>eth crashing
>BTC crashing
>all Alts crashing
You did buy Bancor right?
What will you be buying for Christmas when 1 BNT = $250 at the end of this year?
Eth crashing
>eth crashing
>100 Bancor = 1 eth
>still shilling bancor
You're a special kind of moron op
how does one into icos
I knew people who bought bancor were retarded but holy shit you took it to a new level op
expect it to start crashing as soon as it hits exchanges
You mean crashing the ceiling?
So many dumb faggots here. Must be at least 60% black this board....
Hello Mossad. Having trouble keeping the goyim hands off your investment?
New lambo for my lady.
Is it worth flipping all the BNT for 2-2.5x price on monday, and buying them cheaper shortly after? There is a clear pattern - all the latest ico tokens were traded at ridiculous price in the very beginning, then got hugely corrected the same day.
I won't say shit about bancor otherwise I'll get accused of doing FUD. just give a look at all the ICOs, they go up 2-3x then they start to crash, they stay at bottom low for a couple of months and then they moon
>Kikes create kikecoin.
>Everything else begins crashing..
>It's just another coincidence, goyim!
GNO, BAT, ANT. Examples of recent ICOs that did not behave as you're describing. That shit sounds so 2016, you gotta get with the times.
Yup, these guys trying to flip are playing with fire, I was thinking about it for a while but I'm not confident enough in being able to properly play it
but note that all 3 of those coins I listed are currently trading at 3x ICO price or more and none of them ever once dipped below ICO price or even close to it. So I'm kind of saying that nowadays with an eth token you cannot lose money on an ICO, not to mention the $40 million they will be using to buy BNT at ICO price.
>half of this board is genuinely so retarded that they don't realize this crash was literally engineered by Bancor and co.
>they still don't realize that Bancor will be a top 5 coin by the end of the year, and top 3 some time in 2018
>they still don't realize that all 10,000 people who bought the ICO are going to be literal millionaires in the near future
I don't even laugh, I just feel sorry for these people.
Did you really think G-d wanted you to browse a Chinese bulletin board full of merchant memes for 10 years for no reason? You didn't see the sign? Ah well.
>1973 get
Wew, even I was not expecting that.
Just to let you know he's always watching.
For the goyim: en.wikipedia.org
bancor sounds so fucking retarded it just can't become great.
Yes, perhaps I wasn't clear, I have 2300 bnt and I think I will do better holding then trying to sell a peak on day one and buying back into a dip that may never happen
Banco at $4 is a joke this coin will be 1/3rd of eths priceof $360 like many say in a year or so
I don't really like what Bancor is trying to do, but it is undeniably useful. I think it will be a top 10 coin sooner rather than later.
If you're acknowledging Bancor crashed ETH followed by everything else then why would you trust them with your gains?
that sure is making me think
t.950 bancors
And you know deep down in your heart that it should.
Put logic and reason out the window - you're here for money.
Do you have any idea how cozy and smug it will feel when your grandchildren show up at your house - excited - and smile, and say "Grandpa, how did you get so rich???", and you think back to years wasted on this strange website?
Bancor is to Veeky Forums as Trump was to /pol/, except this time it's global.
Where to buy?
>as Trump was to /pol/
>tfw made 2k betting on trump and 4btc on trumpcoin
>always do the opposite of what biz says
Only have 130 BNT.. W-will I make it?
This. Where were you when Veeky Forums helped to unfreedom cryptocurrency?
We are literally the chosen ones.
How much per BNT a year from now?
>100 Bancor = 1 eth
Are you stupid? They are not tied together perminantly if Bancorp goes up and eth continues to tank then 1 Bancor = 100 eth could be a thing.
Anybody who has ever owned (((Bancor))) will have free accommodation at Auschwitz for life(!) In the 4th Reich.
If it reached the same market cap as litecoin 1 BNT = $20.
If it reached the market cap of ripple 1 BNT = $125
holla hoax, holla holla hoax hoax, holla hoax. sing it with me goy!
Oh I got you. I thought you meant investing in the ICO was bad because you can get it cheaper later. Seems ridiculous but I've seen a lot of people on here say that about Bancor.
We're all gonna make it bro
You might not have enough for both a penthouse AND a lambo but you will receive invitations to Bancor-Fundraiser-only parties in the near future.
Yeah those people have literally no idea what they are talking about, gotta be careful on biz, idiots are eager to give their opinions on things they have never googled. This coin has its negatives for sure but I believe its medium-term future is bright
Not true in the case of an extremely long ico like waves'. Plus some other coins if you look back to their birth, it shows a high chart, but the market cap is 0.
Interest in crypto was much lower back then. Bancor is being introduced in a very different environment, and it is much easier to get a higher cap nowdays.
>all altcoins crashing
>he said nervously as Waves and ANT are mooning
>p-please buy bancor
lmao you got jewed
Are you just against cryptocurrencies in general? The interface of a bunch of ether based coins is pretty valuable in this 2 billion dollar sector. Bancor and Waves are similarly adaptable and useful financial tools, and assets themselves.
Why does it have to take a year? There is so much fidgety ass new money looking for cryptos with the most to offer. It can take a month or two if it really takes off. Money can like the fuck in, and I have seen it happen.
Also partnering with status. I should really pay more attention to them.
How do I buy bancor? I don't get it.
Where the fuck do you buy BNT!? I have been asking forever and no one told me shit. I am so pissed. Is it too late to invest in it for large ROI?
You missed it. You need to wait for it to hit the exchanges in a couple of weeks. I think they will also have a contract on their site that converts ETH to BNT.
sorry, brainlet. ICO is over. Maybe I'll sell some to you on Monday at 20x ico if you beg like a dog
I dunno, I only bought 1,000 Bancor. Will I make it senpai? I want one morrion dorrars.
Overprices ICO and more important Bancor is bleu chip and in crypto will be seen as enemy (much more even than Ripple).
They will find out that doing biz in enemy territory is not that easy and different than wall street ..
People are still sending eth to the ico address lol
Stfu you stupid piece of shit. I was asking this crap over and over again, but you brain-dead imbeciles speak in constant memes endlessly.
I hope this kikecoin fails. It's not going to be able to bring a centralizing force to the cryptocurrency market like many of you Jew dick suckers think.
>He missed the ico
lol nobancorer tears
Lol, someone just sent 573 ETH to it.
Makes me angry that someone so retarded can have so much money. Sigh...
I don't even know what ICO means!
Damn I'm pissed. I invested 3500 already in decred and blocknet, and I had 500 more to invest. I was looking up this kikecoin endlessly and finding nothing.
This is unbelievably stressful and you are oblique retards. During ICOs, at least post the fucking link!!! God motherfucking dammit.
Fuck all of you.
The salt is real with the nobancs, Try googling things instead of asking us next time.
Pic related it's u
It's not on exchanges yet. You missed the ico by a week.
So Bancor doesn't have a working product yet but it's going to moon as soon as it hits exchanges? Please tell me how buying something that doesn't have a product yet with another thing without a product work exactly?
Lol, fuck off you disgusting normie pleb.
This is the formula for making money. If Veeky Forums says Bancor (a fucking jewcoin) will make you rich - stay the fuck away.
This board is literally 99% shills and retards.
>Please tell me how buying something that doesn't have a product yet with another thing without a product work exactly?
You must be new here friend.
Gives me hope
More eth to buy up
>You missed the ico by a week.
Oh... I see... I learned about it a few days ago.
I guess that's why I missed it, haha. I thought the ICO was a few days ago.
This is stressful. I hate getting involved in stock, hedging, and that kind of stuff. I just want to live on an idyllic farm with happy doggies, cows, and more with nice meandering trails in the background. It would be like Harvest Moon...
Jew sucker. It's not gay unless you're the one suckling and you definitely have your chin on (((their))) balls.
You spent fucking ETH on a promise from the jewiest of Jews to make something eventually, kek
>You spent fucking ETH on a promise from the jewiest of Jews to make something eventually, kek
Like every other ICO ever. Fuck off with your pol memes.
>being so dumb he can't use google and navigate the bancor website
Humanity really is hopeless.
>Jews take everyone's gold and money, and hold it for them for a small fee
>we deviate from their kikery, form an unregulated decentralized currency that doesn't have any of the pitfalls of the bank system
>Jews form a crypto bank, and people are literally lining up and throwing their cryptos at the very idea
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
If you want a lambo you need to stop thinking like a complete retarded.
except Bancor is actually one of the only ICO projects that has a functioning platform already
>everybody is going to buy Bancor
>so if you want to be rich don't buy it, so everyone will become rich while you miss out
are Nobancs for real? Wtf am I reading?
I did not even buy in. 7k bnt bounty. whats good baby?
Veeky Forums has mostly been saying negative, anti-semitic things about bancor though
let me do the math 125*7000= Almost millionaire LUL
No one is going to be buying your Bancor bags, that's what we are thinking. And we aren't going to feel sorry for you when you're on the streets because you gave (((them))) all of your money.
normies will offer me their first born for 1 bnt in 2 years. screencap this.
added to the screencap, thank you user
Good luck selling your crypto mutual fund of 10% ether, 40% dgb, 50% nigger coin. Bancor only goes up if the coins in the basket go up, which will have proportional gains to the ratio inside of the basket. Everyone thinking Bancor will moon better hope the coins in the basket moon, because that's how it goes up. Kind of defeats the purpose of putting something in doesn't it if what you held was shooting up by itself? But it's going to be instant liquid user. Yes, like Prism other user. So, how is the revolutionary?
lurk moar fagmachine
Bancor will be $1000 each, brainlet
mfw all the shitcoin speculation ends up going to bancor and the price skyrockets to 1000 bucks
Only if the fucking coins inside go up 400 times. You paid $3.50 for something worth $2.50. Please tell me sir smart user how the fuck Bancor can go up to $1,000 each if nothing inside the eclectic basket of other cryptos goes up? Please tell you did read and understood how the whole thing works right? What's happens if someone creates an exchange with less fees? Bancor will be fucked. That's if they actually create a working product.
that's not how it works you fucking retard.
you are implying the SHITCOINS HAVE TO GO UP but no. just more shitcoins have to created more bnt is created for increasing shitcoin creation demand. BNT WILL GO UP and shitcoin holders gain value because BNT gains value and not vice versa you nobancer. stay poor forever.
BNT is the ultimate ponzi as the token value goes up as more of it are created, ie. opposite of how fiat value increases. The earlier you get in, the better chances of dumping on the next schmuck. All it needs is a high fomo frenzy to kick the cycle off
Does your net worth increase with the growing number of properties you posses?
Why wouldn't Bancor increase then?
Then I'm all set
So it's uncapped and there will be infinite coin creation for the infinite future shitcoins? It's a fucking sponge dumb fag that soaks up coins. The only way the sponge can be worth more is if the water has more value or it sucks more coins in. This is literally the definition of ponzi as the user already said. We hear ponzi often in crypto but these fuckers aren't even trying to hide the ponzi scheme - they market it just as that. They just want you to buy in and pass it off on others. Sure, there might be some money to make, but it will fucking go down faster than your dad at a gay bar eventually. But but they will buy back my coins at ico price. Yeah, they will buy them back with your fucking ETH that is 40% higher than when you put it in. God damn you poor fags will literally throw anything into an ico thinking guarenteed gains. That's why the fucking bubble will pop soon. Dumb fucks not understanding what they fuck they are buying will make the house of cards collapse sooner than later.
It's not God damn property. It's 1000s of coins like nigger coin and moon coin. How many fucking cryptos do you seeing actually making a fuck in the world in 5 years? Keep throwing money in literally shit and it will crash sooner rather than later. Shitcoins can crash faster than any property value in the history of mankind and I'm in real estate. Coins will literally be worth 0 when shit hits the fan. At least property is worth the land/structure/return. You're dillusional if you think 90% of the coins out today will be around in a few years. They have no fucking value and benefit absolutely nothing. What's that do to the Bancor baskets when it happens?
please explain how 0.01 eth is going to be 40% higher than 0.01 eth in the future, you brainlet
people are so salty about bancor, it's hilarious. if you think it's going to crash below ico levels and you didn't buy any, what does it matter to you? the ico is already over and people who bought in can't exactly do anything about it. so why not just sit down and look at how it actually goes instead of speculating like a total sperg.
>Yeah, they will buy them back with your fucking ETH that is 40% higher than when you put it in
You realize that the buyback is 0.01 eth per bnt, the exact same rate as was purchased during the ICO, right?
Are you literally mentally retarded? That won't change whether eth goes up or down 50000%.
All you did was give Bancor, a fuxking bank, $153 million dollars in Usd and ETH to get in to the crypto game. I'm sure they are going to watch out for your best interest now that they have stake in the game. Do you think a global bank wants to make money with you or make money off of you?
>implying Bancor is not a shitcoin
I will eat crow if a jew pays you $3.50 for something you bought for $2.50 a week ago.
best way to know that something's going to make a lot of money for you is if the Veeky Forums retards are yelling about jews