Ever since I saw this "quote" by Epicurus my bullshit detector goes off. Does anyone know the original passagevthis is from, because it really doesn't sound like something Epicurus would concern himself with or how he constructs arguments.
Ever since I saw this "quote" by Epicurus my bullshit detector goes off...
The primary source has not survived. The earliest surviving sources attributing it to him are from the Roman Empire, ~400 years after his death, at which time it was treated like "common knowledge." It is possible it's misattributed, but I don't agree at all with "doesn't sound like something Epicurus would concern himself with or how he constructs arguments."
This kind of questioning of the gods was hardly unique among post Peloponnesian war Athenian sophists.
Protagoras wrote quite a bit about agnosticism.
>mfw christcucks still can't refute this
God is ready, willing and able to eradicate all evil, and will, on his timetable, as he said he would.
Epicurus versus folk religion.
God is a title for a universal sovereign. What 'drives" God does not necessarily correlate to notions of Good and Evil that fluctuate over time.
"Then why call him God"
Out in the surf, waves are fickle Gods who care not for man and time.
violates either able, which means he is not timeless and all powerful, or violates willing, meaning he wants to watch you squirm for a bit before saving you
not an atheist here, but theists need to admit when they're talking about God they're not talking about an all-powerful benevolent entity
God is not bound or limited by time.
1000 years for us is like 1 day to Him.
So you're saying god is malevolent then?
So you're saying he's unable to prevent evil because humans move too quickly?
>on his timetable, as he said he would.
>God is not bound or limited by time.
gonna assume you're failing to communicate something profound otherwise you're being incoherent
I'm saying the definition of "malevolent" changes with the habits and evaluation systems of different entities.
Do the waves drag you in because of evil or because that's how waves do?
Maybe God has a long ranging view from the perspective of eternity. A certain knowledge that the worst type of God would simply "make it all better".
We do not really know how much higher we could have been or how much lower we could have been.
For all we know, the entirety of prehistory and history is the meddling of a Boltzmann Brain that could collapse any second.
or for all we know, we live in a moral-pedagogic simulation crafted for the perfection of a single being to be birthed in the future.
Or we live in a sterile simulation where the purpose is to analyze the development of some local minima/maxima unrelated to us. In other words, we might be literally nothing compared to the intentionality of God.
The God that believes himself to be omnipotent is a fool - Saklas Yaldabaoth. The True God, the Monad, is entirely without agency in the material realm, except through the intercession of Sophia and Her self-manifestation, the Logos (aka, the plasmate)
Or maybe "our" God is focused on higher dimensional simulation. And the part that sticks out in our perception is the equivalent of an elephant's foot.
Worse that being able to touch the elephant. Now you have people arguing over the toes and the wrinkles and the shape and the growth of a single foot.
Could you understand man from a single foot?
Evil reigns because we are in the Kali Yuga.
No, because there's a reason why He is waiting.
And since we're talking about God, He obviously has a damn good reason.
Why doesn't he tell us?
If God had to destroy evil right now, it would mean you're all going to hell as well.
All liars, thieves, murderers (hate = murdering someone in your mind) would be judged.
The reason God waits is because He wants people to accept His gift of eternal salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died for the collective sins of humanity.
God will wait until the full quota of saved believers is reached and Satan's New World Order is implemented.
He does. There's this thing called the Bible.
I'm glad you "know' God.
It takes a really really smart person to understand why God does the things it does.
Truly it's miraculous that humans are just mimetic vessels for the judgement of God.
The Bible doesn't explain why we're still waiting for the second coming.
>because there's a reason why He is waiting
OK, what is it?
ties into I think.
Why didn't God just make us all perfect to start off with?
>but then we wouldn't learn about love and charity and all that other great stuff
Why didn't he create us ready to go with all that built-in at the start?
>We can't understand his motives, ant vs. a human, etc.
Why weren't we readily built to understand him?
But humans wrote the Bible to give their institutions fake authority over others.
>Why weren't we readily built to understand him?
The true answer is that priests had the luxury to lie (to others and themselves)
A farmer who crafted such lies would find a fallow field and a hungry family.
A priest who crafts such lies gets fed in warm housing.
I bet more on the faggotry of humans more than what entities they worship.
Well yeah, when you read the Bible you tend to know God.
God created us to know Him.
>evil is bad
spooks galore
>Then whence cometh evil?
God. Christians refute the problem of suffering by pointing to the crucifixion.
>god is malevolent
even if this is the case, who cares? He's literally God, what are you gonna do about it?
>and will
If he hasn't already he's unwilling.
Stop being a dishonest little faggot.
>he thinks God only exists in linear time
he has already. All moments are concurrent to an eternal being.
Other guy and atheist here. You can't escape the possibility that God is pruning out the impatient.
He wants you to get saved. He is giving you time instead of throwing you immediately into hell.
Ever thought of that?
>christfag whining about 'spooks'
You can't make this shit up
Inb4 he claims he's not a christfag
Oh I triggered you faggots good.
Face it, your beliefs are hilarious contradictory and make no sense.
what makes you think I'm a Christian?
what makes you think you know what I believe?
Not worship him for starters.
God hasn't intervened in the events of this world after the death of Christ, it's common knowledge.
What do you believe?
Good and evil are concepts created by humans.
God does not care about them.
>God is mean, so I'll spite him on purpose.
That doesn't sound very wise.
Why are you so smug?
What about the miracles in the book of Acts?
Why don't you worship Satan?
It violates nothing.
It just makes you think you can force God's hand.
Learn the difference between God's express will and God's permissive will.
Why would you worship Satan? He's not God.
If God is malevolent, that doesn't mean he's suddenly not God anymore you know.
It does, actually. So that Jesus has a multitude of brothers and sisters, not just a handful. New Jerusalem is 2/3 the size of the moon. Lots of space for houses.
So if I'm evil I go to heaven?
Fucking priests of my childhood lied to me!
Not bait, christfag, cold hard logic.
He is willing, and he will do as he says.
He is not convinced by your arguments that he must act instantaneously in all cases. one of his characteristics is "long suffering".
I like to say filtering, but it's the same effect.
One of those two statements is correct.
He is unwilling.
Stop lying.
>protestants claim to know the bible
>if I'm evil
If you have a point to make then make it.
He is willing. But the bowls of his wrath are not yet full, and the number of saved is not yet reached.
In the words of Peter:
knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” 5 For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water,
Interesting to have to believe what you believe is predicted in this verse; you have to disbelieve in Creation and disbelieve in the Flood.
Epicurus never said that or anything like it. If you actually bother to read the guy's surviving works it's clear that he believes in Gods and had a strong sense of divine justice.
The quote, ironically, is a paraphrased form of a hypothetical argument laid out by the early Christian writer Lactantius. He specifically uses it to go on and solve the Problem of Evil, to his own satisfaction anyway. It's bizarre, but a bit telling, that whoever put the argument in Epicurus' mouth left out the part where it was refuted.
Also how is this the first time this has been mentioned itt so far. You're all fucking illiterates.
*oops truncated verses
by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water.
I'm not sure that the origin of the quote is the interesting bit here, but thanks for the clarification. I had only ever heard that it was not attributable to the hedonist Epicurus.
I think he means that God is an entity outside of time, like a weaver looking at a cloth. The weaver being God, the cloth being his creation: time, us, the universe as a whole. He's willing and able to undo evil and right wrongs, fix the blemishes and knit the holes, all that stuff. He already has, in a way. We exist on one part of the cloth, and the evils he has undone are anoher part. Or something. I never was much snuff at analogies.
>He is willing.
No he isn't.
Stop lying, jesus wouldn't want that.
Post more Epicurus quotes
Think of it this way, user, you could be both able and willing to go donate to a charity, but you'd probably still be kind of annoyed if some fuckwit came up to you demanding you do it right away or else you're a monster.
I'm not religious, but it's not really a "checkmate" scenario that if God hasn't done something yet he means he's unable or unwilling to do it. Christian eschatology already indicates that he can and will resolve it. You don't need to buy into it, obviously, but that doesn't mean it hasn't been addressed.
Everything in these posts is a lie.
Stop lying, your prophet wouldn't want that.
>get btfo repeatedly
>l-lies all lies
>get btfo repeatedly
Yet ANOTHER lie!
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." Isaiah 45:7
the God of the old covenant definitely takes responsibility for creating evil
being a God, he doesn't have to explain this
how convenient
That's a lie.
>I know better than God himself.
fedoras pls
If you read the Revelation, you'll find that all evil is eradicated.
Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.
The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.
Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”
And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
Jesus is not my prophet. While he is a prophet in a technical term, speaking what God says to speak to the people, He is God Himself.
If you only think Jesus is a prophet, you are a hellbound Jew or Muslim. Take your pick.
That's a lie.
rah in that verse is "calamities" like hurricanes, tidal waves, tornadoes, things like that. That are not evil. But they do contrast with the preceding verses about peace and sunshine.
>implying I'm not God
>ITT Chrisidiots get BTFO
>If you only think Jesus is a prophet, you are a hellbound Jew or Muslim.
>>I know better than God himself.
How do I know that is the word of god, and not some random bullshit that someone else wrote? Because the same source claims itself to be self-evident? Don't make me laugh.
Judas thought of Jesus only as a rabbi, and is in hell right now.
By going directly to the source and demanding God prove himself to you.
>tfw to intelligent too be monotheistic
Which one?
John 6:70 Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?”
Matthew 26:25 Then Judas, who was betraying Him, answered and said, “Rabbi, is it I?” He said to him, “You have said it.”
Your spiritual father is the father of lies, but somehow you suck at spotting them. Curious.
Plato made that quote when he was promoting Gnosticism. Usually that quote is attributed to a non-existent charectar
>talks about Christians having contradictory beliefs
>shown those beliefs aren't contradictory
>b-but there's no proof the beliefs are true
oh sweetie just getting btfo over and over again today, huh?
The actual factuality of Christian beliefs has nothing to do with the subject at hand.
Judas is dead, not in Hell.
It's sad you cannot even guess by contextual clues.
I'll give you a hint.
The second one.
I already did, God told me Christianity was bullshit and everyone who believes in it is going to Hell to burn forever.
Only those who accept Zoroastrianism will be given salvation.
I was told the same as well.
Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
That's where dead people go.
If you want to quibble and say he is in the Torment side of Hades awaiting trial to be cast into the lake of fire, Gehenna, I was not aware we were discussing this issue at that level of specificity.
If you think you are an animal that ceases to exist upon death, you are obviously quite mistaken and woefully unprepared for the afterlife.
What is the source then.
Iranian Judaism is the answer?
>God is good and will do what he claims
>Because the Bible says so
>How can the Bible be reliable
>Because god says so :^)
You will never escape circular reasoning when it comes to Christians.
Hell doesn't exist.
>Yes it does-
No it doesn't, fuck off you delusional idiot.
Because the Holy Spirit of God inspired the 40 authors of the 66 books of the bible to speak the truth, only the truth, and nothing but the truth, and brought all things to their remembrance. It's the only holy book on the planet.
It's a fucking mental illness without a doubt.
Really disturbing to watch in action.