With the amount of controversy that it brings, is there anything really wrong with the mixing of the races?
Not a /pol/ack or a leftie desu.
With the amount of controversy that it brings, is there anything really wrong with the mixing of the races?
Not a /pol/ack or a leftie desu.
Finding an organ donor when you need a transplantation.
Is that really something which happens often?
In a racially polarized society like USA or South Africa a mixed kid could end up getting despised by everyone, not fitting in anywhere.
In a sane country, can't think of much
I live in Argentina, Tierra del Fuego for being exact
we have people from all skin tones and some afroamericans,nothing really happens.
It's all about the culture and laws than skin
As mixing becomes more common, it will increase.
Africans are more likely to have lower IQs and be more aggressive (i.e. criminals) so more of those genes means a worse society.
>Race mixing is communism
>Stop race mixing: March of the antichrist
Interesting perspectives those protesters had there
No, there's nothing wrong with it. Obviously in countries where racism is still a big deal, your children might have problems they wouldn't have if they were plainly one race or another, but that's more of a heckler's veto than any real argument against.
>Why is skub bad?
>Because I'll fucking kick your ass
Reproduce with whoever you love, doesn't matter what color they are.
>As mixing becomes more common, it will increase.
I meant how many times does it happen out of 10?
>Interesting perspectives those protesters had there
They were mostly indoctrinated (which we all are) from a young age about this desu.
I don't see anything wrong with it, really. I don't know that any race is inherently better than any other. Moreover, it can have some objective benefits. For example, it diversifies gene pools, which aids in preventing hereditary diseases as well as deformities. If you want an example of an isolated gene pool, you can look at purebred dogs. Or for a more human example, look at the British.
That's what Asians are for.
Depends on which races are mixing.
>it's a /pol/ack tries to justify his fetish for asian women episode
It causes conflict for no real gain.
Is there anything wrong with homo sapience mating with each other? No.
So fucking aborginals counts as bestiality then?
There's nothing really wrong with it.
I'll be honest, I just find black people really unattractive, I don't want more of them and I don't like it when other races shit on their good genes when they mix with them.
Only if australians count as humans.
only when the poorest and dumbest of two races mix
>Obviously in countries where racism is still a big deal,
No country likes mix racing. At best some more desired groups might be okay but mixing in general is frowned upon because it produces instability and unfamiliarity.
We evolved to be in group creatures out of necessity for survival. On a subconscious level we look for someone with the same smell, taste etc that we and our family have. The fact that American White intermarriage is only at 7% despite an extensive propaganda campaign by the media to foster race mixing is only proof that people don't desire it.
It should be desirable because of hybrid vigor and the fact that mixed race people are genetically superior to "purebred" peoples. Also once everyone is some vague shade of brown, then racism will no longer be a problem.
>Reproduce with whoever you love, doesn't matter what color they are.
or age
>despite an extensive propaganda campaign by the media to foster race mixing
>my white skin is what makes me unique
>alt-right babbys are pedos
Mmmm yes.
>Interesting perspectives those protesters had there
The "race mixing is communism" is a valid statement since communists are far more concerned with the destruction of "artificial" classes and race mixing would assist the destruction of two classes stratified by race as existed in the South at that time. It's not inherently communist, sure, but it's something that Communists of the era gave as a criticism of the United States as a whataboutism.
it's important not to race mix to ensure human biodiversity and the continued existence of ALL races.
human biodiversity can't disappear by having humans breed in whatever way
races as they are today have no value
if all the races mixed somehow, new individuals would still be born looking different
>hybrid vigor
no such thing
humans are too low in genetic diversity for that to exist
I don't think so. I'm skeptical of the supposed inferiority of certain groups, and even if this could be conclusively confirmed, mixing would equalize this.
Why would you want to equalize it?
You're almost there.
Something American communists pushed for since the 20s was "social equality" between blacks and whites. Until the Civil Rights movement, communists were the only political group demanding this.
The idea of social equality horrified many Southerners, because it implied race mixing. Anti-communists won the support of many poor Southern whites through racial appeals. If communists come to power and end Jim Crow, what next? Is your own daughter going to marry a Negro?
I feel like your reply piggy backs off of my own and doesn't add anything but further the consequence, but we'll go with it.
>skirting around the fact that it it exist
yeah dude remember beige power? nice try canada!
Mixed-breed kittens are usually less intelligent than pure breeds.
I'm torn on this issue. I don't want superior races mixing with blacks, but if there's no mixing, blacks are just going to breed with other blacks, perpetuating the problem. If we could control race mixing so as to breed out the inferior race, I'd be okay with it.
>superior races
Populations having been race-mixing since forever but with colonial nations where mestizo systems exist, there's going to be taboo against mixing.
indians are an example
As a mixed person, I'm fully against it. It denies a person any national or racial identity. It leads to people not being a part of any group ("too white to be black, too black to white") etc.
It does more harm than good.
Hispanic is some made up shit you donut
This guy is correct. It creates a rootless class of mongrels that nobody likes.
Did you make this for your graphic design class?
Racial identity is a meme.
Most white millennials didn't have much of a racial identity until it was Condecend into them by the hard left.
In the absence of oppression or opposition, people will want to self identify on an individual level
>Racial identity is a meme
Perhaps racial pride would be a better word.
But do explain why racial identity is a meme.
>millennials don't have a racial identity
That explains why millennials are the shittiest generation ever.
You can't not have an identity. If you do, one will be applied by outsiders to you for the purposes of marginalization and elimination.
The vacuum left by "There is no Canadian identity :^)" will be filled by another identity, and another group. In the case of Canada, it's the Chinese or Arabo-Islamic identity.
>racism will no longer be a problem.
Nigga please. Adjacent tribes in Africa, who look identical to anyone without years of study, have hated each other since the dawn of time. People will ALWAYS find a way to hate "the other".
In Haiti which is 100% nigger the lightest skinned niggers are considered to have higher status than the rest.
There is no controversy about race mixing among normal people famalam
And by normal people you mean American cuckolds
This graph is as legit as that one time I faked my moms signature in second grade
Not him but Racial Identity is akin to "we wuz" for anyone who follows it.
But you can't just take credit for the "cool" stuff that your ancestors did and forget that it all fell apart. It's the same level of arrogance and ignorance that you get when talking to an undergrad who endlessly brags about what they are going to do in the future when they aren't doing anything now.
The /pol/ fear mongering is noted.
However, that's because liberals have forgotten what they've stood for and don't want to take a hard stance on the non liberal parts of Islam. If they actually went ahead and said: "some parts of this book are morally reprehensible, while others are good" and promised to let in immigrant with good intentions who get it, while beating back those who don't, we wouldn't be having this problem.
What people like Merkel want to do is sell ragheads on the ideas of liberalism, get them addicted to McD's and HFCS. That's why they pussy out so much when a refugee commits a crime.
If they could learn to speak softly and carry two big guns, one for bigots on both either side, /pol/'s rapefugees crying would subside. But they're modern liberals.
If I'm gonna identify as something I'd rather it be on ideals, but it takes a thoroughly liberal society such that collectivism isn't forced on any racial group. Whites put it on blacks, Socjus put one on white millenials, threatened white millenials voted for the guy who didn't blame them for the world's problems.
Just need better liberals.
>le individualism meme
A lot of problems
1) Your child won't belong anywhere, except maybe somewhere like the US. They won't have a country or an identity, nor should they.
2) Contributes to the extinction and replacement of your nationality.
3) Extremely bad in evolutionary terms. Notice how it needs to be pushed so severely, and even still the overwhelming majority stick to their own race.
>getting national/racial identity from 2+ bloodlines
What is bad about this? If someone is hating, fuck'em.
individualism or racism
very hard choice
Individualism is nonsensical. You're always just a part of something bigger, you ARE your ancestors since everything from your looks to behavioral patterns is encoded in your DNA.
They aren't fully one of either, and groups should protect their own interests.
Race mixers are completely immoral and selfish people, even ignoring their open opposition to nature and to their own people.
>"People should be allowed to chose the circumstances of when and where and to whom they get married."
The only people who have a problem with this arrangement are permavirgins who think that they are entitled to a wife with pornstar-grade good looks and skinheads who want to appoint themselves "director of marital planning" and be the final arbiter in deciding who gets to marry who.
I'd like to point out that American is an exception and not indicative of most countries, so many posters here might not understand that most countries aren't multi-racial, they're ethnostates, homelands, etc.
Americans are a mix, so of course they're not going to understand this.
>getting national/racial identity from 2+ bloodlines
>as opposed to never losing it
The only people who DON'T have a problem with this are Americans and other race-mixed new worlders. In Europe, Asia and Africa it's still considered a big deal.
You are influenced by your DNA, by habits. You can break them, overcome them.
humans are first individuals and then groups
that's our dna, autonomous individuals, not ants
This. Many Americans are utterly clueless.
>talk to an American
>get told Pittsburgh is some lilly white city
>look it up
>60% white 26% black
>mfw no face
Royals should not marry commoners, people cannot marry members of their own sex, you mustn't marry relatives, you cannot marry more than one person, etc.
Add to that "you cannot marry those of a different race".
You can't be an individual outside of a group, that just makes you a nobody.
Humans are social animals, we wouldn't be humans if left to ourselves. Have a human child raised by a wolf or something and he wouldn't even know how to speak a human language, how to use a computer or how to wipe his own ass. We flat out don't exist outside of the collective.
1 brain/human
Less than 7% of U.S. children are interracial compared to 10% in Britain. Americans aren't as open to interracial bullshit as /pol/ wants you to think.
Whoever told you Pittsburgh is white is fucking clueless.
>Less than 7% of U.S. children are interracial compared to 10% in Britain. Americans aren't as open to interracial bullshit as /pol/ wants you to think.
No, I was talking about the nature of the society.
I'm not talking about the current situation.
Britain consists of 3 nation states, each of which is monoethnic.
Even if you don't think america is multiracial, you must agree that it's multiethnic or of multiple nationalities.
>In Europe
>is there anything really wrong with the mixing of the races?
I'd ask where are the benefits that are claimed to come from the "mixing of the races"?
For decades now, we've been told that it's an established fact that ethnic diversity is good yet in all my 49 years, I have yet to see any evidence of that.
What I see, are that areas with mixed ethnic populations have FAR more problems then areas with homogenous populations and this is the case all the way from nations on down to individual towns.
Humans are instinctually very clannish; we prefer to be around those who are most like us and mixing different peoples, cultures, religions, etc. only leads to trouble.
lolno. Just because right-wingers are having conniptions over crimes committed by refugees doesn't mean that people have a problem with a black guy marrying a white woman.
Yeah, let's all follow China's example of family planning and then not get mad when there are 2 million more men than women because these are the kind of unforeseen consequences that happen when the government indulges in population planning
yes, 3rd world shitholes are generally where you get people pushing these ideas in larger numbers than the odd lone quack or lonely angry young man
>Royals should not marry commoners
You should let Prince William know
>people cannot marry members of their own sex
Maybe in 3rd world shitholes. In the developed world this is a settled issue.
>you mustn't marry relatives
There're are actual medical and psychological reasons why people shouldn't
>you cannot marry more than one person
Exceptions can be made for people with sincerely held religious beliefs but the vast majority of people prefer single-partner parings.
>Add to that "you cannot marry those of a different race".
civilization is the process of setting man free from men.
You can't legitimately hold these opinions.
You're a child, either politically or actually.
>There're are actual medical and psychological reasons why people shouldn't
Extend that, and social and cultural, to everything else on the list.
These are not settled issues, these are issues that the ruling elite have forced on us.
Race mixing is considered taboo everywhere in Europe except for the biggest multiculti cesspits like London, Paris and Berlin. Try marrying a nigger in rural Italy and you'll get the shit beaten out of you. Try doing the same in Eastern Europe and it might as well be your funeral.
The "right wingers" you're describing are actually the average Europeans.
is why people who have different hair and eye colors shouldn't mix
>moving the goal posts
You claimed that Americans don't understand why racial homogeneity is good when Europeans have a higher rate of miscegenation than Americans do. That's false. Anything else you're trying to bullshit here is irrelevant. There's a reason our society is purposely stratified by race and class and your claims to the contrary are wrong.
The first mistake you did was thinking Brits are Europeans. They aren't, by their own admission.
I'm not moving the goalposts, this is what I meant from the start. I was not talking about modernity.
brits and arabs are the same race, so technically they are much less race mixed
stop confounding and mixing ethnicities and races, it's literally communism and possibly white genocide
Technically they're raxe mixing with Pakis and niggers rather than Arabs.
What about Italy? 13% of marriages are interracial. Is Italy not Europe? Of course it is (along with Britain), but you'll surely handwave it away because it doesn't fit your narrative.
Then it's even more wrong as interracial marriages were less taboo in Europe than in the United States since forever.
> It should be desirable because of hybrid vigor
Genetics is a two-way street. If you’re not carefully choosing your breeding partner, you’re just as liable to perpetuate undesirable genetic traits
>citation needed
The enormous number of mixed race Europeans suggests otherwise. Most people aren't as judgmental as you
>13% of marriages are interracial.
Source: your ass
aren't pakis technically caucasian too
though people there get really race mixed
Source: Second post, references Italian demographics from 2011 quora.com
>foreign = interracial
You cannot possibly be this stupid.
Read the entire post user...
The graph only mentions relations with all foreigners, not interracial relations. And the rest of your "source" is literally a random unsourced post on an internet forum.
In 2011 the Census showed that almost one in 10 people in Britain were either married or living with someone from a different ethnic group
>itt /pol/ find out how wrong they are about everything
>Olympic heroine Ennis was born in Sheffield in 1986 to a Jamaican father and English mother.
>At that time, a British Social Attitudes survey showed 50% of the public were against marriage across ethnic lines. The figure dropped to 40% in the 1990s and now stands at 15%.
>different ethnic group = different race
>stop confounding and mixing ethnicities and races
How about you stop trying to force your obsolete definitions on the conversation?
“Race” is simply to broad of a term, as it only encompasses the Big Three Races (white, black and yellow) and that’s not going to tell you much.
“Ethnicity” on the other hand, is a much more accurate term.
It's going to change or we're going to die out