If this flops, which I think it will, crypto will skyrocket to new heights. If it doesnt...autistic screeching commences.
good. the faster we get regulations in place the faster we can adopt the technology. i know that it won't make sense to you, just forget about it and BUY ARK.
I hope you realize that the more they attempt to regulate the closer it is towards legitimization of crypto being what it is - a form of commodity that is currency. All they're doing is further acknowledging it you'd have to be a fool to not see this.
LOL how will they ever get to my fucking crypto holdings? Literally how!????? LMFAO
They could probably ban it in places like China, but banning crypto currency in the us will cause nothing
It's like banning file sharing
>force people to declare their cryptocurrency...
The sooner these clueless boomers die off the better for the rest of us
>if they outlaw your money and seize it from you, you win
LOL can't wait to see all you crypto libfags suddenly turn republican once the GOP fights back against any effort by the Democrats to increase the power of the IRS.
By initiating a special Crypto tax, report your Crypto goyim you wouldn't want to be called a terrorist and be sent to those FEMA camps now would you?
Its already outlawed you fucking retard. and you cant seize crypto unless you start waterboarding people for their encryption password for crypto their not even sure you have. Which wont be happening
>and you cant seize crypto
you must be extremely new
Look at those claw like hands and cold blooded eyes. 100% sure she's a lizard.
Quite easily, unless you store your private keys only in your head. And even then it probably wouldn't take much effort to make you give up the keys by force.
How did they seize these exactly
>Japan legalized Crypto and shops are being set up to accept blockchain
>Russia is talking with Vitalik with implementation of crypto
>India is going cashless due to sanitary issues because pajeet literally can't poo in the loo
>The EU going cashless and initiating a new world order
>Big conglomerates such as Microsoft, Banks, and businesses looking into and even accepting the technology
Crypto is here to stay
Why are you autists so enraged by this? All you have to do is fill out a form when you own $10,000 worth of crypto to let them know you aren't a terrorist or mobster. Even though this won't pass in a republican controlled senate, it's not a big deal.
we need to get behind crypto market places....
Definitely gonna do my best to stay in EU now rather than go back to "freedom"
>obliged by law to tell you the secret words in my head that coincide with an obscure piece of code somewhere in deep cyber space
Big surprise, that fat cunt has already taken millions of dollars from (((Wall Street banks)))
I don't get it. The law just makes it so that you have to pay taxes. I bet you tax haters are the same homos asking for more social safety nets like in the EU.
Need to get Google and the other big tech companies and investment firms who have invested millions in cryptos to fight this and lobby against it.
If crypto is banned in the US/Europe your "crypto holdings" will be worth less than a ham sandwich. Virtually all of the speculative value of crypto would vanish overnight.
>find him in person and seize them from his computer
not the same as a bank being able to just drain your funds retard
>implying banks won't just institute software that automates it as mandated by law
how stupid are you? Do you even know how complex Paypal's fraud filters are? Rest assured something similar will be instituted at most major banks to identify "cryptocurrency money launderers"
>seizing crypto
Lizard is just slang for jew user.
People catch shit for "muh antisemitism" so they use reptile as code.
She is a filthy fucking jew, though.
LOL why the fuck would anyone want to go to USA?
Id like to see them try.
Nah, crypto currency is taking off in a big way in China. Probably further ahead than the west in this technology.
>mfw when i have to write down the amount of niggers i have
Loophole: make moar wallets
I dont see how that is a feasible way to enforce crypto taxes... Think of how many people they would have to raid and extract info from. Boomers are gonna have to take this one up the ass
>tax haters
Good goy.
You get 5 extra minutes out of the cuck shed Friday.
It's not. USA has more bitcoin ATMs than China. China is actually tougher on Bitcoins than USA.
Make sure to declare your niggers, y'all
It would be worth more, actually. China/Russia holds a lot more than the US does. In fact, I believe it would cause a new "cold war" where every single country will then scramble to implement blockchain and cryptocurrencies after the US bans it. The US will then lag behind and try to unban it to catch up and be fucked.
they just run automated software through the banks on all accounts looking for "suspicious"
"cryptocurrency-related" transactions and then automatically freeze bank accounts until some "questions" are resolved, the same way they already do it
>Software that breaks through sha-256 and manhandles your coins
Nigger get the fuck out of my board
>I bet you people that hate taxes are asking for more social safety nets
No, I prefer to let niggers and white trash starve.
what's a bitcoin?
they don't have to break cryptocurrencies retard, they just have to fuck with your bank account because you're suspected of money laundering (aka trading cryptocurrency)
good luck paying your rent in bitbean friend
Not mutually exclusive. She is a Jew but also a hybrid reptilian - human bloodline from Orion.
>staying in the US if they go full shititdown
I think I'll enjoy Switzerland instead.
This isn't like torrening or some shit where a ban doesn't matter because the government can't really catch anyone anyway. Think about WHY we invest in most of the coins that we do. Outside certain coins that are geared specifically towards darknet anonymity (Zcoin, Verge, Monero etc) virtually every other coin is valuable based on the premise that it will one day be used in some type of legitimate, mainstream capacity. If crypto is banned, that all goes away. Coins like Ripple, BAT, FirstBlood, Siacoin, Golem, Digibyte, Stratis etc are immediately fucked because its not like those companies are about to go underground or some shit. The markets would collapse and crypto would be next to worthless. What serious investor would waste their time with illegal digital currency?
>implying anyone gives a shit about your kike controlled, nigger infested shithole
lol, good luck getting citizenship in one of the hardest countries in europe to even gain permanent residency in, especially if you're not a brown refugee with a sob story
Less taxes would mostly affect spics and blacks as they have worst health care and educational opportunity
Not an argument, the long dick of the US justice system will fuck you no matter what if you're in Europe or any country that isn't Somalia.
On a per capita basis sure, absolute values there's a lot of white trash on welfare too. I want all of the useless fucks to starve to death.
Don't cash out. Simple as that.
Anyone with a brain wallet knows that his money is safe and cannot be seized. This is stupid FUD tactics.
>haha don't listen to the people saying mtgox is freezing withdrawals, it's just fud!!!
- you, in 2013
>memorizing your wallet address
>Yes Officer I'm carrying 5 Niggers, 3,000 Cunts, 2 Jews, 10,000 HITLER, and 2,000,000 Mooncoins.
>My mooncoins have increased in value 30000% in the 20 hours it took me to fly over here, which means they went from $10,000 to $3,000,000.
>Will that be all, sir?
>Over $100,000 undeclared?!?! ARREST THIS MAN!
Blockchain technology can and will be implemented, but that can happen independently of cryptocurrency. What will likely happen banks start using Ripple like software to let you send your fiat.
lol how the hell are you going to enforce that get out of here
That isn't feinstein is it?
In the current political climate, this doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of going anywhere, but bumping anyway
Of course it is.
Great. She looks a bit different. New infant blood infusion maybe.
When the FUCK will this kike bitch die?
They want the poor to stay poor.
>Not knowing a BIP-39 12 word mnemonic seed allows you to store infinite addresses in your brain.
This. It's like everyone just got here yesterday.
will that feinstein bitch die already
>against guns
>against crypto
what's wrong with that woman, she's 21 century inquisitor just fuck off and die stupid granny motherfucking shit bureaucratic cunt
that's where you're wrong kid, if you prohibit something the value skyrockets ;) protip for free
>against guns
Only for the goyim, the cunt has a handgun permit.
Stay woke friend
so many dumb ass virgins on this board, please keep putting daddy and mommys money into these imaginary shit coins, u will be a billionaire in no time keep going dont stop now just believe
Some of us actually made a bit off of ETH at least. Literally anyone on this board who bought ETH last year is fucking rich right now.
Im amazed you people are okay with them having that much power
>especially if you're not a brown refugee
You're thinking Sweden, the Swiss don't give a fuck about any of that, they only care if you have money.
Yes, things which have inherent value like drugs, guns, prostitutes etc. Not cryptocurrencies which are trying to grow into legitimate businesses.
We have to push innovation narrative. If we can scare these retarded politicians, and drill into their head that we will lose our competitive edge in the tech sector they just might leave out crypto alone.
Also its funny that this jew is behind this right after the jew mafia releases their coin. I can see the future. The only coin not illegal for us goys is bancor. We cant let that happen.
This will never happen.
Feinstein represents CA, has strong ties to the Bay Area. She gets most of her donations from Sillicon Valley and they're already tired of her tech illiterate bullshit. She continues to embarrass the tech industry which she's supposed to represent in the Senate
except the software is 40% more efficient if you use crypto with it
>seizing crypto
New meme?
tru DAT
Why are you such a slave bitch?
Yes to new highs and the US will stay behind. Good luck over there guys.
Why would they ban it?more and more countries accept it as currency. Like Japan recently.countries that ban it or put regulations on it will stay far behind and trust me even months can make huge difference between being on top or being out the game. So choose wise over there in the US because the world moves forward, even without you.
made one.
Spent over 9000 hours Gimping, donations welcome.
ETH: 0xE3bC490BD7fD3309B8882908A56c540562DA8CF8
ARK: AcUDXymQu4D9AJYKH1avdF1gfvYBodTugz
Make Amazon and Google accept it, then they can't do anything. I work at Amazon and I'm thinking of suggesting it to do my part. Literally just get a huge company to pick up Bitcoin or some crypto and the US will bow to the companies.
of course an old evil jewish cunt is behind it
>Literally anyone on this board who bought ETH last year is fucking rich right now.
I only made $25k because I sold most of it for POSW in April