Who is in the wrong here?
Who is in the wrong here?
Both, of course. Judaism FTW.
Left. God wouldn't certainly want us to accept evil, but Islam is intolerant.
>Who is in the wrong here?
people who hurt other people, everyone else is okay regardless of religion
Both. But personally fuck theChristians even more because the Christians on Veeky Forums make me want to punch a fucking bunny.
in Muslim majority countries, homophobia, misogyny and intolerance of other religions, rules the day. Most of the worlds Muslims live in this kind of primitive religious environment. That is why I don't want Islam imported into my country
Both, gnostics had it right.
>in Muslim majority countries, homophobia, misogyny and intolerance of other religions, rules the day.
Sounds like paradise
it was funnier in my head
Both are bad. All abrahamic religions are shit.
>Detailed Documentary Exposing Islam (3 hours)
>Allah is Satan, Jesus is God
>Allah in Quran = Satan in Bible
>The Roman Catholic and Islamic Connection
Islam and Catholicism are Satan's counterfeit crypto-pagan religions meant to enslave people and prevent them from the saving grace of the Gospel.
>my homebrew Dungeons&Dragons setting is better than yours
ok so I should read the hebrew part of the old testaments in Hebrew
or Ancient Babylonian clay tablets where the jews took it from
fuck off Mr. "i work cuz it pleases Gott not fer moneyz" Protestant
Islam is fucked but catholicism is above average at the fucking least
Left, because they have a false god
Both of these are shit. Hinduism is the real redpill.
This is a claim you are making, that you can't back with anything but feels.
The Quran is like it was written by an angry and confused 12 year old boy, with all of the cartoon violence that you can imagine from someone of that age
Have you not read the Bible?
Have you read the new testament?
Christianity does away with the bad stuff, while Islam amplifies it
Thats because islam was never butchered by the roman empire to turn it into a slave governing religion forced on people to prevent revolts.
>this kills the christfag
>this kills the muslimfag
I'm an ex-Muslim.
I became a Bible-believing Christian after learning the truth.
There is no bad stuff in the old testament.
Yes, and the KJB is the best piece of literature that shaped western civilization
In what regard? Ethically, it's Islam. Theistically, they're both equally wrong.
How about the bible?
Yes, and the sunny and shia have been merrily murdering each other for the last thousand years
Paul said Leviticus is the yoke of slavery, Galatians 5:1.
>the bible
not an argument
You are just making the same claim, just a step up the chain. Why is your religious book true and the other religions books false?
>Ancient texts that our ancestors wrote
>not an argument
Prove to me Alexander or Hannibal ever existed.
But don't give me old sources, that's not an argument.
Your ancestors wrote a lot of crazy shit. Why is the bible more true than the idea that our planet was born from the armpit of a giant sweating? They are both ancient texts.
Because mine is from God
This is a claim you are making, that you can't back with anything but feels.
How is it crazy?
Because most of it can't be true at the same time. Some of it is false. Thus the fact that our ancestors wrote something doesn't make it true.
This is a claim you are making, that you can't back with anything but feels.
There are no contradictions in the bible
What makes the bible a valid source, there contemporary texts aren't?
>Both, of course
are simply interpretations of
All Abrahamic religions are the same.
We've officially entered babby arguments mode.
You can't expect people to believe something was created by some god just because you feel it was.
It is divinely inspired.
both lul
This is a gross false equivalence. No one claims Alexander or Hannibal walked on water, magically healed the ill or came back from the dead. For such miraculous claims, sources which are three or four times removed from the alleged events are insufficient.
Meant to add this
Why do you think the bible was divinely inspired, and other contemporary texts werent?
After years of research and connecting the dots.
>40s AD
>three or four times removed
Because I have been born again. Unless you are born again, you cannot believe.
What dots did you connect to come to the conclusion that an old collection of scripts has divine nature?
Mental illness is not an argument.
Researching the occult elite and what they believe in. Researching various religions (polytheism, pantheism, monotheism). Looking at world events. Learning about historical events, church history. Learning about creation and evolution debates, that the latter is a myth.
I have come to a conclusion that the Bible is literally true. There is a concentrated effort to hide this fact, which is what the devil wants.
>In their 2003 book Crossroads to Islam, Yehuda D. Nevo and Judith Koren advanced a thesis, based on an extensive examination of archaeological evidence from the early Islamic period, that Muhammad may never have existed, with monotheistic Islam only coming into existence some time after he is supposed to have lived. This has been described as "plausible or at least arguable" and employing a "very rigorous historical methodology" by David Cook of Rice University, but has also been compared to Holocaust denial by historian Colin Wells, who suggests that the authors deal with some of the evidence illogically.[42][43]
>Muhammad Sven Kalisch, a Muslim convert and Germany's first professor of Islamic theology, has expressed the view that the Prophet Muhammad probably never existed.[44] Similar views were also held by other scholars too as Professor Muhammad Sven Kalisch quotes in his conclusions. There are many such views doubting the historicity of Muhammed. Another example is the case of Hans Jansen, a Dutch scholar, who too has the opinion that the evidences supporting the historicity of Muhammad are lacking.[45]
The Gospels weren't written or compiled by the disciples. For quite a while Jesus' story was shared orally.
You are aware that there are similar, and more numerous, claims that Jesus never existed, right?
Of courshe.
>I hate christianity therefore he never existed!
is not an argument.
Strawmen are not arguments.
Both are idiots.
Paul quotes Luke as scripture
i like it user
Quick, is it possible to keep the Mosiatic Law or not? Is Jesus a sin offering or a Passover offering? What were his last words on the cross? What date, relative to Passover, was he crucified on?
What a fucking idiot. I thought this was a board about history and humanities, non unability to give feasable proofs to one's arguments.
Christians are so fucking dumb.
Do you seriously think the Bible you read today is the same the jews wrote down 5000 years ago after teaching it orally to one another for hundreds of years, maybe thousands? Also do you think you worship a different God from muslims, you inbred stupid faggot? Do you know all of the three semitic religions were born from early judaism? Do you know Muslims acknowledge Jesus fucking Christ as a prophet? Do you know litterally ANYTHING about semitic religions you fucking stupid inbred?
Fuck you, people like you are the reason the IQ avg in the world is so low, together with niggers.
>people who hurt other people
So, muslims?
It wasn't YOUR ancestors writing them you fucking cunt. Are you claiming a blood lineage that descends directly from Abraham? Because if you say your "ancestors" wrote the Bible it means you are pure blooded jewish.
And this is one stupid thing.
The second: proof that Annibal existed? We have it.
Proof the Alexander existed?
We have it.
Proof that Jesus existed?
We have it.
We don't fucking have it.
If i gethered 30 of my friends and told them to testimony for me that i revived somebody and wrote a book about it would you believe it? WOULD YOU? You fucking inbred.
I don't even understand if this is a bait at this point. Or if somebody is actally this dumb.
Eyewitnesses, retard.
Oh fuck me.
Sage this idiot. Ban him please.
There are eyewitnesses to UFOs, Hitler still being alive, politicians actually being lizards and so on.
People are unreliable, and so are old texts, which is why history is done by confirming through several different leads.
>Did Alexander exist?
People wrote that he did, different people from different cultures independently of each other.
There are coins and statues that portray him.
There are later people talking about him as inspirational, independently from previous sources.
Demographics, architecture and cultural changes confirm that his deeds did in fact occur, and shaped politics.
So he existed, and not because one book says so, but rather because many sources confirm it.
Hahahah what he fuck.
How can somebody be so retarded. How can you be so stupid?
If a God existed he would facepalm at his creation just looking at you.
The Bible is not one book either.
It's a library of books, written by different authors inspired by God in a span of 1500 years, who had no contact with eachother yet tell one coherent story that leads to Christ.
It doesn't tell a coherent story tjat leads to Christ. If it did the Jews would have all converted to Christianity.
There are hundreds of different books telling us about the city of Gotham and its vigilante dark knight who dresses up like a bat. This doesn't mean its real.
Come on. Surely you instinctively understand why you are wrong. Don't defend your views simply because you hold them now, rather adjust them to what seems correct given reality.
I agree with the other guy, you're a textbook fedora.
arguments based on whatever authority are non-arguments. on that reasoning, the sun circles around the earth because some greek faggot said so.
The artist because the mind exists outside the brain
Mudslimes obviously.
Both are correct to an extent, they are different cultural interpretations of the same Truth
the proofs of their existance and supposed actions/ characteristics can be found outside the writings, too. Beaurocratic documents, archeological findings, art of all kinds
>Beaurocratic documents, archeological findings, art of all kinds
The same applies to scripture.
Archaeology is an important science that confirms the historical accuracy of the Bible. Since the Bible refers to hundreds of cities, kings, and places, we would expect to find evidence from on-site excavations. And this is exactly what we have found. The Bible is the most historically accurate book of history on earth.
>but Islam is intolerant.
>fighting fire with fire
Compare the middle east to Europe.
Both are shit. Abrahamic religions a shit.
Mutually exclusive.
Jesus is God v Jesus is just a man, a prophet, but not God.
Jesus died on a cross v Jesus did not die, was not crucified at all.
Jesus rose from the dead proving He is God v Jesus did not rise from the dead.
Trinity is Father, Son and Holy Spirit v Mohammad's understanding of Father, Son and Mary.
Mutually exclusive.
I like some stuff in Islam, like for exemple i fast during ramadan even if i'm not muslim, it actually improved my health. I also don't eat pork. I also prefer the islamic concept of God ratherthan the christian one
Whoever grew the fuck up and stopped witch hunts. srs Islam what happened? You used to be cool and modern and shit but now it's like you switched places with dark ages Christianity
holy shit lmao
The truth is that both are True even if they seem different to the uninitiated rational mind.
I don't know if this is completely true, the Jews have historically been some of the most stubborn and religiously/culturally entrenched people in the world.
>Who is in the wrong here?
Who ever made this Vase is a complete idiot and can't into design. What is it even for?
It's a written tradition, not an oral tradition.
It's been tested, yes.
Your objections are noted as immature outbursts with no work or effort behind them whatsoever.
Disciples who wrote books of the bible:
Why get on the internet and lie?
What's with this humanist me-me that has been creeping up as of late?
wow if ppl jus takt den al prolim b salvd
you think a civil discussion between two sides can't at the very least help people understands the problems?
Why would anyone want to be anti-humanist
even if you can't solve all problems just by discussing them why would you literally not want such low-cost low-risk chance for a solution as the first step to anything
Sure it could, but it's terribly inflated.
>putting humans before all other living things for meme reasons
>putting others before your ego
>putting others before God
Humanism is deplorable.
Because it generally is approached as 'my truth, your truth' ideological nonsense, and general propaganda.
Yeah me talking to a black girl is going to solve racism. How profound. brb going to Starbucks
well if you're a christfag then i guess we'll just have to agree to disagree
Civil Discourse can also backfire and just entrench both sides in their point of view as well. It possible it can help, but what can also help is neither side having to confront the other because distance between the two is maintained.
Fuck off libtard
Polytheism is objectively wrong, so the answer is Christianity
I think you show perfectly the dangers of religiosity, you put imaginary concepts before real actual people.