>Hot Egyptian girl wants to have sex with you
>Run away from her
How did he do it?
>Hot Egyptian girl wants to have sex with you
>Run away from her
How did he do it?
Because the path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil women.
1. She was married, belonged to a captain. I don't have to tell you that adultery is bad.
2. A healthy fear of God. Stop thinking with your dick.
b-but muh dick n-needs to get wet!
>that time Moses literally pimped his wife out to the Egyptians
>so this is monotheistic power
>not bad
>being corrupted by sluts
his sister-wife
this is just like one of my chinese cartoons
So..this..is the power of Jehovah..
MGTOW buddo
Joseph is the second Job.
Daniel is the third Job
Care to elaborate?
This one's the best. Made me kek.
what movie ?
Shamefully laughed
roasties btfo
Basically this. I do it to lusty white wenches all the time.
beaneresses btfo
>98%of Veeky Forums should reality have a hiccup and a woman actually wants to fuck them
technically job is the second joseph
You're talking about Abraham.
>do it
But he didn't ''do'' it
He did become prime minister of Egypt after that so it went right I would say.
Shameful that his descendants were fucking degenerates and got BTFO by Assyria.
jeb is the fourth job
Do you mean 'pardon'?
That ass my lord
Joesph is the Leon Kennedy of the bible.
Because doing so would have gotten him in killed and the bitch would have used it as blackmail(she tecnically did anyways).
>Drop spagetti
Anyone got sauce for this?
Sadly, I don't think anyone does my duce.
Why not take his word for it, that he did it out of respect for his boss? A boss, by the way, who could have had him executed but did not, implying that the boss knew his wife was a lying whore.
But since then, I've come to believe that you are the weak, and I am the tyranny of evil men. But I'm trying to be the shepherd, Ringo, I'm trying real hard.
Moses was not married at any time in Egypt.
Joseph is a type of messiah.
Job is the first book written in the bible, and Job lived centuries before Joseph, and likely contemporaneous with Abraham, whom OP meant to mock.
Because he would literally been killed or worse?
>"No way fag"
damn this gets me going tbqh
A jew is accused of rape. Says the girl is mad because he refused. Source is a Jew book.
Moabite stone:
"So I went by night and fought against it from the break of dawn until noon, taking it and slaying all, seven thousand men, boys, women, girls and maid-servants, for I had devoted them to destruction for the god Ashtar-Chemosh. And I took from there the vessels of Yahweh, dragging them before Chemosh"
"When the king of Moab realized that he was losing the battle, he took seven hundred swordsmen with him and tried to force his way through the enemy lines and escape to the king of Syria, but he failed. So he took his oldest son, who was to succeed him as king, and offered him on the city wall as a sacrifice to the god of Moab. The Israelites were terrified and so they drew back from the city and returned to their own country"
Same war.
Didn't she play Pablo Escobar's wife in Narcos?
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia
Better one.