Was he the main character of history?
Was he the main character of history?
of the era named after him, sure
of all history? lol no wtf
>main character
>a fucking MANLET
One of them, just cause he fits that anime protagonist archetype.
Him, Hitler, and Alexander form the meme team for historical protags
Stalin as well.
WW2 was basically history's first two-player round.
What have you done with your life with the advantage of not being a Manlet? If he was a Manlet, then you are a failure.
all main characters of history have been manlets
all great protagonists have been manlets as well; everyone loves an underdog
>first two player round
>Not the roman civil war
>not the punic wars
>Not fucking any of the mesopitamian wars
>Not the seven years war
>Not the thirty years war
Jesus chritst you know nothing
>implying the first round wouldn't be based on the 7,567 BC Ugulam-ugug tribe and Ugulama-ogog tribe deep in the African continent. How could we ever forget their countless battles for hegemony over the Ugulam forest.
>Implying Trump won't be greater than them all after the destruction of the NWO is complete
>Be slightly taller than average during the time.
>French inches were longer during the time
>Be 5'2 in French inches
>After conversion would be 5'7 in British inches
>Be surrounded by very tall "special forces"
Forgot to attach mfw
Tfw a manlet will be remembered far longer than you or anything you do
>Trump capable of thinking further than 30 seconds ahead of himself
Well-done, ketchup dipped steak.
It's interesting how so few people can see the massive paradigm shift Trump is currently creating in history. Truly proof of the Great Man theory of history.
His most brilliant ability of all, something that will be analyzed for centuries, may be his ability to neuter and overcome his potential foes (like ) by tricking them into perceiving him as a cartoonish moron. The Art of War indeed.
>What a clown. Trump will never run for president. Even if he does, he'll be a laughing stock.
It was a joke, take your autism pills you brainwashed /pol/tard
>It w-was just a j-joke :^)
My point stands either way.
Jews are the main characters of history. Everyone else are just NPCs, including Napoleon, who was controlled by the Kahal.
So what is good about Trump? I didn't like either candidate, I'm actually just curious why people support him so much.
Is it really just the memes? Or do you believe this fucker is actually on another plane of thought and is going to change the world for the better
He will open the door for National Socialism.
He's almost singlehandedly dismantling the New World Order, aka Globalism. That, above and beyond anything else, is the reason for his greatness.
Protagonist of history
>alexander hamilton
>alexander the great
>geirge washington
If someone were to pay attention to the 2016 election, you will see trump maneuvering politically better than almost anyone else in history, American history especially. He could take almost any situation and make it his own, by using the media like his bitch and then calling it dirty the next day. There is a reason why people say he was playing 6d chess. As for his policies, they differ from person to person. I voted for him because his trade and pro-nationalism rhetoric.
>tfw 6'5 and a fucking loser
all of those are fine, just dont mention your stupid irrelevant Americans before ww2. Nobody gave a shit about Hamilton or Teddy, even less about Washington.
You got me to reply
Napoleon's legacy was how horrible he fucked up European unity
> I voted for him because his trade and pro-nationalism rhetoric.
So your a retard.
Not an arguement
Also, "you're".
But he was uniting Europe.
It's George III.
I voted for him because as a legal immigrant, the mere existence of illegal immigrants is an insult to us and the process.
Once you jump through all the hoops and spend about $30,000 would you hate border hoppers that says "free citizenship pls" and cry for being punished for breaking the law.
rant over.
Also, in my PERSONAL experience (not sure about polls), legal Hispanic immigrants hate their illegal counterparts for the same reason; it's not simply just a white vs. Hispanic thing.
fucking. this. i was born here, but my whole family were legal immigrants who barely spoke english but worked their asses off and completely adapted and assimilated into american culture and life. they own multiple properties and a fairly large house. they're all vehement trump supporters too
Where from? I'm from South Korea.
Unification at the point gun really isn't unifying anyone, though.
Ironically, it was his conquests that inspired nationalistic fervor.
He really is a cartoonish moron. You trumpfuckers are going to be eating shit before this is over.
You're a very bitter person
He's just turning the US into a global joke and paving the way for others to take our place.
You nailed that one, at least.
Well, that's your opinion. If true though, it's about time America steps down.
Beep Beep Make way for France!
he's definitely made history, but you don't have to be a great man to shape history. great men also are known for their courage, their integrity, basically all around excellence. trump has none of that. that's why Hitler will also never be a great man. But as proof of a historical concept I suppose trump might fit the bill, though great man theory can't really be said to be the driving force of history.
according to Hegel yeah kind of
I mean, you're clearly either trolling or Hegel in disguise. Either way, get out.
It has be proven a hundred times that he wasn't short, it was British propaganda
>thinking france will rise up
The guy who'll probably rise up is india
Napoleon was the closest Europe ever came to unification under an enlightened system of government.
As a matter of fact it was probably the only real shot at that Europe ever got.
Has anyone read this?
Seems to be gold
Lanklet coming through
t. Anglo subhuman