What is there left to believe in?

What is there left to believe in?


God and His Word


Whats reality?

Merci mais non

Chicks with dicks.

I don't even like myself, why should I believe in myself?
Im the last asshole I want to believe in. Im a complete nothing, which, incidentally, is why Im looking for something to believe in. All this emptiness is depressing.

why not?

You can change most of the things you don't like about yourself and decrease the impact of the rest. Looking for outside spiritual help is weakness

i just said why not. Are you even paying attention?

Somebody get this idiot out of here.

Find something you love, whether it's a person, idea, or game. Dedicate yourself to it. That's your reason to live. It doesn't have to be lofty or special to anyone else.

Where does one find the strength to do this? Its said man is in a damnable position because he's not only the sculptor, hes the clay.

If living itself seems meaningless, how could one find meaning in anything else contained WITHIN life?

Thats absurd.

Why not surrender to a being infinitely more powerful and knowing than you are, user?

>looking for outside spiritual help is weakness
no, it's not.

The strength can only come from experience. Start with a small thing that bugs you that you can change instantly. See if you can sustain the change for a week, then a month. Go from there

That being doesn't exist

He exists. Why do you think he doesn't exist? Just because science can't prove it?

But it does

For me it's because almost every aspect of current religion can be traced to a former religion which can all be traced to primitive desires to control early man's environment. When this belief can be so easily interpreted it completely loses its supernatural aspect


so just because religion was born out of the early man desires to have explanations for the shit going around, it means there's nothing aside from it?

Why the fuck would it lose a supernatural aspect?

nothing TO it, but yeah

it loses the supernatural aspect because all of its tenets have natural roots. Therefore I don't see a reason to find alternative, harder explanation for it


Math, the only thing we can be sure of.

Our explanation for God may have natural roots, but He doesn't.

But your need for him to exist does as well which is enough for me to ascribe it a wholly human nature

>Your need for Him to exist
There's no need at work here. He exists whether you or I can accept it

So you say. But you also admit the belief system that supports him has a clear biological/anthropological basis. So for me the "mystery" is solved

>Whats reality?

It is at the end of your dream.

Believe you are a hairless ape who exists because your ancestors struggled pointlessly so you too could struggle pointlessly and at best create even more hairless apes who will also struggle pointlessly until oblivion comes to all things.