Bolshevism isn't jew--
Bolshevism isn't jew--
Literally no one denies that Bolshevism is Jewish
So explain
The USSR quickly became anti-Israel though. Ironically, Israel was most closely allied with all the racist right-wing states that /pol/ loves like Rhodesia and South Africa.
>Recognised Israel
>Literally no one denies that Bolshevism is Jewish
Bolshevism is less Jewish than Menshevism and Trotskyism. Or it became that way after Stalin purged the most jewy aspects of it.
Stalin was a Jew.
Whatever he did is still Jewy.
Except it was Rothschild controlled all the way through. Do you honestly think a people who worship MOLOCH, a bull-god made out of ovens into which the jews throw their children as human sacrifices, just "happened" to discover all the camps where jews got thrown into ovens?
No physical evidence of course, only survivor stories and forced confessions.
Israel wasn't allied with them. Rodhesia couldn't offer Israel shit and South Africa and Israel had a very deep weapons tech cooperation, mainly because the 2 didn't play on the same geopolitical playing fields and faced similar problems.
Israel didn't really had any allies at first since britain supported it's puppet post colonial arab monarchies and the others didn't want to bet on the weaker player. Stalin did sell arms to Israel but it was more to destabilise the british plans for the region.
After winning the 48 war Israel was allied with France and later Britain because the later 2 had been fucked by arab nationalism.
After 67 Israel found itself firmly on the NATO side of the cold war after proving it's ability to serve as effective counterweight to USSR and its attempt to control the region by acting as the main financial and militarry backer of the Arab regimes (except Saudis and Golf that retained their monarchies and stayed allied to the US).
Today each side ripes the fruits of its cold war alligenses.
>having to lie this obviously to maintain your fragile ideology
wew nazi lad
Trotsky was a jew
Stormfront is that way bud
Yea, just because you recognize Jewland's existence first doesn't mean you are pro-jew
I sincerely doubt that the rothchilds believe some bull god made of ovens. Unless they plan on mass producing and selling the ovens
>Veeky Forums - Conspiracy Theories and Catholicism
Jewish Bolshevism is not a conspiracy theory. It's a historical fact.
Zionism =/= Judaism.
One is a political movement, the other is a religion.
Not all Jews are Zionist.
Not all Zionists are Jews.
In fact, arguably Zionists probably should not even be considered "Jews" at all, if by Jew one refers to a person that actually follows the religious/moral teachings of the Jewish religion (i.e. trying to do good to others rather than mass murdering people, taking their land and justifying it with racial supremacism).
Zionism is a racist, fascist, colonialist ideology. Just like Nazism. In fact, many of the early Zionist leaders and criminals involved in the Nakba and genocide against Palestine admired and adopted Nazi ideas about "the inferior/subhuman/ray Jew/Slav/Roma etc" into their own variation ("the inferior/subhuman/cockroach Palestinian/Arab").
Any legit Marxist-Leninist (communist aka pro-Soviet in Cold War) will tell you straight up that they back the current Axis of Resistance (Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, PFLP which is a communist faction, Al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigades etc.) against U.S.A. and Zionist entity in the Arab world.
These same Marxist-Leninists will also defend Jews against Nazis/fascists/white supremacists who want to genocide them.
This article explains more in depth.
>Trotskyism and Bolshevism not being the same thing
Are you retarded?
>le fascism is bad
>inferior subhuman Slavs
Into the trash you go.
Opposing the Zionist entity and opposing anti-Jewish supremacism are not mutually exclusive.
Moreover, there are many anti-Zionist Jews as well who oppose the Zionist entity and seek a free Palestine.
So the Zionists' claims that anti-Zionism equals "you are a Nazi anti-Semite and you want to kill all the Jews" is similarly bogus.
It is.
I didn't say that I believe Slav are subhuman.
I said that Nazi fascists believed Slavs were subhuman, clearly evidenced by their actions of Lebensraum genocide against East Europe and Soviet Union in WW2.
The Soviet Union actually had a lot of antisemitism in it. Religious Jews faced persecution, and ethnic and religious Jews both faced antisemitic street violence.
>Nazi fascists believed Slavs were subhuman
That's what I was objecting to moron. They actually alied with Slavic nations.
>Nazi fascists
Actually Stalin blew up a lot of oil fields as his days as revolutionary, Rothschild oil fields.
I don't expect you to know that though. You can't learn that stuff from charts and green text posts.
>allied with Slavic nations
Mass murdered Slavic peoples, mainly civilians.
Throughout the whole Eastern Front.
Objectively treated Slavs as subhuman.
Nazis are fascist.
Fascism is a dictatorship of the most reactionary elements of finance capitalism.
Nazis were funded and backed by US, British and German bankers, industrialists and giant corporations (examples: Ford, Prescott Bush, IBM, Rockefeller, Bank of England etc.) for years.
When Nazis came to power, they privatized industry, banned unions and accelerated the concentration of private monopoly capital.
But used the name "National Socialist" to to appeal to working class's fondness for socialism (i.e. publicly owned, planned economy run by a working class state) and did a lot of flag-waving and goose-stepping to give the appearance of a real "revolution" while actually stripping away the power of the wor king class to lead a lif of economic security, dignity and peace.
>In 1952–53, a group of prominent Moscow doctors (predominantly Jews) were accused of conspiring to assassinate Soviet leaders
He started becoming paranoid my man. This was later.
He's explaining the extremes but I felt it was a decent rundown. As long as you remember it's not necessarily one or the other as you said.
You are talking about the Baku fields, and though the Rothschilds did have some financial interest in them, they sold out well in advance of the revolution, to their great advantage, conveniently enough.
This is as good a time as any to point out that in 1898, the Russian oil industry produced more than the U.S. oil production level. At that time, approximately 8 million tons were being produced (160,000 barrels (25,000 m3) of oil per day). By 1901, Baku produced more than half of the world's oil (11 million tons or 212,000 barrels (33,700 m3) of oil per day). Russia saw serious industrialization efforts long before the Bolsheviks murdered their way into power.