Get on Board while its cheap. Don't miss this one out. Dump your Shitcoins, go BAT!
I just sold my QRL at its peak for BAT.
Wondering when BAT will peak
>p-please anons, I bought into this fake ico hype and I can't sell off this low
>fake ico hype
BAT could revolutionize advertisement if enough people would learn what's wrong with advertisement currently, and invest in BAT.
It's a long term HODL.
I knew the ICO would dip because there wasn't ENOUGH hype so I waited and pumped some shitcoins and bought in just now.
the problem with advertisement is that it exists, i don't think this is trying to fix that
>implying we haven't discussed this a million times already
stay poor faggot
BAT will never overcome the 9k wall.
You dont believe an entire city of pajets getting moni from a browser?? We gonna make it bra
>he think the users are remunerated
my fucking sides