Why have I been sitting here trying to make money off of crypto when I could have been sitting here making money off of people trying to make money off of crypto?
ITT: we discuss how to build businesses around cryptotrading
I suggest the following
>start making YouTube Coinbase tutorials >start explaining what the fuck crypto is >offer """investment advice""" and post pictures of lambos for attention >make a profit calculator(I'm actually working on one as we speak)
IMO bitcoin and taxes is where I'd focus my energy. It's a legal gray area, it's difficult (calculated on every transaction - I make thousands of trades) and not yet monetized. The first quickbooks for bitcoin type of software is going to sell easily if crypto advances at the rate we expect.
Carter Ross
If I had enough knowledge to do such a thing or even know how to program that, I'd be all for it. For an 18 year-old, however, the profit calculator site(which has sever problems, I know) it's gonna get updated in the coming days. Google ads are a must to start with, then add a ticker for BTC, LTC, and ETH, then as the site grows add a second ticker for daily winners and losers and yet a third ticket for "promoted" coins
Enjoy being sent to pound me in the ass prison as soon as some retard misunderstands and you give the wrong advice.
It is illegal to give advice on any asset or taxation unless you're a licensed CPA, CFA, or tax lawyer.
Congress will regulate this shit very fucking soon, too. The bills are already being drawn up.
Cameron Anderson
>Promoted Sexy idea user. You could do a motley fool kind of approach where you say "If you bought shitecoin when we indicated, you'd be up 6 gorillion right now" and sell your promotional space. Only if you charge for the advice
Alexander Peterson
it's on github faggot
Assuming they pass does the US seven consider cryptocurrency as currency?
Brandon Sullivan
It's considered like foreign currency, as if you bought euros
Xavier Nguyen
You're an idiot. You just need to put a disclaimer that says "this material is not intended to give advice related to taxation and investments, it is for educational purposes only" or something similar. Then use vague language when giving your "advice" to put some plausible deniability in it. You think every article written about assets and taxation is written by CPAs CFAs and tax lawyers?
Matthew Perry
Ah ok.
Someone just offered to sell me CryptoCalc.com for 1.7 ETH, do I do it?(I have 7-ish and own/host the site on a .net)
Juan Green
Oh, okay, babydick. Go ahead and compare a Youtube channel to anonymous articles written by Indians.
Christ, I can't wait until crypto gets flushed by the regulators. Talk about a swamp waiting to be drained.
This is nothing but a ponzi scheme preying on working people. Ethereum will be the first to go once sanctions over the Russian hack heat up. Vitilak literally wrote his death warrant by meeting face to face with Putin, the number one enemy of the free world.
Jack Harris
>Russian hack
Alexander Evans
>Putin, the number one enemy of the Free world.
That would be commie scum like yourself.
Noah Garcia
Come to think of it I can't wait until ETH is decried as the tool of Russian hackers. Literally every single businessman in America who puts #MAGA on his Facebook all the time is going to sign up for Coinbase and buy in.
I'd like for that to happen sooner rather than later.