NONE of you actually understand Mysterium
I saw some threads going about this and a bunch of retards going on about "hurr who would use crypto VPN". You guys DON'T fucking get it.

1. Why is decentralized VPN valuable?
>can't be shut down by a central authority: no single point of failure because it runs on blockchain
>Fresh daily IPs. Ever tried to post on Veeky Forums from behind a VPN? You almost never can because every major VPN is blocked. In places like China this is a HUGE problem where the govt blocks all major VPN providers. Instantly solved by this service when you have hundreds of different IPs popping up every day.
>Crypto payments ensure anonymity. You will never have to register an account, provide an email, etc to connect

2. Hurr why would anyone run a node? The FBI will come to my house & shut me down!!
>there are already 400+ nodes up and running:
>There are THOUSANDS of TOR nodes running and there has literally never been a case of somebody convicted for running one. This will be no different on Mysterium. People will be safe from a legal perspective.
>People will see this as a business opportunity. I am already looking into options to rent servers, set up multiple VPN nodes on them and generate passive income with this. Once this shit becomes mainstream it'll be unstoppable.
>Literally any company with massive amounts of unused bandwidth but who doesn't have the technical expertise to set up VPN infrastructure will flock to this to generate additional revenue.

I could go on. Am I shilling? Sure, I don't really care. I've already made a killing off the ICO & I don't plan on selling for 2 more years+ anyway. I really don't give a fuck about short term price. I just saw a shitload of misinformation going on about this & needed to correct it. If you don't see the concrete value in this you lack VISION and you're just never going to make it in crypto (or business in general). This is an opportunity given to you on a golden platter.

Other urls found in this thread: for running tor exit node

Tbh I bought in cause market cap is still less than $50M. Even if this grows just to Sia's level or something there's potential for insane returns.

Missed the ICO sadly. Hopefully it's on Bittrex soon, I'm not about to put any money into yobit.

I get the decentralized VPN, user. I do. But why does it need block chain? Or tokenization? Seems like it would be better to just run a meshnet subnetwork in the same vein. Payment could still happen via any crypto auto paid weekly based on (hopefully encrypted) uptime logs

Wtf 50M? What's total supply? Coinmarketcap doesn't seem to be updated.

I'm planning on running exit nodes too, but please do recognize the security issues are not completely solved yet. Whereas there are no legal problems at first glance, remember you're the only one they'll be able to track when CP goes through your node; at the very least, ISPs can choose to terminate you if you're causing too much trouble. Centralized VPNs are viable because they are basically in bed with governments and actually willing to turn you in if anything shady comes up. This has great potential for profit and freedoms, but also great potential for a witch hunt.

This is going to the moon. This has actual utility. If you're not in this, you're going to regret it.

In short, it does not need the blockchain; they're just jumping into the ICO bandwagon. All power to them if it works, but it has already put some people off.

Idk what Yobit is but MYST is up on

Check the whitepaper. Several components including payments are handled by smart contracts running on the Ethereum blockchain:

Total supply is 32M, only ~23M circulating (rest is locked up).

>please do recognize the security issues are not completely solved yet

I agree, actually. This is a long term hold for me. I'm glad that devs have indicated that they plan on implementing chaining options (as one possible way of reducing risk).

This project still has a long way to go but I believe in the team, and with the funding they've received I have no doubt they'll be able to execute.