its only 600 years old
race never existed before that, no one saw people in different racial categories before europeans created it
its only 600 years old
race never existed before that, no one saw people in different racial categories before europeans created it
Read Herodotus. The very first historic text disproves your point.
how much of that is a result of the rise of science being aplied to humans
race not a man made idea that has no basis in reality.There are races that are more prone to disease or being fat due to how they evolved.
I'm not saying the ideas they had about races were not influnced by prejudice but to say there is no such thing as "race" is just stupid.
but you probably are just shitposting or baiting aren't you?
The racism is a symptom of a larger problem of lack of empathy for fellow human beings.
The answer to solve this mental struggle is to think that people are subhuman so you can justify hating them for a logical reason instead of an irrational reason.
If times are great then people don't see a need to indulge in their base fears, but when they are told constantly by media that everything is bad and we need "strong tough" leaders to do something about all those "bad hombres" then they give in to their instincts and meme up the hate.
He doesn't use racial categories though, he describes about "Ethiopians" as normal people with dark skin. If anything, he's helleno-centric and considers all of the barbarians effeminate, slavish and weak-minded, regardless of skin color.
> race never existed before that, no one saw people in different racial categories before europeans created it
"The blacks do not earn their pay by good deeds, and are not of good repute; The children of a stinking Nubian blackāGod put no light in their complexions!" - poem to Ubaydallah son of Abu Bakra, 7th century
"It is said that when the black is sated, he fornicates, when he is hungry, he steals." - Al-Abshibi
"Moulay Ismail had hit upon this idea of breeding slaves early in his reign. He found mulattos to be the most trustworthy of his servant-slaves and often forced his white slaves to wed black women in order to replenish his household of loyal half-castes" - BLEACHED
>no one saw people in different racial categories before europeans created it
People did saw other people in different racial categories, but they didn't care about it as they care about it today.
did see*
you fucking idiot he was a historian not a scientist.
the people from that region have semitic DNA and as a result look semi white/middle eastern. He recognized some familiar element in their faces that distinguished them from the sterotypical black man.
if anything this should prove that race does exist and the mixing of races does have some effect on the offspring.
What is "the sterotypical black man"? I guess you're murrican so you think every black person should look like Bantu-speaker from Western Africa, but I doubt there were a lot of them in the Mediterranean at the time of Herodotus. For him Ethiopians (and Dravidians from India) were the darkest people on the Earth and he considered them nothing more than regular barbarian with dark skin, with some positive and some negative qualities, without ascribing any racial characteristics to them. Nowhere in Herodotus will you find something like "We whites are superior to blacks", only "We Greeks are superior to barbarians around us".
youre right I am american. When I picture a black man I think of someone like pic related.
I think of a big nose, weak/non existent jawline, etc.
again you fucking retard he was not a fucking scientist. He literally just wrote down history.
He isn't trying to classify races and their characteristics with extreme precision. He isn't fucking Darwin you stupid fucking cunt. I'll say it again to make it even more clear
So what are you arguing for? My point is, there are no racial categories in Herodotus, OP is right and is wrong.
He's more like anthropologist and geographer in the first part of the book, desu, the the only source we have from the time.
I'm arguing against the idea that race didn't exist before 600 years ago.
To me that's like saying gravity didn't exist before Isaac newton first described it.
But OP isn't taking about race, he's taking about racism. Of course people with different skin color have existed for a long time, but the idea of skin color being the defining criteria for human beings is relatively new.
OPs post seem to imply either two things >europeans created racism
this is so obiously absurd it doesn't even merit a response
>europeans created the concept of races to justify their racism
this is what I was attacking
> europeans created the concept of races to justify their racism
> this is what I was attacking
You do understand there could be races, as in people with different skin colors, without anyone having the modern concept of a race, as in entirely separated entities with inherent characteristics and, as a result, social roles. Every major culture had some kind of rationalization of the exploitation it was performing, and post-1500 Europeans did it via (scientific) racism. Muslims used religious differences for that, and Chinese - something else, I have no idea.
Herodotus doesn't care if you are black or white, he cares about what kind of clothes you wear and how dumb your language sounds. Also if you allow your women anything. He doesn't like that.
Concept of race exist when very different peoples meet. Very different peoples met before colonization.
Ancient Egypt disproves your bait, lad
>its only 600 years old
>race never existed before that, no one saw people in different racial categories before Europeans created it
Yeah. No. My ancestors made the rule of endogamy specifically to stop breeding with outsiders. There has been no genetic admixture for almost 10 000 years. The outsider created caste system and called us native demons - I don't think they were imagining. We called them greedy leeches, I don't think our ancestors were imagining either.
Europeans were the first to notice and document the practice in terms which now understand. Older societies simply wrote in mythical terms of gods and demons. Racism is as old as the evolution itself.
I agree that scientific racism did exist but it was a perversion of science really.
The ideas of race were indeed often racist but people have always oppressed minorities and I acknowledge europeans did it too. Europeans may have reshaped racism to the we know today but it didn't create the idea of oppressing those that are different from you, Which is ultimately what racism is.
I would disagree. If anything they had a far more accurate conception of race. They were very conscious of normative trends in things like height, build and proportions, facial features, hair etc etc. A 'racist' doesnt differentiate between a celtiberian, a danubian and a german. A classical person would definitely do so, just as they would differntiate between a berber and a bantu.
Race issues will be easily solved by genetic engineering within the next few decades. Expect 130+ IQ, low testosterone, high-activity MAOA black Africans by 2050, then utopia.
thats probably because Berbers and the semitic Ethiopians dont exhibit the drastic behavioral and intellectual differences seen in Bantus. The Arabs were very familiar with Congoid and sub-nilotic people and they did make that disitnction clearly, unambiguously and quite prejudicially I might add.
oh wow, it's a race thread
might as well learn something
too early desu, but it is almost inevitable
130 is too low, 150+ and hopefully all humans are 150 cm tall traps for efficient use of food
maoa gene isn't all that important, but k
Monoamine oxidase a deficiency literally causes a disorder of which excessive impulsive violence is a fundamental symptom.
The expression or lack thereof of the Monoamine Oxidase A gene is definitely strongly correlated with the prevalence of violent behavior.
>this just in, subspecies are genetically distinct from one another
wow Im shocked tell me more about how that means were all really one race.
> it didn't create the idea of oppressing those that are different from you, Which is ultimately what racism is.
No, racism is the specific version of that idea, with skin color being the emphasized difference. When Romans applied the same idea with emphasize on social status, or when Muslim did the same while emphasizing religion, it wasn't racism.
>s definitely strongly correlated
until it was debunked after examining the "violent dutch family"
those aren't subspecies, not in any of the apes they looked at
wait, are you denying human genetics right now and the well known fact we were bottlenecked
literally bending reality
I'm not trying to argue the specifics of racism vs oppression. I agree racial oppression is different from religious oppression or class based oppression.
I belive however it comes from the same place which is intolerance and every group on the face of the earth is guilty of being intolerant in some way.
>low testosterone
that is some of the stupidest shit I've ever read
>black Africans
even worse
>populations of a species with official latin addendums arent subspecies
>Monoamine Oxidase A has no correlation with violence
"brunner syndrome isnt real because one researcher drew criticism for a lack of thoroughness"
That we live in the 21st century and people still argue that genetics arent the root cause of behavior boggles my mind. Anti science fucking religious zealots.
Racism is a meme. Only idiots give a fuck about your skin colour or the shape of your eyes.
What some people like myself do care, is about culture, religion, language, intellectual level and physical capacities.
This board. This fucking board. Kms.
do you think our ancestors didn't assign animals to different kinds of engagement statuses?
avoiding bears because they're dangerous is racism, but the racists who didn't hug bears will then live on while those who don't understand or recieved those kinds of evolutionary thoughts did not