Why is the great flood so important to Mediterranean cultures?
Why is the great flood so important to Mediterranean cultures?
Because, well, just look at the size of that motherfucking wave. That is a tall-ass building and it still gets fucking annihilated by that shit
Well see user that's just an artistic depiction of an event that didn't happen. You're confusing mythology with fact.
Biblical Flood is a historical fact.
Theory of evolution is a myth.
t. Cleetus
You make us look bad.
>all their major cities are right by the sea
>wonder why floods feature prominently in their mythology
just people living in the pontus bassin before it got flooded up
memes aside, the flood IS an historical fact
Just about every river valley civilization I can think of had some sort of great flood myth, from the sumerians to the indians to the egyptians to the chinese
of course these myths aren't seen in other civilizations like steppe nomads or jungle tribes
considering flooding was the single most important thing for river valley civilizations it makes sense for them to have myths about it
>it didn't happen in my mind!
Anyway OP, there was a flood after the Ice Age. The water levels increased globally as the ice melted. The myths are oral history from this time period.
>Ice Age
No such thing.
i wish the fedoras could fuck off to /x/ or make a board dedicated to atheism
Just report and ignore.
I'm literally a Catholic you fucking dipshit. There's indisputable proof that there was never a biblical flood. I get that you're just baiting btw.
none of you faggots are even attempting to discuss OP's question
take your petulant arguing to another thread or preferably to another fucking website
>Allegory for historical event
Fixed that for you.
Tigris and Euphrates were unreliable, violent rivers, and often flooded.
The great flood myth isn't derived from the Mediterranean but from Mesopotamia
As to why, well the Tigris and Euphrates are known for having shallow beds that can violently change their course, thus destroying primitive houses and farms with ease. The locals only had limited engineering skill to counteract this. Therefore they saw the waters as both the life creator and the life destroyer. From there it's not hard to jump to a myth where the gods send down a flood to cleanse the earth
>i wish the fedoras could fuck off to /x/
Are you high?
If you travel to the western desert of Iraq, you can see sandstone striations in the rock that are 2300ft high. The entire area was once an ancient sea bed.
Also, check out the formation of the Black Sea when the Bosporus opened up.
You're pretty off since the Great Flood happened in the Black Sea, it's well recorded. The events depicted in Mesopotamian culture aren't just "a flood", they're the big cataclysmic shit.
Like what, a flood?
We find it in India, Greco-Roman, and SouthWest American cultures too.
It wasn't "important" it just happened.
>floods don't happen
I bet you're one of those retards who thinks if they feign an interest in science they will be "scientific".
Could be true.
>make record cataloging what appears to be a world ending event to warn future generations of the dangers of water
>some cuck calls it a mythology despite probably living within 10 miles of a river that regularly floods
>pic rel
you make us look bad. It should be fuck off back to Veeky Forums
>There's indisputable proof that there was never a biblical flood.
Indisputable proof, ehhy?
Because there is a big fucking sea and it's spooky ???
Fucking logic man
>cultures from around the world, not just the Mediterranean, record a massive flood
>'hurr durr a flood nevr happen fukin chrisfaegs'
>We find it in India, Greco-Roman, and SouthWest American cultures too.
Notice how all of those cultures were from areas of which had experienced a massive rise in sea levels only few thousand years earlier?
It takes millions of years for those sandstone beds to be laid and lithified. If anything that just proves the ocean receded. How does that prove a flood myth within the past 3000-4000 years?
Like others have said, it's more likely from river planes flooding. Let's not even get into the idea of a population forming from only a handful of people.
One single event? No. Many flooding rivers, and even ice dams letting loose massive amounts of water? Yes. You can see evidence of both in rocks.
It's like some of you fucks don't even know geology is a thing. If there's a flood, there's a shit ton of evidence left behind.
Those massive rises still take a long time. They don't happen all at once unless an ice dam is broken, and that would still be a localised, not world wide, event.
"The Great Flood" in Sumerian mythology is itself an ancient myth which happened during the times of mythological Kings [See Kings List]. The Kings list gives dates of reigns in the magnitude of 10000x - Scholars propose that Great Flood Myth is most probably an ancient myth from Glacial Melting of the last Ice-Age mythified through generations and recorded as a mythical cosmogony in the Kings list. [Much like other cultures did later on]
Tigris and Euphrates flooded violently and Sumerians were known to be dyke-farmers (much like the Nederlands). The floodplains of the lower half of Mesopotamia wasn't viable for damns but dykes, canals and bunds. When flooded, it was a very big deal for Sumerians and they always used the Great Flood of Old age as a metaphor to compare the severity of floods.
The cultures that came after it were prone to the same flooding and Akkadian record keeping culture kept the Flood myth [Atrahasis], although tailored to their mythology. By the time of Babylonians, Great Flood was so ancient memory that Gilgamesh is actually written as a hero on Odyssey to find the only survivor [Utnapishtim].
The Biblical account of Noah while drastically different from Babylonian Gilgamesh myth actually preserve much of the Sumerian version. The Sumerian survivor is called Ziusudra - which means "The one who found long life" who is very Old then, resting or in comfort, away from Civilization. Noah literally means "Comfort or Respite".
Flood Myth isn't from past 3000-4000 years. The Akkadians, Babylonians and their predecessors already called the great flood mythical (with religious significance and sentiment, much like today) in their historical annals.
>Glacial Melting of the last age
>Assumes it only meant rising level in Mediterranean.
The whole world's sea level rose quite abruptly. Forget the well-endowed civilizations, many far-flung insular aboriginals have the same story of great cataclysmic flood, rising sea water kissing the mountain's feet. And guess where are they located - mainly broken island groups of South-east Asia. Non-Vedic sources of India also speak of rising sea and sinking islands in the southern Indian Ocean.
There are various factors associated, not only the Glacial melting. There are signs that perhaps a comet plunged near Madagascar and generated considerable Tsunami on all of the affected parts (From where the flood myths originate). As seen in Indonesian and Japanese Tsunamis in recent years - waves travel around the world, a wave generated by Comet would actually would be catastrophic.
No, I said it WASN'T the Mediterranean but the Black Sea.
The Black Sea is connected to Mediterranean because the global water level rose and started the cycle of positive water balance. Otherwise, it would have remained endorheic for far longer time and then draining abruptly someday (which it did in the past).
There is no evidence that the flood myth references the Black Sea deluge. In fact there is still debate over how quickly it happened or how "catastrophic" it was. Besides, the Bosporus is pretty far from the Sumerians. The river flooding is a much stronger candidate for the originator of these myths
muh psy ants
>The myths are oral history from this time period.
Shit like that doesn't pass that long.
Abo folklore has been capable of preserving memories of the Australia's ancient coastline for thousands of years.