>majored in history
>no jobs
>tfw you will never be an accomplished historian like Reza Aslan
Majored in history
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw you will never be paid to be a terrorism apologist on tv
>tfw you will never have a Christian wife and impregnate her
When is the book disgracing Mohammad as an ethno-nationalist due out?
How can one man be so smug?
You are either stupid or aggressively proud of your ignorance.
When you're right about everything, you're smugness is justified.
christcucks BTFO
>majoring in history
what did you think would happen?
this bait gets me
t. Reza Aslan
In fairness, even if you think Reza Aslam is a cock and wrong for claiming Islam doesn't cause terrorism, which I do, he never apologises for or supports terrorism per se.
History is a passtime not a trade. Get cucked histards.
t.Lauren Green
>major in history
>have to take an art elective
>hate it
>smug elitest teacher tells class if they dont like it they should "just go to a tech school"
>drop out and do just that
>paycheck I got this friday was $3000
He's more of a pop-historian though. He hasn't written anything that hasn't been already said by serious academics. He just has the creative writing background to help him write something readable by the general populace, hence his success.
Reza is a meme
What the fuckdarn have you been smoking, numbnut
I studied a human science, but I think I'll never work in that field and I don't care to be honest. I studied it because I liked it, not for economic purposes. And now I think I'll study something more useful too.
What are the chances of becoming a history teacher with an iq of 100?
My therapist and others say that I have a very high level of "emotional intelligence".
I'm a nice, passionate, good looking, hard working guy and have a pretty big penis that keeps me happy.
I have read "Zealot". Worst pile of horseshit I've ever read.
>no jobs
If anyone seriously thinks this, they either know nothing about the job market, or have no life skills. The vast majority of jobs people will apply for only require that you have a college degree. No one really cares what subject your degree is in, because (unless you got a degree specifically tied to a certain field, like engineering), all employers care about is that you can do work. That means a history degree qualifies you for most jobs. You might not like that they're not history-related, but that's your fault for not being realistic about your degree and the job market. If you have a history degree and can't find a job, you're doing something wrong.
>tfw you will never be an accomplished historian like Reza Aslan