Be honest with me Veeky Forums.
Is it possible to turn my life around at 21? I don't want to be a loser anymore.
Be honest with me Veeky Forums.
Is it possible to turn my life around at 21? I don't want to be a loser anymore.
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pls do not make this thread happen again
I was a heroin addict until age 27 now Got clean and opened a pawnshop. Hot wife, nice cars, boat, vacation 2 months out of the year. Only work 25 hours a week.
Please see a mental health professional (therapist)
its too late to psyops us israel. we huntin lambos.
Yeah just start mining, goy.
how did you get money to open your own business?
in similar situation and need to get out of this cycle
no job history or real degree to start
I fucking ground it out. I rented a shitty unusable location on a busy street for $300 a month and fixed it up myself. It took 2 months. I had $1000 the day I opened my doors, bought very carefully.
No you're past saving. All hope is lost
I made the money I put into working cleaning out a warehouse full of scrap metal for a local business man. I got to keep half of what it brought. I had a shitty f150 missing the passenger door.
Tell me how, normie.
Talk to me.
How are you a loser? Why would you define yourself as one?
I'm 21 and i'm myself well on my way out of being a loser, gradually improving everything.
$300/month is dirt cheap, i don't see that being possible these days. moving to a smaller city though so that might help
quit everything cold turkey 2 months ago and it was shit but i see the light now. just don't want to be a wage slave the rest of my life.
what made you do pawnshopping? what made you choose the location, even though it was beat up?
Good advice here.
Also good, different perspective with more detail.
Go to school or get a job. make a resume and a nice cover letter that is tailored to the job you are applying for.
Don't be nervous and go into the interview not giving a shit but being kind. Like going in with the mindset that if you don't get the job its no fucking problem.
Your attitude will take you to the moon.
I have no skills and nothing to show for my time on earth up to this point. I'm far behind the curve of my peers and have a manchild attitude.
Well you know what the problem is so fix it. Are you going to ask yourself the same question each year?
>tfw have been on Veeky Forums for 3 years, just about since inception
>tfw some of the people I talked to in the beginning have finally broken into Investment banking by now
>some have started successful businesses
>some are rich as fuck now
>All have made progress in some way to their goals, undoubtedly
>I've merely stagnated, and more likely, regressed.
>manchild attitude
Funny, Me and my friends also have manchild attitude, but this is what we really enjoy in life - having fun.
If you are not letting yourself down, you are not letting anyone down - fuck what your parents & random people say and what their ideals of what "YOUR" life should be.
Be the one to decide, do what you want, enjoy it.
As for skills, believe me you are probably more smarter than an average normie anyway - if you are investing in crypto and making money you need atleast some kind of inteligence, trust me.
With me, I found out that there is no way to acquire a skill if I don't put required effort in it.
If someone wishes to learn a skill - they put a lot of effort in it. You probably don't see it, All you see is how easy they do it and that is because they practice and do it over and over again.
TL;DR Focus on yourself, Ignore what people think, don't ask for advice of other people if you did not attempt to try to sort a problem yourself in the first place.
Also don't except to just change in one day, good things take time to accomplish
Just get some irl friends and maybe a job.
I'm not listening to anyone though.
My family are losers and degenerates, everyone around me is a degenerate. I feel disgust when I see the average person on the street. I feel sick when I see the average person - an embodiment of weakness and apathy.
I have a vision and ideals of what a person should look like. But unfortunately I don't live in accordance to it, at this point.
I was a heroin addict until age 27 now Got clean and opened a pawnshop. Hot wife, nice cars, boat, vacation 2 months out of the year. Only work 25 hours a week. My name is Rick and I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss.
Maybe (not even joking there) try smoking weed or do other psychedelic.
This way, you will most likely see all your problems from different perspective,
Weed always gave me bad trip, that was because I had many problems which just came out on the surface 10 at a time when I smoked I could see them.
If you have 1000 Bancor you might reach millionaire status by 2020, if not you're a nobanc
The important thing in life is to have good friends or family you can rely on.
Patch things up with your family and friends.
Slowly start improving yourself.
> Clean your room, organize your shit, put all your appointments in an agenda, sort your finances etc etc (This will give you peace of mind)
> Hygiene (You'd be surprised how many people fuck this up)
> Eat proper
> Sleep enough
> Social skills (Don't read PUA shit or self improvement books, just start small, have a chat with your barber, your butcher)
> Your body (try to do some calisthetics at home, if you're confident enough go to a gym, this will improve your mood and self image)
> Find something you like doing and is marketable (Do you like buying selling, creating something, fixing something, talking to people)
> Try doing it as a hobby for a while, till it's good enough to go fulltime
The trick is to start small, never say: Tomorrow I'm going to do X or "Monday I'll do it". Do it now or never.
of course you can turn your life, you are just starting it. Don't cry like if you were some old grandpa that wasted his life, you're just 21
I never liked using drugs that weren't productive like stimulants.
depends what you mean by that, Have you actually tried any? Or are you just not going to try since you don't think they are going to help you?
I tried marijuana and mdma but I didn't like them
try marijuana by yourself next time, also your mdma was probably not mdma
Same thread every day lmao. I am a fellow 21 yo NEET dropout. The only advice you need is to never ask for advice or help, because you won't get any. Unless you want to work and fuck and drink then yeah go ahead. Otherwise you have to research the things yourself and execute them.
> Biz, is it possible to turn my life around at 14?
What is the point, asking for advice if you are not going to implement it into your life?
I did, that's what I meant. Also tried some RC's and opiates but only liked the opiates but didn't want to get addicted so I stopped
just be yourself
This is the advice I would give and the advice I use. It seems simple, the hard part is being consistent about it... If you fuck up it once it makes it easier to do it again and again until you're back to the old ways. Over time it becomes second nature, and you can do more and more.
It sounds easy, but it's really not.
I'm on my own self improvement plan to stop playing video games. And any moment of boredom I have an internal struggle not to play. But also I've gone outside at least 2 hours a day to distract my urge. I know it sounds pathetic of me, and on paper it sounds easy, but these little changes take A LOT. The comforting thing to remember is that you know exactly the things you need to do to become better.
Good luck
Ty senpai
Can we start having self improvement generals on biz?
Would be nice to share progress with others and support eachother
Would be nice. But it's 4ch.
It used to be on fit and it was good because people gave advice and helped eachother
fucking 21 you're still a baby, go community college or whatever it's called in your country - retake grades, and/or learn something in a growth industry
Im 30 and just getting started...working this dead end manual labor job and using the wages to invest into eth then im going back to school for comp engineering.
Start grinding and HODLing now OP and look to set yourself up for cruise mode in 5-10 years.
I wish I knew this when I was 21:
Is literally like, year zero.
You havn't even started life yet.
Hey man.
I would recommend dedicating yourself to something, like learning a trade or getting a degree. I am 19 but there are 27 year olds here at my university. Focus on the process, stay busy, and try to avoid introspection too much.
Also talk to a therapist, there may be a legit reason why you act the way you do, like depression or another mental health issue, and they have medication for that.
I even have a therapist and I haven't been depressed in years, but it helped me out of a rough patch and it really is worth it in my experiences.