Get on Board while its cheap. Don't miss this one out. Dump your Shitcoins, go BAT!
I just sold my QRL at its peak for BAT.
Wondering when BAT will peak
>p-please anons, I bought into this fake ico hype and I can't sell off this low
>fake ico hype
BAT could revolutionize advertisement if enough people would learn what's wrong with advertisement currently, and invest in BAT.
It's a long term HODL.
I knew the ICO would dip because there wasn't ENOUGH hype so I waited and pumped some shitcoins and bought in just now.
the problem with advertisement is that it exists, i don't think this is trying to fix that
>implying we haven't discussed this a million times already
stay poor faggot
BAT will never overcome the 9k wall.
You dont believe an entire city of pajets getting moni from a browser?? We gonna make it bra
>he think the users are remunerated
my fucking sides
This is a shitcoin. There is no added value to this at all.
should I short when the 0.8999 buy wall hits or will it spike immediately after?
Brave is a really good browser, seriously. It's fucking simple and easy to use. Easier than chrome and just as fast if not faster.
If they can seriously implement this "receive BAT tokens for watching ads in Brave" thing and they implement it well, which it really does look like they're going to, then this thing will be a gold mine.
Yeah, we know about it
And we could all be at the center of a NETWORK of IRL people who HODL it
but instead we jack off on Veeky Forums
Normies don't seem to mind watching ads.
>he say it's gonna hit 9K
oh baby
Just imagine Internet being effectively free so long as you use the Brave browser, which in itself a good browser.
I think a lot of people would be willing to switch browsers if it meant effectively free internet, which is what this COULD be.
If they implement it right, this could be HUGE.
Fuck all haters. This coin has no need to be shilled. Tech and team are amazing. If you just can't comprehend the idea or don't believe it, go buy some shitcoin.
Hold on. This isn't a pnd coin this is a legit new paradigm. Just hold.
Yeah as you pay to use your browser, right? ISPs make all their money from ad services, yeah?
Google don't actually give people fibre optic internet for free already, do they?
Not gonna happen, though I wish it were because I too am looking for a sound investment.
Chrome will continue to grow in market share. 90%+ of normal users are never going to even hear of Brave browser, much less use it over Chrome.
doesn't matter, if 500,000xPajeet and Ping-Chong use Brave to mine BATs velocity and value will pump in the medium term
long term prospects, meh. could revolutionize online advertising, probably not
>tfw thinking about you in a month hanging from the ceiling fan because you missed out on 100x profit all because you don't know the difference between a short term and long term hold
I'm so sorry user
I sold my stash at 16 cents :-/
why one month from now?
>Get paid to watch ads
>Thinking anybody would actually want to do that.
>be me not watching chart
>suddenly see price has been crashing hard
>sell at 7680 expecting to buy in lower
>it immediately recovers to 8200
>I sold at the lowest of the low
What the fuck? Why?
>rational post
>in Veeky Forums
>what is swagbucks
>what is r/beermoney
Lots of people go out of their way to get paid for watching ads
> make money viewing ads
> use money to pay ISP bill
Being too dumb to understand this
Plugins. Read OP please.
>This, this is why market research isn't a 44 billion dollar industry
Stop stealing oxygen
Do you think the ad companies would pay billions of $$ out to a bunch of pajeets and house wives? It would get flooded and be unsustainable for them.
9000 sell wall about to be hit, get in for the ath