sold my ark for a small loss
im fucking out
Sold my ark for a small loss
why did you do that
weak hands i'm sitting hre waiting for anything above 31k sat and i'm at a profit
Good job. Buy high sell low is the biz way.
Weak handed faggots don't belong on the ARK
I kind of get it. It's not going to move any time soon and you could be making money somewhere else in the mean time.
>sold my ark for a small loss
>im fucking out
Walk the plank you faggot
Congratulations, you sold ETH under $1
lol retard ark is heading for a bubble probably even bigger than the one ETH went over through the past 3 weeks
you'll cry
Seriously hoping this is true
honestly dont blame you. i did the same. its not about being patient or impatient, i just dont think this coin has a future after re-evaluating it
Just bought your bags. Your salt is going to be delicious in 6 months.
i've moved on as well, and very glad. doubled my btc in 2 days with other coins, could re-enter ark at double my original coins now, but fuck it. that shit has the DGB stink to it. it needs to be listed on other exchanges other then bottrex
Yes, tell us why, user.
Bought 1600 ARK today. Not even lying
Ark is going to hit $10 within 6 months and you're going to want to kill yourself
You'll be like that guy posting in JUST threads about how he sold 1200 ETH at a loss in 2015
I still have faith in Ark and ill buy back in slowly, but I think its going to stay around 30k indefinitely until the next update comes. I hope youre right famalam
You're probably right. It's not going anywhere for a while but it has a great foundation imo.
The fact that Bancor, BAT and other coin dev teams are having AMAs in the Ark slack is a sign that Ark will interconnect their blockchains in the future.
>lol retard ark is heading for a bubble probably even bigger than the one ETH went over through the past 3 weeks
>you'll cry
Im sick of seeing this fucking meme from the Ark team
There is one member in particular that comes to biz to shill the fuck out of it with overpromises. It's a net to ensnare newfaggots.
Ark has potential but it is NOT the next ethereum until this user can explain why. The project has a LOT of baggage and poor Francois is basically carrying the credibility of the project on his back. The man is a legend and very credible but the rest of the team SUCK.
Im holding 2k ark as of writing this so I have some faith in it but it will 5 x AT MOST or die miserably.
>AMAs in the Ark slack is a sign that Ark will interconnect their blockchains in the future
When asked in an inteview how they will fund the project, one of the retarded team members said they intend to have a twitch channel that interviews and discusses with other cyrpto projects. That is a source of revenue they are expecting. Are they out of their fucking mind?
>ARK is tanking
>All arkfags can say is "m-muh bots!"
For any crypto newbies who don't know what to make of the ARK situation: it's going to stagnate for a few months and you might be able to pick it up slightly cheaper then it is now if you wait a few weeks, but in the longer term it's gonna be huge and you'll still win big even if you buy right now compared to what it will be.
You're right, a lot of them seem dumb as fuck but a few of them know their stuff. This is Francois's work, ultimately, much like the Ethereum project was Vitalik's. Early on, Ethereum had some retards straight out of the bitcointalk forums spouting similar dumb shit. They're just ideas they're throwing out there and team members cam be replaced as the project picks up steam.
Francois is the only reason I'm backing this project.