Can someone give me sources for taxes when it comes to crypto...

Can someone give me sources for taxes when it comes to crypto? I can't really find a breakdown on the stipulations of capital gains tax or whether or not I have to save profits to pay it?

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dont pay them
very simpel

Sure I will.

Call up friend/family member in foreign country. Teach him how to set up account on crypto exchange and connect his account to his bank. Then send him your crypto, let him cash out the crypto into his bank in his country, and have him send or wire the money to you as a gift. Now nobody owes any taxes on crypto and thus your taxes are paid.

yes you have to pay profits on capital gains when you sell. Plus, any crypto exchange is considered a sale, so those are taxable events as well.

there's a website,, which will help you compute your cap gains taxes. You can use the accounting method which will give you the lowest tax liability but bear in mind that you'll have to continue to use that method in the future (I believe).

>did you ever sign a contract for taxation?

>all tax is theft

I don't disagree with that. I believe that taxation is theft. But that's the reality we live in. We're born into serfdom and if we don't pay our tribute to the lord then we're kidnapped and locked in a dungeon. I'd rather retain what relative freedom I have, so I pay my tribute, even if it is begrudgingly.

Yes. When your parent's signed your birth certificate and you became a citizen of the US (or whatever country).

how is a contract signed on your behalf
by someone else without your consent legitimate?

>it's not.

>and I do want to contribute but I choose, not someone for me
>we are the 99%

That'd have to be a country with VERY loose tax laws and no anti-money laundering cares for that to actually be viable.

As when you're born you don't have autonomy and so your parents have guardianship. It's like how you can't own what's in a trust until you grow up (depending on country).