Eriugena was an exception.
People like you should not even have access to the internet.
Your kind is either filled with massive idiots who speak broken english and shit up everything, or annoying cunts who constantly attack other people based on their shitty religion, Islam.
He did.
He also said that whoever claim that earth is rotating should be killed unless he changed his mind when confronted.
90% of it was Islamized ethnic Persians and others; not ethnic arabs though there were a handful of major ethnic arab contributors.
>being trolled this hard
No, he said that whoever claims that the Sun is stationary is an infidel. But he never denied that the Earth is round. However, he did say that the Sun rotates around the Earth, but he never said that those who deny it should be punished.
Aristotle and Plato are European. Your greatest achievement is to study the works of Europeans then? Hmm... K.
Do you have any evidence for this claim?
yeah ok
Souds like you would fit in /r/cuckold
now go back in your shithole
> Prejection
> Aristotle and Plato are European.
Ancient Greeks was more culturally influenced by and closer culturally to the Middle East than to hairy barbarians west and north from them. If anything, they would identify themselves as "Eastern Mediterraneans" rather than "Europeans".
>closer culturally to the Middle East
Using cuck as a serious insult, what are you 12?
not him but as long as it offends people i'll use it
faggot isn't offensive anymore so i'll use cuck
>muh stop desribing me
Do you lick your woman's lover's semen dripping from your
from her pussy*
You'd know a lot about reddit and cuckoldry wouldn't you bub?
Aristotle and Plato are trash philosophers. I'd much rather be living in a 'mudhut' with a cute adolescent wife. Preferably on an unknown island so there's no chance of filthy raiders defiling her or our children.
muh reddit ideology is better than your reddit ideology
No you idiot, they are why we have a conception of Europe vs Asia in the first place. They imagined themselves to be the 'civilized' Europeans while to the East were the 'civilized' monarchists.
> No you idiot, they are why we have a conception of Europe vs Asia in the first place. They imagined themselves to be the 'civilized' Europeans while to the East were the 'civilized' monarchists.
Yes, but for them Europe was basically the western coast of Aegean and Asia was the eastern coast.They felt no cultural affinity with Celts, Germanics, Balts, Slavs, Italics or Iberians, and they considered them less civilized than say Egyptians or Persians. Modern idea of "Europe" as a separate cultural entity was created during the Middle Ages.
Yes but that's not the point, they still considered themselves European. Their conception of Europe was different, but they still considered themselves European.
But Aristotle and Plato were Europeans
You were always considered as slaves aka subhumans by the Greeks
Aristotle thouroughly describe as a subrace fit for enslavment while he admired the Gauls and the Scythians for being free
Well, then it's deliberately misleading to say stuff like "Aristotle and Plato were Europeans" because it implies modern conception of Europe and not the one used by them.
>Modern idea of "Europe" as a separate cultural entity was created during the Middle Ages.
This. Modern borders of Europe are nothing other than Christian/Muslim lines.
Aristotle and Plato were "Eurocucks" you goat rapist.
two muslim majority countries surrounded by Christian ones.
If we're talking historically Turkey is completely European but of course they can't be considered that because muh Islam.
See you're wrong though. Europe refers to a geographical area, cut by the Bosphorus, the Causcaus mountains, and the urals. Religion has nothing to do with it.