Personal favorite: Hindenburg
Best Mustaches of WW1
Not WW1 but Stalin rocked a really nice one.
Lot of potential.
A bit unkempt, but it fits the overall impression.
Georges Clemenceau on his way to fuck your bitches.
There can only be one
>a man without a mustach is like a woman with one
The one and only
The Central Powers might have lost the war, but they won on the mustache front.
The man himself.
>this triggers the nickyboos
Is there even a Nickyboo? I'm a gigantic Russiaboo and even I realize he was the most incompetent emperor Russia ever had.
Veeky Forums is full of them, or at least it was a couple months ago. They like to pretend it was the big bad commies that ruined Russia.
Nick a CUTE
if you think of him as a human rather than his leader skills
Step aside mustachelets.
Post ww1 Kaiser Willy had a great moustache and beard combo. Even thinking of getting something like it.
only one real answer
claiming the spot for ww2
How can gajin even compete
Henri Gouraud
Will moustaches come back into fashion? You never see any pictures of important men a hundred years ago who did not have a beard.
>Is there even a Nickyboo?
/pol/ is going further and further right, now some are unironical monarchists.
And of course they are all anti-communist to the point of advocating for Nick "Loses a war with Japan, gets a dragon tattoo" Romanov as a good ruler.
Panayot Hitov, Russo-Turkish War of 1877.
And his modern day monument, his mustache still pleasing the people.
A lot of people are sympathetic of Tsar Nicholas because of his and his families brutal murder
>brutal murder
They got shot at with rifles. This isn't a brutal murder.
Are you new to history? Many worse ways to die, or to live.
Emperor Valerian was kept as a pet dog, then when the shah got bored of him, he had him skinned and made into a doll to be preserved as a trophy.
Did his wife and children deserve that death, that what's I meant by brutal.
They had royal blood, if left alive they'd make claims and start uprising and such.
Even if allowed to go abroad, they'd be used by foreign states as reason to wage a "righteous" war.
See the French Revolution and how not being able to butcher every Bourbon led to decades of constant war.
He was in the RCW as well