Why does everyone like Stirner on here? Being a selfish prick all the time isn't exactly a feasible philosophy when dealing with life and other people.
In fact it just makes people hate you more.
Why does everyone like Stirner on here? Being a selfish prick all the time isn't exactly a feasible philosophy when dealing with life and other people.
In fact it just makes people hate you more.
Good thing I don't interact with other people.
It's just a vocal minority.
Everytime he shitposts, we put him in his place.
CS Lewis is a hack
If you've actually read Stirner you would knwo he doesn't advocate for "being a selfish prick all the time". But you haven't, you're just another wikistorian shitting up this board.
Stirner is a hack.
Nobody takes your pet philosopher seriously.
>writes about the Ego and His Own
>egoism: the habit of valuing everything only in reference to one's personal interest; selfishness
>"He doesn't advocate egoism, trust me!"
>? Being a selfish prick all the time
Confirmed for not knowing shit about Striner
>he said that posting C.S. Lewis
Are you that autist constantly sperging out about him?
>muh metaphysical explanations
>muh arguments from reason
>muh if humans can't develop morals without God
Also I don't even like/advocate for Stirner or egoism. I just think he is severely misrepresented due to DANK MAYMAYS and people who don't actually read.
>Actually using the dictionary definition instead of reading his concept of egoism
wew lad
Once again proving you haven't read Stirner. Just because you can look up a word on Google doesn't make your arguments better dipshit
>Why does everyone like Stirner on here?
Literally just because of memes.
Egoism is a poor mans virtue
>implying I would need to read some failure of a college dropout who died a virgin
>mfw the christfag is breaking and giving non-arguments
Dude had a wife and slept around...
>implying a failed milk shop-owner's book is worth reading
You worship a failure like any other /pol/tard who worships Hitler.
Come talk to me when you have a better role model, scumbag.
Finally you referenced an event that did happen. Save your ad hominems senpai. You are embarrassing yourself with not knowing anything about his ideas and critiques and yet talking shit with no arguements
If I was talking shit with no arguments you wouldn't be here telling me that, in fact this thread would've been put in the dustbin if that were the case.
But it isn't. You come back for more because I have you on the hook.
Your philosopher is weak, and pitiful compared to all others, crazy Diogenes would even be one step higher than this failure.
>If I was talking shit with no arguments you wouldn't be here telling me that, in fact this thread would've been put in the dustbin if that were the case.
desu i just wanted to keep posting Striner pictures. Carry on with your non-arguments if it keeps your autism down. Everyone can see the only people who hate Striner never even bother to read him
You mistake me for someone who hasn't read his garbage, I have, and it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
So I am afraid you are the autist, not I.
I couldn't tell since all you have done is hurl insult after insult and misrepresenting his ideas. Feel free to start having an argument anytime
I don't have to answer to you, Stirner is intrinsically a flawed philosopher.
And why? Because he's a LOSER. Why heed the philosophy of a loser when you could be heeding the philosophy of a winner?
I rest my case.
good fucking game
It is, how often do you play it?
>Being a selfish prick all the time isn't exactly a feasible philosophy when dealing with life and other people.
That's where you're wrong kiddo
Tbh famalam, I feel in concert with myself alot more these days after having become more aquatinted with Stirner in particular and individualist anarchists in general. I do understand why the philosophy might not be attractive to all, but it makes wonderful sense to me and so I pay great attention to it.
Even as someone who likes Stirner, i do think the fact he was in many ways a sad loser should atleast temper the fanaticism of some of those who seem to worship him.
I've stopped, but I've played it tons between when each team had 2 classes up until around when the sharpshooter was released, and then a bit less, and then I haven't played at all since the man-at-arms was released. They should just make PVKIII already as a full non-mod commercial game instead of taking 40 years to release the full game. And when I say 40 years I'm not exaggerating, we went from 6 classes in around '07 to 3 more around ten years later, with 9 remaining to be seen.
I don't know anything about him to be honest. It's just a funny meme to post into humanities threads that are interrupting my Veeky Forums
If you do it in a retarded and belligerent enough way calling everything a spook seems to be an unanswerable argument.
How was he a sad loser? Because he had a failed business venture?
And still not an argument was made
And he was an outcast (or atleast a recluse) among the Young Hegelians, his first wife died, and his second wife who he dedicated Ego and His Own to got tired of his shit and divorced him. I'm sure there's some sad loserdom in there somewhere.
>I don't have to answer to you
found a retard who has no clue beyond wikipedia what he talks about
being a recluse doesn't mean that you're a loser, having your wife die is tragic, not pathetic, and he gave zero fucks about his second wife, using her fortune and not giving a shit if she fucks other people. I mean, he's not accomplished in any way except perhaps philosophically, but he's not a loser.
This. People endlessly shit up Veeky Forums with unfalsifiable bullshit, why not throw it back in their face?
Don't forget he never even got a degree from either of the universities he went to.
That smells like an extreme loser to me. But I could understand why losers want to emulate him since he is of course, King of the Losers.
Not only do they do that, but they treat it as if it cannot be questioned and some kind of trump card.
>he gave zero fucks about his second wife, using her fortune
Yes, that's what losers down on their luck do, they leech off of financially sound people because they have no other source of income.
Because they're not productive members of society.
>not giving a shit if she fucks other people
He's also, by definition, a cuckold.
So not only was a poor loser who wrote in his spare time unnecessary books about egoism, but also a cuckold.
Thought it's probably just for the memes, I do think you are relying just a bit too much on this idea that because Stirner was a loser, all of those even influenced by him will also be. I have found the geist of his egoism refreshing and even useful.
Nice spooks kiddo
Though I tend to agree with the contre-arguments you've presented here, I do think that it's important those of us who admire Stirner in one way or another know we're walking on some shaking ground.
Stirner advocates one to act in the best interest of the self. Being a selfish prick is the opposite of doing the former
>he bends over for others because he was beaten into spooking himself it's the right (spook) thing to do
LMAO kys cucklet
Heres a secret: no one on this board's actually read Stirner, or has any idea what a spook is.
Its shitposting all the way down.