I remember I found this board in the very beginning of May and started trading on May 4th when BTC was at ~$1700. I never went in the red from that day on. My portfolio is at $1600 now but I would be at around $10,000 if I just listened to Veeky Forums and didn't sell my DGB. I was just wondering how the fuck I got here. I was a /pol/tard back then but I've never gone back since. How did you get here Veeky Forums?
Does anyone remember how they got to Veeky Forums?
I saw an announcement at the top of /a/ that said there was a new board called Veeky Forums you filthy fucking newfag
>Does anyone remember how they got to Veeky Forums?
early summer of 2014 or may, we got redirected here from /g/
lets just say say /pol/ isn't really aimed at business and finance.
I was a finance major and used to browse /b/ exclusively. I took a hiatus for a few years and when I came back I got bored with /b/ and saw a new board for business and finance. Came here and loved it. Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums are the only boards I go on now.
i thought about making money one day and thought about coming to this board to see any get rich quick threads
Me too bro. I actually bought BTC sometime around Nov last year (because a friend mentioned it). The election sucked me into /pol/ from /k/. I came here occasionally but mainly found robin hood threads and people discussing scams. Somehow at some point near feb or mar I started coming to Veeky Forums a lot. But, I really have no idea exactly when.
Anyhow, thanks Veeky Forums (I think).
>Made 30k from buy and holding PLUG Power when it was being shilled here years ago as the hot penny stock to buy and hold.
>Made anther 50k when I shorted it after the moon
Thank you Veeky Forums for the original pump and dump
Browsed in 2015, wondering how to get rich enough to impress asian girls. Thought everyone here would be a finance major using technical terms everywhere. Completely wrong looking back, i remember reading someone suggesting making money through amazon something. I didnt pay attention to the bitcoin threads, but didnt matter because i was too young to buy any.
I started my first job and started looking for a way out at around 3-4 months into it.
Was on /g/ before then came across Veeky Forums.
Unfortunately I was a month late to the party and only got here when ETH was at $40 and I knew virtually nothing about crypto.
I've since been learning the market, and only recently got a few hundred to an exchange.
However, my money was transferred last weekend when BTC was at $3000 ATH.
Needless to say I didn't buy in, and now the crash is occurring.
Though it's hard to say when to buy again, given the SegWit hard fork and the fact that the US government are literally trying to pass a bill that will fuck Crypto in the ass.
heh, what was name of that shitstalk that everyone said short it?
Been here for years and always called cryptos a scam because I was ignorant. Then I learned to love them and made a killing buying what ever shit biz was shilling. (Thank you user recommending putting everything in eth back in february). Now that I made money from cryptos I am back to square one claiming it's a scam.
some faggot came to /pol shilling his gains, now I am here.
yeah me too.
i remember all the fucking pandacoin shilling and stopped browsing after a few months.
Like 6 months ago. Been investing for 3 years and mainly go to Veeky Forums /v/ and /tv/ Happened to notice this board and paid a visit
So I've only known pure cancer. 100 memecoin threads a day. This could easily be the worst board on Veeky Forums
I ran away from /pol/ and since I was into r/wallstreetbets I thought this would be an interesting board....
I want to get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride, folks...
There is really no reason to ever go back to /pol/. That place is so fucking cringe now it hurts. Election /pol/ was fun though.
you newfags
> I was a /pol/tard back then but I've never gone back since
I feel the same way about /pol/
I came from Veeky Forums after a richfag or larping fag starting shilling his btc gains in 2016.
Fuck how much are you up? I almost invested when BTC when it was $900 but then I got busy with school and said fuck it. It hurts a little bit.
I go back to /pol/ every now and again, usually when a major HAPPENING takes place
It's got more lols than Veeky Forums
I was a Veeky Forums user mainly then I decided I wanted to make money
there was a huge ethereum shilling at /pol.. bought ethereum, made huge profit, now i never go back to /pol.
capitalism got me and i will stay here
I disagree. BitBeaners make me lol all the time.
same. This polack is now a 100% bizreali
We juden nao